Yeah, but if you were around for early MK9 articles on SRK, a lot of people were hopeful and played the game for the first couple months. Then after that, players began to quit en masse, a lot of Capcom players went back to their games and people started complaining about the same old things.
But my point is, I wish we wouldn't be so concerned about what X community or ABC players from said community think about our game. When each new game comes out, there's a surge of hype and then the honeymoon wears off. It's likely that the same things will happen, but I think we are stronger than that; and regardless of what other people say and do, the excitement and quality of play from the game will shine through the way it always does.
We should be ready to support our own game and community to the fullest, and grow it on our own, regardless of what anyone else thinks.
I'm ready to get hype.