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I just saw Transformers(SPOILERS).

For everyone else.
I just saw Transformers! It was CRAZZZZZZY.
I love the action scenes.
I love how that new villain looked. The one with the green lasers? He was total badass. But I love the cars they had.
Pagani Huarya. The spelling might be skippy on that last word. But it looks beautiful.
I also loved that Lamborghini Reventón. Or Aventador I couldn't tell.
But dont let me get started on Bumblebee.
He was the bomb as usual. His punchlines if they call it that were good.
Like that part when they were showcasing the new transformers and talking down on Bumblebee? I liked how he kicked it and the bad ppl said, "What are you doing?" And bumblebee played the "Cant touch this" song.
But anyways I was a little disappointed they didnt bring back Sam. Furthermore do you think there will be another transformers?


"On your Knees!"
Lockdown was pretty badass, It was cool how they have his seond Transformation as a Gun but in the G1 1984 cartoon Megatron was a Gun as well I wonder why they didnt have Megatron as a Gun in the movies he was in. Also it was cheesy that Optimus was riding Grimlock, other than that it was alright.
I actually thought Prime was gonna die lol
Lockdown was pretty badass, It was cool how they have his seond Transformation as a Gun but in the G1 1984 cartoon Megatron was a Gun as well I wonder why they didnt have Megatron as a Gun in the movies he was in. Also it was cheesy that Optimus was riding Grimlock, other than that it was alright.


Scrub God Lord
all transformer movies are shit, but then again am not a big fan.
transformers fans have the same issues that I have with super hero movies, no matter how shite they are I still enjoy them.
I liked the GL movie so there is that
I do love a flash movie no matter how bad it is


Gonna watch this tonight.. I reallllly hope they didnt fuck up the dinobots, like how they did with megatron :/

Matador Fiend

I fuckin loved it. Screw the haters. Loved the cartoons and toys as a kid. The first movie was awesome, 2nd and 3rd were crap, but this one delivered.

No sam "no,no,no,no,no!" witwicky, no Optimus Prime acting like annoying old man river and legit action scenes

As a lifelong Megatron fanboy, I liked what happened.


Angry Joshua
Everyone has their own opinion
and the opinion of most critics is that its ass....
Not trying to sound like a hater.....I study film at OSU and after learning what makes a movie "good" (Acting, direction, dialog, character development, and cinematography) I can't really enjoy Transformers beyond it just being a circle jerk of metal, explosions, cheesy dialog and forgettable characters.

But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
I havnt seen the new one set, seen the other 3 though, they could be worse. I wish they kept more of a G1 feel about it but bay wanted things his way. Peter cullen as optimus was awesome though, shame they didnt bring in welker for megatron but hey w/e
When critic consensus is that extremely on the side of "its trash", at that point you stop discounting it as opinion, given theirs usually differs from critic to critic.

But every critic has panned this movie for being terribad like all the others.

Safe to say it sucked.


-The movie was the biggest mix of "HOLY CRAP AWESOME" and "wow that's the worst/cheesiest/lamest dialogue and acting" I've ever seen in a movie.
-I like that there were less jokes, but it seemed that the ones they did make were lamer and less clever.
-The special effects were top-notch.
-Lockout was an awesome villain, nice Boba Fett feel to him.
-Kelsey Grammer was excellent.
-Marky Mark was ok.
-His daughter and her boyfriend were downright painful the entire film.
-John Goodman's character felt out of place and they should retire the "fat Autobot" type. If they want variety in robot designs, maybe make their models more unique--the Japanese robot was an excellent example of this. Really cool design.
-The cars were exceptionally cool this time around.
-The movie was WAY too long, could've easily shaved off 20 minutes. The middle arc of the film felt really... unfocused.
-It needed more robot FIGHT scenes. Most of the action sequences were explosions, rockets, or Lockout's gravity gun (which was awesome, but the scene lasted too long).
-The setup at the end could be an excellent segue into a more space-themed 5th and 6th movies.
-Less humans. Less humans. Less humans. Why do they do this?


Divekick x 1000
Looked like shit from the trailers. Only one I could remotely stand was the first movie. Glad I didn't pay or even download off TPB to watch it.

Michael Bay is an atrocity. Except for Pain and Gain, which still wasn't the greatest, but better than all his other shit movies.


Looked like shit from the trailers. Only one I could remotely stand was the first movie. Glad I didn't pay or even download off TPB to watch it.

Michael Bay is an atrocity. Except for Pain and Gain, which still wasn't the greatest, but better than all his other shit movies.
Michael Bay is only an atrocity if you expect him to be Martin Scorsese. He has said multiple times that he enjoys making action flicks for teenagers. He doesn't pretend to be a lofty director with lofty aspirations, so he cannot fail at said goal. However, I will agree that some of his Transformers movies (namely 2 and 4) really push the envelope for uninspired media--but then again, he's probably fully aware of this. Also, he must have really low standards for script writers on a lot of his films.

To agree with you though--Pain and Gain was easily his best movie. I think it was very very solid.


Plus on block.
It wasn't great, but it was entertaining, and it was fucking miles better than the first 3.

Well, at least 2 and 3.

Loved Lockdwon.

You know, until this happened.



all transformer movies are shit, but then again am not a big fan.
transformers fans have the same issues that I have with super hero movies, no matter how shite they are I still enjoy them.
I liked the GL movie so there is that
I do love a flash movie no matter how bad it is
a lot of super hero movies are good though