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What do you look for in a character


Toys can't save you!
I only main hot characters.

Everyone is hot in Soulcalibur.
Poison is hot so I use her.
Sindel is hot so I use her.
All the female characters in Injustice are hot so I use most of them.
Anna Williams is hella hot.

So they usually have to be sassy/flirty/a crybaby and fit my play style.


Characters based around frustrating the opponent, which mostly means space-controlling characters. Super-fast rushdown annoys me because I feel that it turns the fight into a contest of who can hit buttons the best rather than a battle of strategy. As such, I have a beef with how games have tended to shift in the direction of rapid-button-pushing fests, and I see it as having bred a generation of gamers with little patience or mental fortitude, and no mind for strategy. So the characters I tend to enjoy are those that force people to slow down and play patiently, which seems to be inherently frustrating to many players.

Past mains:
SF4: Dhalsim, Gouken
MK9: Kenshi, Smoke
IGAU: Martian Manhunter, Batgirl
KI: Glacius, Fulgore

For MKX, so far, I'm liking the looks of both SZ's Grandmaster (ice clone) variant and Scorpion's Inferno (demon summoning) variant. Both seem like they COULD be really powerful if played right, but I think a lot will depend on the strength of their normals and EX options. I can't say that a lot of the new characters interest me as much. Cassie seems to honor her parents well, which is unfortunate for me, since I never liked either in any iteration of MK. D'vorah didn't show me anything that wowed me. She seems like a jack-of-all-trades. Kotal Khan seems interesting but clunky, though I am intrigued by his Sun God variant's ability to control the screen. Ferra/Tor is not my usual playstyle at all, but I'm very intrigued by the uniqueness of the character(s). I'll give them a shot, and might pursue further if one of the variants allows use of Ferra for screen control.


Waiting for Havik
I look for:
Objective: speed, agility,
Subjective: cool special moves, innovative gameplay (Lex in IGAU as an example), chracter design, aaaaaaannd... interesting wardrobe :cool:.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I generally go for whatever I like. Unless what I like doesn't fall within these parameters:

-Relatively basic execution requirements
-A flexible enough toolset that lets me have a chance at both the offensive and defensive sides of playstyles

When it comes to execution, I'm generally solid at being able to land what I need to land if it's not on the extreme side. But when it comes to pressing buttons in a fairly complex manner (like doing the pianoing for Gen's hands, being able to do anything with Viper, Marvel in general, etc), I'm super clumsy. It's not even a matter of "get better at it/practice more", I just flat out suck at moving my hands like that. Also, I'll play any character of any playstyle, so long as they have a shot at being capable of a versatile playstyle. They don't even have to be great at it, just be capable of versatility in the slightest...so generally I end up playing characters that have a projectile.


Kitana, Scorpion
I look for the ability to convert off of most/all exchanges and I look for substantial rewards off of those conversions.

I look for characters with strong momentum/comeback potential - either they can turn a hit into a vortex situation or a set-up situation or something fucked up that can turn a match around.

I look for characters who either have a presence on any given part of the screen OR can easily locate themselves to positions where their presence is felt.

I look for characters with low to mid level execution barriers. I try to avoid high execution characters.

I look for characters with good anti-airs. I hate jumping.

Most importantly, I look for characters with unlimited potential - characters I can just delve into training mode and always come out with something new in my arsenal.


TestYourMight SUCKS
1. Attractive appearance (badass costume and weapons)
2. Fast normals.
3. At least one strong escapable wakeup attack.
4. At least two strong and fast specials.
5. At least two uninterruptible 3-hit = low-mid-high and mid-high-low combo launchers.
6. Good anti-zoning tools to rush down those fullscreen keep away spammers who like to call themselves zoners lol.


the owl
- Must have a cool, original design
- Must have a cool, original story/background/personality
- Must NOT be a grappler type, if possible


Fabulous Goofball
- Is a male character, but I'll try picking up a female character if they're pretty bad ass with an interesting personality.
- Is a Beast character, or at least has a cool-looking character design
- Has a likeable and/or bad ass personality
- Has an interesting, and cool background story
- Has fun and interesting gameplay
- Non-Linear gameplan

My mains and secondaries from various fighting games:

Mortal Kombat:
Kano, Kenshi, Nightwolf, Reptile, Shang Tsung, Smoke

Bane, Green Arrow, Joker, Lobo, Martian Manhunter, Zod

Amane Nishiki, Rachael Alucard, Valkenhayn R Hellsing (Training with all three of these characters)

Street Fighter:
Decapre(When I get USFIV), Gen, Vega

Armor King, Dragunov, King, Kunimitsu, Lei Wulong

Soul Calibur:
Aeon, Mitsurugi, Raphael, Yoshimitsu


I tend to see how each character feel when I'm playing them. I try each character, do their moves and combos. Also I like character who can teleport and play lame lol. That's why I main smoke and raiden in mk9. They can be lame, get out tight situations and apply decent pressure when the time is right. So to sum it up.

-play the lame game
-feels right in my hands
-can apply pressure


Joker waiting room
Control. Usually a character that is primarily zoning based but can rush down if I see signs of weakness. Someone like pre-patch BA who could throw lightnings after most blocked projectiles or tiny whiffs, he lost that ability due to the removal of the trip-guard properties of normal lightning.

Subzero is also like that with his keepaway and corner pressure.


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
Broken af, or

-Fast, both in mobility/normals
-Cocky, idk why but I like 'em smug
-ridiculous rushdown or damage

Mk chars: Kung Lao, Kabal, Cyrax, jax
Injustice: Zod, flash, Aquaman, Superman
Tekken: Law, Lars, Steve
SSB PM: Zelda, Snake, Fox, Metaknight

Or if they're black i'll try them lol.

Groove Heaven

I like characters that are mostly well-rounded but focus more on zoning and playing defensively. I like to zonezonezone an then start start trying to make a read or bait a punish when they get too close to mindlessly zone. In MK9 I basically played 3 rushdown characters though, that's just what appealed to me within that system.

I prefer to play a high tier but sometimes I just pick a character before launch and decide to pray they're not a shitter and push them as far as I can (I'm currently doing this with Poison in USF4). I don't wanna be a low-tier hero in MKX so I hope Cassie is good, I think she's an amazing idea for a new MK character.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
1. Attractive or visually pleasing
2. Kicks ass
3. A go-to string that deals with most things in the game
4. Viable anti airs
5. Someone I can relate to