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Pokemon X and Y - Discussion/Friend Code Exchange

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Man I do not enjoy random ice beam freezes. You tank a hit with good ole Mandibuzz and the bitch gets frozen.

Such bullshit
many hax
wow 10% freeze

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I love my current showdown team

I am now a huge fan of Mega Zard X.

I just need to find a better Special Attacker to compliment him. Any suggestions?
Right now I'm running Life Orb Destiny Bond Gengar
and Specially Defensive Heatran.
I'd like to replace heatran. Just do not know with.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
I'm guessing Talonflame, Keldeo/Aegislash, Kanghaskan, Gengar and whoever

I love my current showdown team

I am now a huge fan of Mega Zard X.

I just need to find a better Special Attacker to compliment him. Any suggestions?
Right now I'm running Life Orb Destiny Bond Gengar
and Specially Defensive Heatran.
I'd like to replace heatran. Just do not know with.
I mean you have a lot of options. Depends on what you like really. What do you like or what type do you need. Heatran is really good.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I love my current showdown team

I am now a huge fan of Mega Zard X.

I just need to find a better Special Attacker to compliment him. Any suggestions?
Right now I'm running Life Orb Destiny Bond Gengar
and Specially Defensive Heatran.
I'd like to replace heatran. Just do not know with.
yer gonna hate it, but Keldeo.

Also, yeah I made a new Megazard X team too and I'm using the bulky DD set, it is way to easy to win with haha. I love Megazard X, but idk there is something about Y that attracts me to it. Could be the fact he hits like a Gundam.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Idk how to go about choosing pokemon for teams so if someone could tell me one that/d be cool
The way I always build teams is take the one Pokemon that I want to be the main focus of the team, and then build the rest to support it as much as possible. I usually build around my mega, which pokemon help support it and give it an easier time at winning while not providing any major weaknesses to it at the same time.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
yer gonna hate it, but Keldeo.
i sorta vomited.

i see it and just think "why is a My Little Pony in pokemanz"

I see why though.

I also ran into a stupid good Mega-Medicham. Life Orb Fakeouts can be a real bitch.


I've ran into MULTIPLE uses of Malamar. Holy shit that thing will wreck you so hard if you aren't ready. I was talking to chance one day about it actually. I just coudln't ever figure out where it fit in.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
i sorta vomited.

i see it and just think "why is a My Little Pony in pokemanz"

I see why though.

I also ran into a stupid good Mega-Medicham. Life Orb Fakeouts can be a real bitch.


I've ran into MULTIPLE uses of Malamar. Holy shit that thing will wreck you so hard if you aren't ready. I was talking to chance one day about it actually. I just coudln't ever figure out where it fit in.
If you don't like Keldeo you can go the Greninja route too though. Malamar is literally just knowing what yer up against. If you aren't ready though it can most definitely mess you up lol.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
If you don't like Keldeo you can go the Greninja route too though. Malamar is literally just knowing what yer up against. If you aren't ready though it can most definitely mess you up lol.
Galvantula has saved me many times from Psychic users. He's fast and has a sash LOL. Quagsire's that don't expect it to have Energy Ball/Giga Drain also get fudged.

Sometimes man..... i make godlike reads.... and then others..... i get 10% frozen twice in the same match.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Galvantula has saved me many times from Psychic users. He's fast and has a sash LOL. Quagsire's that don't expect it to have Energy Ball/Giga Drain also get fudged.

Sometimes man..... i make godlike reads.... and then others..... i get 10% frozen twice in the same match.
I know this pain man, if I explained to you some of the hax that happen to me man...it's bull.

Check it, Had an Azumarill belly drummed up against an Aegislash. I KNOW he is going to king's shield, so I superpower so that I don't lose my attack boost. Next turn if I hit with play rough it okho's guaranteed....HE USES KING'S SHIELD AGAIN AND GET THE DOUBLE PROTECT, LIVES THE PLAY ROUGH WITH 8% and I lose. But Joker double protects happen...yer right they do, how bout this though. THE EXACT SAME MOTHER FUCKING THING HAPPENS THE EXACT SAME MOTHAFUCKIN WAY THE NEXT BATTLE. That was when my salt got the best of me and I cursed at my opponent and quit for the day...I had lost to a lot of hax that day lol. Like I lost 150 points due to just hax, I counted.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I know this pain man, if I explained to you some of the hax that happen to me man...it's bull.

Check it, Had an Azumarill belly drummed up against an Aegislash. I KNOW he is going to king's shield, so I superpower so that I don't lose my attack boost. Next turn if I hit with play rough it okho's guaranteed....HE USES KING'S SHIELD AGAIN AND GET THE DOUBLE PROTECT, LIVES THE PLAY ROUGH WITH 8% and I lose. But Joker double protects happen...yer right they do, how bout this though. THE EXACT SAME MOTHER FUCKING THING HAPPENS THE EXACT SAME MOTHAFUCKIN WAY THE NEXT BATTLE. That was when my salt got the best of me and I cursed at my opponent and quit for the day...I had lost to a lot of hax that day lol. Like I lost 150 points due to just hax, I counted.

Hax and Crits. The worst feelings.

I will say this..... my Gengar has only missed on a focus blast like 3 times in probably 40 games. Yet the 3 times he missed were all on fucking Bisharp and then Bisharp woudl sweep my team.
Fuck that guy.


Salt Proprietor of TYM

Hax and Crits. The worst feelings.

I will say this..... my Gengar has only missed on a focus blast like 3 times in probably 40 games. Yet the 3 times he missed were all on fucking Bisharp and then Bisharp woudl sweep my team.
Fuck that guy.
Bisharp is so freaking scary, anytime I defog and give him that attack boost I'm like, "FUUUUUUUUUUUU!"


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
@xKhaoTik Still want that Moody Snorunt? It's a male and doesn't know Spikes, but it is 4IV (-Atk and Def) and Timid. I also have a 5IV (-Def) male Klefki that knows Spikes that I can give you to breed with Snorunt if you need it.


The Ignore Button Is Free
@xKhaoTik Still want that Moody Snorunt? It's a male and doesn't know Spikes, but it is 4IV (-Atk and Def) and Timid. I also have a 5IV (-Def) male Klefki that knows Spikes that I can give you to breed with Snorunt if you need it.
I'm not too worried about spikes but I'm still down for the snorunt.

Anyone online that can help me get Gengar?