Skkra: Is wearing his shirt like a scarf and talking into his bottle of DeKonick.
GGA MAX: Snatches Rickyraw's gatorade flask after suspicions arouse.
Youphemism: Is posing for the camera. There is no camera.
Karried: Got a little Karried away. Is now stumbling.
RM Truth: Tells PantyChrist that he doesn't even like Batgirl.
Panty Christ: "I like the...the *hiccup*
concept of a Batgirl, you k..you know...but...but her....her earlier work *hiccup* is much....much....Madonna....
Coolwhip+LtLuthor: Apologize to each other, embarassed.
Lilith: Starts singing: "Making my way down town, walking fast faces passed, and I'm homebound"
JLU51306: Sits in his chair doing nothing. Or so it seems; he's actually doing a tri force 3DS launch line impression.
STB Shujinkydink : Still fairly sober, investigates the bar he and the others are in in only to make a terrifying discovery
Rickyraws: Gets his flask snatched away by Max. Panics.