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What do you look for in a character


the answer is unclear.

what is really important when ppl say "must be a girl"?

a male is not playable.
what about a transvestite male who dresses like a woman?
what if that man was still sexually attracted to women though?
what if he was sexually attracted to men?
what if Zangief was officially a woman now?

i just dont get it, but dont worry id be equally confused if someone said they can only exclusively play males. is it the character appearance? personality? does it even come down to chromosomes?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I pick the character that represents better the way i play within the system, most of the time are high execution level, and are well rounded among all strategies.


Well-Known Gay Member
the answer is unclear.

what is really important when ppl say "must be a girl"?

a male is not playable.
what about a transvestite male who dresses like a woman?
what if that man was still sexually attracted to women though?
what if he was sexually attracted to men?
what if Zangief was officially a woman now?

i just dont get it, but dont worry id be equally confused if someone said they can only exclusively play males. is it the character appearance? personality? does it even come down to chromosomes?
Okay lemme tell you something majority of MK players who play women are usualy women and gays, now it's obvious why women play women, but gays is abit complicated. I guess it's some kind of connection - a strong woman who can kick a man's ass is something we don't get everyday, and it's inspiring in this MAN WORLD, which is probably also why gays usually (not always of course) have that 1 pop girl they look up to. Coz divas are fun, they are bitchy, strong and successful.

Also a drag queen player would be badass coz you know who are the best fighters in the LGBT community ? Drag Queens they kind of started the Gay Rights movement in the US when they fought against the Police in the 60s (Stonewall Riots drag queens were fighting against their arrest) :D There a little LGBT history lesson :D
It's all a question of who you relate to, i would relate to a character that is LGBT. That's all

I hope what i wrote isn't a mess, and it is a bit understandable :D


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I only play females for some odd reason even when I try to experiment with the whole cast.

My main has to be fast, mobile, and her tools have to be useful I hate characters that have tools that are useless. The look is a big factor as well, I have to also connect to the character in some way, such as the personality or their story line.Typically villain characters catch my eye especially when they are demonic and evil as hell. I don't enjoy zoning and I hate grapplers. Grapplers are typically big dumb and ugly and way too danm slow for my taste, I cannot play a character with who takes a week to travel across the screen. My main from MK9 was Mileena and I never actually had a secondary, in IGAU I mained HG, which likely the most unusual character I ever mained in a FG and I 2nded Batgirl. In SF I main Cammy and Chun Li, in SC it was Taki/Natsu.

I don't pick characters that everyone else mains simply because the top tiers and common characters are boring and have no substance and take almost no skill to pick up and use, I like to think and I like to be unusual. When IGAU dropped everyone went straight to AM, SM, and BM, I went for HQ and KF first time out.


I like playing characters that piss people off.

Call me an asshole for that if you will, but I find it humorous how some people let my character of choice and how they play affect them on a level that makes them angry.

That's one of the reasons why I play Doomsday. I also like how he plays and his character as a whole.

I don't know if I'll look for the same thing in MKX, however. I want to see who all is in the game first before I make up my mind. I've got my eye on Kotal Kahn at the moment. He looks like he'll be fun.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
For those talking about Poison, Capcom to this day has never actually confirmed the character's gender. The developers hint at it here and there, but they never confirm it. Its like some inside joke because when the character was created it was for Final Fight and they called her a drag queen so that people in the US wouldn't make a fuss about a man beating of women in the game. Never in the games at all does it state her gender as a post op. female. The developers just like to goof around with the players when they ask. There is some early character to art that mentions some things, but its always been some kind of inside joke to the players.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
1. Has to have at least 1 fast frame trap up close.

2. Must have at least 1 fast recovering or fast startup projectile. Or have at least 1 great far'ish reaching safe poke. (if they have both, great)

3. Must have above average walkspeed for footsies.

4. Preferrably a villian, but its not mandatory.

That's it. Gender doesn't mean much to me. I'm pretty open to a ton of characters but there are usually a few that really shine for me.

What people don't realize is if you play any character enough you'll start deeply liking them.
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Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
No shit :D What do you think i am :D
Judging by your comments you are a member of said community. I'm not one of their ranks, but I'm glad they are finally getting some rights and slowly the states are making it possible for them to get married. Don't get why so many are against it, not like them having that right forces me and others to hook up with our bros:). I'm also in a goofy joking mood as well!


Well-Known Gay Member
Judging by your comments you are a member of said community. I'm not one of their ranks, but I'm glad they are finally getting some rights and slowly the states are making it possible for them to get married. Don't get why so many are against it, not like them having that right forces me and others to hook up with our bros:). I'm also in a goofy joking mood as well!
Didn't you know? We are a danger to society and according to some conservatives, even more dangerous than terrrorists
I kinda feel powerful when i hear that tbh, like bitch don't mess with me, i am more dangerous than Bin Laden and the whole Al Qaeda combined

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
You do Kitana JUSTICE
I kinda wish you represented Sindel more though :D I know she is like lowest in terms of Tiers in the whole MK9 but still

I do like the Queen. I played her in MK3 and Deception.