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Which character/s do you HATE facing the most or have trouble with?

Which character is the MOST annoying to deal with in MK9?

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the special effects

No VB pressure
b312 and 334 are unsafe
Elbow Dash can cause superman to completely whiff


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah, they are annoying I admit...but then I think of KL's damn dive kicks...and I think, Cyb Sub is nothing compared to him lol.


As a Cyber Sub Zero player, I cannot stand Quan Chi. Its like he was created just to shut down Cyber.
.....Not sure if serious. Assuming you are, Please go to the Quan Chi matchup thread started by REO. Though unfinished, he will break down exactly why Quan Chi v. Cyber Sub is the most lopsided matchup in the entire game....oh, it's in Cyber's favor.


Kung Lao- His extreme pressure, low hat mixups, and spin shenanigans.
Reptile - Forceball and dash shenanigans
Raiden - Boring and retarded fight.
Mileena- Annoying low poke with an extremely ridiculous hitbox. Even jumpkicks whiff half the time!
Freddy- Self explanatory
Thats about it.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Nice breakdown ^ I agree with just about all of that except Freddy with himself, his damage is bs but will get patched(thank god lol) but in terms of annoying to play, so far no freddy has bested my Ermac, Sektor or Smoke.

But KL, Rep, Mileena, Raiden I agree...Raiden's are predictable most of them. I'm a Raiden user myself and must admit, his tactics are rather teleport+throw or combo, rinse and repeat with superman.

IMO they have to nerf KL again, or remove his low hat all together. Reptile's dash as mentioned, Raiden is fine now...but is just a annoying to fight, Mileena's crouching nonsense needs to be fixed with the hitbox I totally agree...

Freddy, well it's good to hear they're fixing him with the glitch and damage....


El Psy Congroo
I don't think I can pick just one, I play a variety of characters a lot with some annoying matchups. I guess online people who play Ermac and Reptile can be pretty annoying. Ermac because when I do cross over punch they do tks and it catches me with autocorrect, really annoying cause it leads into huge damage with an easy combo. Reptile is annoying cause of dash and because again easy combos off his projectiles, mostly his dash though. Kung Lao and Raiden can also be annoying due to superman, teleport, low hat and spin. Not hard to predict or anything just makes the matchup boring to play, I like to go into mixups and a lot of the times when I start pressure a simple spin or teleport can get them out.


i say reptile...

since my lack of a local scene forces me to play online, dash spam is incredibly annoying. I have to assess my punishes depending on the connection.

I would say Freddy but in the 15 or so I've seen they have all been absolute garbage


Dojo Trainee
As a Cyber Sub Zero player, I cannot stand Quan Chi. Its like he was created just to shut down Cyber.
...This could not be any more the opposite.

Anyway, my four most hated are Scorpion, Raiden, Kano and Smoke. It's not even that they're difficult to play, it just... Really isn't fun, at all. Scrubby Kung Laos are just as bad, though if I'm in a close matchup with a really good Kung Lao, it can actually be a lot of fun.

He's "raging dash" move or whatever the hell it's called always get's me. If I played MK vs DCU then I'd probably would have the same issue with The Flash, since there pretty much the same thing.


City Slicker
Cyber sub. When you have played him as much as I have, you'll know that a rushdown on him can be bad if the person knows how to play him.

Sent from my phizzone


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
i say reptile...

since my lack of a local scene forces me to play online, dash spam is incredibly annoying. I have to assess my punishes depending on the connection.

I would say Freddy but in the 15 or so I've seen they have all been absolute garbage

Yeah, Rep's dash is annoying online especially lol...


Sub-Zero player

the fights that make me put in the most work are Sindel, Mileena, Reptile, Ermac, Skarlet... and sometimes Smoke.


...This could not be any more the opposite.

Anyway, my four most hated are Scorpion, Raiden, Kano and Smoke. It's not even that they're difficult to play, it just... Really isn't fun, at all. Scrubby Kung Laos are just as bad, though if I'm in a close matchup with a really good Kung Lao, it can actually be a lot of fun.
Complete agree with you, accept for Smoke. Smoke is a pretty easy matchup for me. However, Kano is an absolute bitch. I just can't punish his Upball and Kanoball on reaction :/

Mr. Rager

Mr. IhaveacrushonBi-Han
Its sad when Im facing a expert Cyrax and I know if I get caught in his net JUST ONCE. I eat a damn 60-80% reset combo.
Bomb traps over and over again and get caught in his net just once and the match is over.
Broken. Just... so broken.

...I'm not even going into this one.
...fuck her air fan toss lol
Sub zero... I feel like such a fucking scrub against him.

SZ: Clone
Me: OH a piece of candy
SZ: Clone
Me: OH a piece of candy
SZ: Clone
Me: OH a piece of candy
SZ: Clone
haha ditto on that

least favorite is raiden, i keep hearing that rep vs raiden should be easy, but i cannot beat raiden for the life of me...no matter how skilled or unskilled the other person is as soon as i see them pick raiden i know im going to get wiped all over the place.

1st runner up is kung lao, which im not sure why, guess im just playing better kung laos then i was in the past, but im working on a new kung lao strategy so well see how long he stays at 2nd place

2nd runner up, reptile....i f'ing hate mirror matches. i think that as reptile im pretty good, so when i play another good reptile i find that they play like me and there is nothing more infuriating then falling for the same tricks that you pull on other people, truely maddening

Mr. Rager

Mr. IhaveacrushonBi-Han
Sub zero... I feel like such a fucking scrub against him.

SZ: Clone
Me: OH a piece of candy
SZ: Clone
Me: OH a piece of candy
SZ: Clone
Me: OH a piece of candy
SZ: Clone
THIS! lol I feel like my IQ drops a point every single time I fall for it in a single match