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Which character/s do you HATE facing the most or have trouble with?

Which character is the MOST annoying to deal with in MK9?

  • Total voters
I'm surprised I don't see more Smoke rage in this thread. Smoke is the definition of mad for me. Literally. I'm steaming when I play that asshole of a character.

"Tag you're it! Hehe, come chase me guys!" *Smoke Away, Smoke Away, Smoke Away*

"No, you can't throw projectiles at me silly! :D" *Shake* This is of course including EN Shake which can be used to as a counter to physical attacks as well. Imagine if Night Wolf's reflect caused you to punch yourself in the face. Retarded.

"Don't whiff strings. Hell, let me just throw this out there for the sake of it!" *Teleport Punch*

It's like they couldn't decide what to give Smoke, so they just gave him everything; Air throw included. He has every tool necessary in this game. What really bugs me is that his Smoke Bomb projectile does damage if you get caught by it, and it's one of the projectiles that leads to further damage. It's like the logic of character design just trailed off. No damage for Cyrax Net(thank god) and Ice Ball for Sub, but Smoke gets it anyway.

I'll take Mileena D4, Raiden Teleport spam, and Kung Lao pressure/spin anyday over Smoke.

Pick up kitana... I laugh when my opponent chooses smoke. I dare them to. He can't touch you with damage when he's outside range. dash block towards him, poke if he smoke-towards or smoke-aways. Block tele and punish. He's easy.

edit: Hate playing mileena and raiden is a pain in the ass. Kung lao is also obviously annoying. every so often i get surprised by a sheeva.


Don't Hate!
My answer is one of the obvious ones.

I truly dislike playing Scorpion and Raiden players. It is just NOT FUN AT ALL to play against people who do the same thing, with the same strategy, time and time again. Raiden's do that stupid superman to get you into the corner and then just do the same corner combo over and over and over.

Scorpions do 1,1,1 spear, wakeup teleport, hellfire, teleport, teleport, teleport, and it's not even that they are hard to beat, but they are genuinely not fun to play against.


Seems the vote so far refelcts my view. Hate facing Kung, Raiden and Kitana the most. I don't like facing Noob either. Not because he's hard to beat, but I just find his style pretty tedious to play against000. I just don't find it fun. I can only play a few matches against Noob at a time.


Online only ofc:

1) KL - 24 low hat, 24 low hat, 24 low hat x infinity. After getting knocked down: spin spin. Yup even if they hit you with the first spin so often you see a 2nd one come out because of how hard they were mashing that shit.

2)Raiden - Teleport whilst opponent is blocking? = +10000 advantage.

3) Reptile:

1. Block elbow dash.
2. Great time to punish with a full combo!
3. Get elbow dashed again.
4. Outplayed.

Note: I have no problem with good players that use the above chars those are just some of the chars I find most annoying when played by someone thats braindead. If the players good I don't care what character they use.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
lol for those who hate Sheeva, just pick Sektor and spam his up missles, she'll eat them in her poochy every time :) If you use Sektor that is...


Sig Maker
lol for those who hate Sheeva, just pick Sektor and spam his up missles, she'll eat them in her poochy every time :) If you use Sektor that is...
Or pick Noob and do up clone - she'll eat a foot in her poot...


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Or pick Noob and do up clone - she'll eat a foot in her poot...
lol true.

Wow, just checked out the poll from the community in general. Mileena has more votes then Raiden :china: never thought I'd see that lol


Sig Maker
lol true.

Wow, just checked out the poll from the community in general. Mileena has more votes then Raiden :china: never thought I'd see that lol
Raiden is a character that is easily punishable on most things: poked out of block strings, punished on teleport (OK, it's not that easy,) superman is easily punished. Mileena has one trick too, but this trick pokes everyone and prevents jumpins and pisses people off - D4.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah that's true, I use Raiden(newer with him been using him a week now roughly) he's definitely good, but like you said very punishable which is why I think he's still not on KL level...then again nobody is lol.

Mileena's only issue is her D+4, they need to fix that hitbox so that the bitch can be hurt by overheads....fix that and she's hardly an issue. Her teleport already is one of the best and has priority over majority in the game.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Update: ok so with the patch coming out shortly, Reptile and KL will be nerfed. KL again...so you guys think Reptile will gain more votes with this topic over time? Some speculate he'll be rising in tier once this next patch is out. Guess we'll wait and see. I see KL has nearly 40 votes...

KL leading with Raiden runners up then Mileena and other characters not listed tied.


Come On Die Young
Update: ok so with the patch coming out shortly, Reptile and KL will be nerfed. KL again...so you guys think Reptile will gain more votes with this topic over time? Some speculate he'll be rising in tier once this next patch is out. Guess we'll wait and see.
Why do you say that? His elbow dash is the only thing people have been having trouble with, and now it will be more easily punishable. Even with an armored slide, that's going to stay punishable too. If anything, he'll move to high A tier/low S tier with that. If anything happens to Raiden too, I still think Kabal will be higher up than Reptile.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Some people think the ex slide having armor will be a big deal(not all) but some as you can see from the patch update topic lol.


An average Raiden as Saibot.
No zoning capabilities and no way to land a punch because that teleport just wrecks me.
Some of the most infuriating matches honestly. But it's a good learning experience even if I bust a few blood vessels.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Nice avy ^ The Question rocks!

Yeah, with Noob you don't want to jump because the teleport just snags ya every time lol.

Raiden it's hard to impossible to zone, but lately for me It's hard between KL and Mileena's lol


kung lao is far the bitchest character: the spin works as a counter/anti air his normals are great and his FUCKING low hat is really a pain in the ass.
I hate playing against a really good Kabal. It justs seems like they take away all of your options onine with the dash cancel and instant air fireballs so much that it isn't even fun. Also hate playing Mileena and Kung Lao. For some reason, I enjoy playing against Raiden. Raiden is all about strategy so that makes you play your character much more strategically as well. I find Sub Zero mirrors fun for the same reason.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

These Sheeva innuendos are killing me.

Pick Cyrax, step out of the way of the telestomp and hit a BF2 - put a saw in her snatch.

*waits for a Jade or Stryker player to one-up him*

EDIT: Oh, right, the poll...Lao wins by a long shot.
He has so many outs, there's no definitive way to beat him. He has a backup plan for the backup plans on his backup plans.

Massive Kano

Black Dragon

He may not be a "real" character for sanctioned tournaments, but he's seen more and more lately on PSN. It's all arrows and parries. Arrows dominate most projectile wars and his parry works on anything but low pokes. So you poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke.

Fuck, it takes forever.


Get staffed bro

He may not be a "real" character for sanctioned tournaments, but he's seen more and more lately on PSN. It's all arrows and parries. Arrows dominate most projectile wars and his parry works on anything but low pokes. So you poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke.

Fuck, it takes forever.
1. Jump in with no attack
2. Parry whiffs
3. Full combo starting from ground
4. ...
5. Profit?


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
When I played online quite a bit, it was the army of Scorpions.
Offline, Kabal seems to always kick my ass.