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Block Button Vs B2B. Why does it bother you?


"On your Knees!"
Me personally either one doesnt bother me at all, IMO if you are a true player you have to adapt to the game regardless what it has but since ppl are bitching about which one is better or worse why does it bother you? Do you automatically dont play the certain game b/c of that thing or is it because of something else like Dial Combos vs Linkers?


Master of Quanculations
We already have plenty of discussion about this. But I'll state my simple case:

1) I like being able to go from low block to high block but simply releasing down.
2) I don't like walking backwards, losing space, just because I'm attempting to block and he doesn't attack.
3. I think crossups are dumb, always have. If I'm blocking, I should block your attack. I shouldn't get hit because I can't see that the tip of your butt hit the back of my scalp.


"On your Knees!"
We already have plenty of discussion about this. But I'll state my simple case:

1) I like being able to go from low block to high block but simply releasing down.
2) I don't like walking backwards, losing space, just because I'm attempting to block and he doesn't attack.
3. I think crossups are dumb, always have. If I'm blocking, I should block your attack. I shouldn't get hit because I can't see that the tip of your butt hit the back of my scalp.
Yeah I guess, then maybe if there wasnt chip damage due to block I guess the outcome of every match in history would have been different.

OG Mannimal

OG "OG Mannimal" Mannimal
I don't like having a block button because it restricts my movement a lot. I wish MK didn't have a block button personally, but I know the block button is a staple of the MK games so I'm not gonna ask for it to be removed or anything like that. But yeah I prefer B2B. Also, cross ups exist with B2B


Evil but Honest!
Me personally either one doesnt bother me at all, IMO if you are a true player you have to adapt to the game regardless what it has but since ppl are bitching about which one is better or worse why does it bother you? Do you automatically dont play the certain game b/c of that thing or is it because of something else like Dial Combos vs Linkers?
If you don't like Block Button go play other game , MKX will use Block Button and there is nothing you can do about it!


So how does a block button do anything other than increase your ability to move around the stage and defend immediately. Back to block restricts movement by it's very definition. In injustice you are either a) holding back and increasing the distance between you you and your opponent or b) holding down and not moving at all. B2b decreases movement.


"On your Knees!"
If you don't like Block Button go play other game , MKX will use Block Button and there is nothing you can do about it!
Lol im not saying IM not gonna play it if you read my OP in the first sentence I said "Either one doesnt really bother me at all" stating I play MK and SF. but if you have read that I wouldn't have explained myself or give my answer:DOGE


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
High, low, or throw are plenty of mixup options. Left and Right adds a bit too much, and having to lose ground to block overhead projectiles or long range moves is a nuisance.
Block button games necessitate reads based upon action, and movement, while back to block games force reads based upon pure chance based guesses.
We already have plenty of discussion about this. But I'll state my simple case:

1) I like being able to go from low block to high block but simply releasing down.
2) I don't like walking backwards, losing space, just because I'm attempting to block and he doesn't attack.
3. I think crossups are dumb, always have. If I'm blocking, I should block your attack. I shouldn't get hit because I can't see that the tip of your butt hit the back of my scalp.
100% agreed. Cross-ups are a wonky by product of a flawed system. It has become accepted by many, and erroneously regarded as "real tech". It isn't. A dedicated block button fixes this flaw, plus it eliminates a handful of other problems that directional blocking causes. My opinion, of course. But it also happens to be fact.


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
3. I think crossups are dumb, always have. If I'm blocking, I should block your attack. I shouldn't get hit because I can't see that the tip of your butt hit the back of my scalp.
This is essentially the main thing for me. Ambiguous cross-ups are stupid. When not even the attackers knows what side they're going to be on, it takes so much skill out of the equation.


B2B works well in games that don't have half the characters able to teleport/cross-up.

MK isn't one of those games.

I:GAU would've been a lot more bearable if it had a fucking block button. Sure, I got used to it eventually, but you're just so much more open to getting hit with stupid shit when you've gotta walk backwards to block. That's why I always had trouble with Superman and to this day still think he's the most bullshit character in that game. As well as half the cast, but that's a different story.

My point is, yeah, unless every character suddenly can't teleport in MK, it's not happening.

Street Fighter and Tekken get away with it because it doesn't really affect things as much. And I guess it fits that kind of play-style a lot more.


The block button can make for some really wonky movement (dash blocking) and you don't get crossups. Crossups are fun. MK relies on more high/low mixups which is the same exact argument as not liking crossups. I think that both are nice and as long as the strings in NRS games aren't too silly (like Green Arrow's F2D13), then it's all good fun. Since MKX doesn't really have dash block canceling then it might be a little less goofy looking.


"On your Knees!"
Different games have different mechanics. It doesn't matter the blocking command if you like the game.

People who like block button... like MK..

People who like back to block like SF/IGAU...

Pretty much, I was just wondering if ppl didnt play a certain game because of it.


B2B works well in games that don't have half the characters able to teleport/cross-up.

MK isn't one of those games.

I:GAU would've been a lot more bearable if it had a fucking block button. Sure, I got used to it eventually, but you're just so much more open to getting hit with stupid shit when you've gotta walk backwards to block. That's why I always had trouble with Superman and to this day still think he's the most bullshit character in that game. As well as half the cast, but that's a different story.

My point is, yeah, unless every character suddenly can't teleport in MK, it's not happening.

Street Fighter and Tekken get away with it because it doesn't really affect things as much. And I guess it fits that kind of play-style a lot more.
How on earth does back-to-block give you trouble with Superman? Just hold down/downback--his overheads are really telegraphed. WTF? This is like fighting games 101.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
I like the block button b/c it doesn't make me sit still or walk backwards when I'm not actually wanting to do either.

Also it takes a little more effort to open someone up, which I prefer whether I'm attacking or defending... If attacking I have to think of how I want to try to mix up my opponent... I can't just do a j2 (not knowing myself whether it will cross up or not) and just get a "hey look, it hit!" combo for being unsure of what I'm doing.


"On your Knees!"
B2B works well in games that don't have half the characters able to teleport/cross-up.

MK isn't one of those games.

I:GAU would've been a lot more bearable if it had a fucking block button. Sure, I got used to it eventually, but you're just so much more open to getting hit with stupid shit when you've gotta walk backwards to block. That's why I always had trouble with Superman and to this day still think he's the most bullshit character in that game. As well as half the cast, but that's a different story.

My point is, yeah, unless every character suddenly can't teleport in MK, it's not happening.

Street Fighter and Tekken get away with it because it doesn't really affect things as much. And I guess it fits that kind of play-style a lot more.
Yeah in SF the only characters that can teleport are Dhalsim, Akuma, Seth and M.Bison I believe at one point, but after they teleport they dont punch like Scorp and the other ninjas that do, they just move.


Mechanical Engineering Bitch!
100% agreed. Cross-ups are a wonky by product of a flawed system. It has become accepted by many, and erroneously regarded as "real tech". It isn't. A dedicated block button fixes this flaw, plus it eliminates a handful of other problems that directional blocking causes. My opinion, of course. But it also happens to be fact.
The ignorance is strong with this one. No, cross-ups are not a wonky product of a flawed system. The back to block system is not flawed for it has worked wonderfully for pretty much every fighter except for MK. Crossups are real tech and most games are designed with that in mind. For example, not many characters can combo off of their overheads in Sf4. (hell, many characters don't have any) Instead it makes up for it with crossups.

Honestly, there were hardly any "facts" at all in your comment and you didn't even elaborate on the "handful of other problems." Want to talk facts? How about we talk about the "handful of problems" that the block button caused in MK9.