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Who wants to see all new characters?


the owl
I've been following each and every episode of Mortal Kombat since the first instalment.
I grew up with the classic characters, and my first thought upon seeing the newcomers in MK10 was "heck no, what's MK without Johnny, Liu, Raiden etc.?".

....However, after seeing the new characters in action, I've changed my mind. I've been playing with the MK cast for many years: I realize now that I needed to see some new faces. The new chars seen so far aren't awful like the previous attempts to add new fighters, and on the countrary, they look really good.

Now I have no interest in seeing any of the old characters back. Not even my favorites, Raiden and Shang Tsung.
As long as all of the new chars are interesting like the ones we've seen so far!

Who's with me? Who else hopes to see as many new chars as possible?


Philanthropist & Asshole
I hear you, LunSei. While I wouldn't mind seeing a couple of the characters return, I am certainly enjoying NRS's decision to actually move the series in this new direction. They more new characters, the better.


I might have been hesitant had I not seen the current new characters. MK doesn't exactly have a history of wonderful character design, and I really feel that 4 and the DA era had some pretty awful characters. They really impressed me with 3 of the 4 new comers(cassie is....safe. Not bad, just boring) by having clean, consistent, and creative ideas on them. If they can keep the quality up, I'm going to be more than happy to see the rest.


Fabulous Goofball
New characters is always awesome, but I want my Reptile and Shang Tsung..... ._.

But as long as there are more inhuman characters like Shokahn, Tarkakan, or some Beast Race like a werewolf, and NO cyborgs, I'll be perfectly happy.
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the owl
Now, don't hate on me ShadowBeatz, but I would like to see cyborgs in this game only as long as they're new cyborgs (different design, style, etc.).
I also think this game is going for a fantasy look so far, so I wonder if we really are going to see hi-tech stuff.

Point is, there's no way you can make everyone happy: if Reptile is in the game, someone is going to complain because they didn't put Smoke, and if Raiden is in the game, someone is going to say they want Shang Tsung.... You either make all of the original cast return, or you discard them all. (Keeping Subby and Scorpion since they're the symbol of the series.)

I'm all ready to drop my beloved characters since I can play as them in MK9 (and in MK1, MK2, MK3.... etc.).
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to the op, im sorry but fuck no. that would be a huge liberty especially considering a lot more characters introduced from da-armageddon sucked ass compared to characters introduced in mk-mk4. a huge reason i loved mk9 as much as i did was because of the roster(mk-mk3). but the new characters so far look badass especially kotal khan and ferra/torr. cassie cage looks cool too but im not sold on bug girl yet.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
Half the cast at the MOST should be new.
if youre gonna do 100% new characters, just make a new IP and NRS just made did with Injustice. while i really enjoy that game id like to play with Ermac/Sektor/Jade again not more new characters who may or may not fit my playstyle or be to my liking.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
totally agree .... some people just wanna the same characters roster all over again, and , as a matter of fact, that can be boring as hell, so, I'm totally at favour of bringing new faces to MK franchise, since of , logically, if it's well done stuff. These new characters that Ed Boon showed in E3 are 100% approved, this way, "so far so good" until now, hehe :D


I would personally not mind it actually, but I understand why it is very unlikely and I too will be overjoyed to see each and every of the redesigned veterans be revealed. It's a win-win situation actually ;)


Boon said MKX will have the most characters of any MK game BUT MKA had like 63 characters if you in include Khameleon lol

I have to think maybe he forgot about MKA lol ?,?,?,


but as for NEW chars.. Im kool with them.. Dvorah KOtal Khan and Ferra/Torr look sooooo good...

As long as Raiden, Jax and Sektor come back from the core im kool with whoever makes it in....


Boon said MKX will have the most characters of any MK game BUT MKA had like 63 characters if you in include Khameleon lol

I have to think maybe he forgot about MKA lol ?,?,?,
Well actually it's the most NEW characters, so if DA really had the most newcomers with 10, all MKX needs is 11 newbies to claim the title.


Well actually it's the most NEW characters, so if DA really had the most newcomers with 10, all MKX needs is 11 newbies to claim the title.

true but I was just pointing out that if Boon is giving us THAT many chars in MKX then the amount of new comers can be crazy high


Play Monster Hunter!
Ya, new characters is what I want.

Sticking with the old characters limits them from creating new and unique movesets like they did with Injustice.
I want to see them go crazy with the new characters.

Plus, we just had MK9, it was nostalgia overload, I'm ready for some new stuff.