PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
You're halfway there!Props to you for recognizing that BioShock 2 sucked compared to the first and Infinite.
Now you just have to recognize that Infinite also sucks in comparison to Bioshock one.
Excluding Burial at Sea episode two.
If you have thirty-six minutes for your contentment to be crushed, go ahead and watch this intelligent video.
These characters, mayne. This world, mayne. Ethereal. Sublime. Lost, but not wanting to be found. Adjectives. Yes.
Gotta throw in some nostalgia factor with Super Smash Bros Melee, first console game, age four. That Gamecube controller rules, and my experiences on that game and on the Smash 64 a few months prior at a friends house probably game me my fighting game love.
Anyone want to cry together? It feels great.
Damn, dude. Videogames rule.
We got Mass Effect worlds, connected platforming creation fun with LittleBigPlanet, musical platforming in Rayman Legends, exploration of the human condition in Journey, pure charm in The Unfinished Swan... There are far too many to even try to continue mentioning.
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