Meta saltmine
But then NRS won't be able to pretend that the game is balanced on the basis that someone manages to carry an average character into top-something haven every now and then because even top tier character players can guess that 50/50 wrong.More thinking, less coin-flip dice-toss button pressing in these NRS games please.
Meanwhile whoever plays something with overheads whiffing on crouching opponents stays where he is.
That has been proven to be the cycle of improvement though. If community doesn't "whine" it means you're probably looking at one with "deal with it" attitude playing a game that is broken beyond any repair, rather than a community built around a game that is well-balanced.It's "The Cycle" Bro lol.
They don't have to be like that though. Skullgirls has shown us that with the right basic mech in the game grappler can be a-okay-ish without being OP despite having all the tools in the world (including like 4 different grabs, invulnerable moves, armored command dash into what is pretty much optional 33/33/33, air mobility and counterzoning tools such as long-reaching normal and projectile parry).grapplers are always like that lol
Game designers should just stop being scared to death by throws and similar "unfair" moves and leaving such characters without decent normals, or specific tools that may be vital, or both. "B-b-but unblockables!.." mentality is what's behind Grundy and Ares being hindered on high level IMO.
Pretty sure that's not a "bug" per se, but consequence of the way the game reads buffered inputs to allow shortcuts (like d1b2 for d1~db2). Or maybe I didn't get what you're saying. In any case I hope MKX will have more options to satisfy more people playing different characters and preferring different controls. Someone who doesn't need d1~bf-something cancel will still be able to use shortcuts without getting on other players' nerves.If a special move is perform by doing doan back or down forward if you do down down back/forward the move still comes put that's why you see all of players get a special move when they are trying to do d1. I honestly don't understand how something like that can be in a fighting game
That just shows how much damage was done by months of f23.Capcomers still think Supes and Adam are top.
Tbh I'd rather have a game with basic shit being easy to do as long as there's no bulls in that shit.That's why I don't like injustice. It's far too easy to do BS in this game.
I don't get some people's fascination with stuff that would pass for bad interface in a game of any other genre. Personal opinion ofc.
That said, 50/50 are powerful in this game not because they are easy to do, but because they often require no conditioning/setups and/or commitment. Maybe that's what you mean, I dunno, you made it sound like you're talking about execution more than anything. Sorry if I misunderstood something.
And speaking of Aqua's trait since someone mentioned it. It looks like at one point there was a solid design behind it. Like, in a game with safe mixups you have to trait up to get the same, but you get reach as a compensation. It didn't quite work well it seems due to, again, basic design decisions used in IGAU. Or because NRS forgot what was the idea initially