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I grew up a little today

CD jr

CDJR, you may not know who I am but I have followed your tournament career since you started. You and your brother were two of my favorite players in MK9 to watch.

I was disappointed in the things you said about Injustice and other games, so I am glad to read this. I hope you mean it.
I won't keep saying that really I mean it my actions will speak for themselves now :)
Yeah, but if you were around for early MK9 articles on SRK, a lot of people were hopeful and played the game for the first couple months. Then after that, players began to quit en masse, a lot of Capcom players went back to their games and people started complaining about the same old things.

But my point is, I wish we wouldn't be so concerned about what X community or ABC players from said community think about our game. When each new game comes out, there's a surge of hype and then the honeymoon wears off. It's likely that the same things will happen, but I think we are stronger than that; and regardless of what other people say and do, the excitement and quality of play from the game will shine through the way it always does.

We should be ready to support our own game and community to the fullest, and grow it on our own, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

I'm ready to get hype.
I don't start reading when you start rambling/long posts because I know you like to debate, I am just saying is try to optimize community growth. Doesn't matter who plays. You can have multiple Ricos/Atons for MKX who knows. Don't really care to worry about XYZ community. Start of new gen + interest + new MK = profit/longevity/opportunity.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
@CD jr
The only reason I never truly had very much respect for as well several other players was your lack of professionalism. I understand you are (I'm pretty sure you are far younger than me) There is nothing at all wrong with saying you did not like IGAU or anything of that nature, but on stream I recall watching you lose your shit and I have seen you talk down to others many times. Its ok to be salty and it is ok say your opinion. You however are or were considered a top layer, whom which many in the community look up to, as you learned at the gym you have no idea who is watching and getting inspiration from you. When people are watching and your in a spotlight, you have to be respectful and professional about your actions. I am glad you figured all this out and understand. Fortunately this isn't a professional sport where one false action can tarnish your image. Take your break I wish you luck on getting through the hard times, trust me I know I have two lil ones and a wife to support and almost never have time for FGs anymore. When MKX comes around you get a fresh start and a new chance to show off and make up for your mistakes.

Best of luck to you!

The Spore


Good on you to admit this, dude. It takes a lot to do that, even on the Internet.

But on a side note: I bet your alerts have been going berserk, haven't they? Step away for 20 minutes and "48 new alerts!"
@CD jr much respect man, honestly I think u wouldve stayed a top igau player if u kept playing it, but it is very cool to see u doing work in ki3 tho. Hopefully we see each other at a tournament again and I want my run back when mkx comes out :p

Tom Brady

>mfw circa spring 2011 being bummed out about my main jax being shit
>one night on vsm stream before evo 2011 a jax player came on stream to fight tom brady
>Jax player bodied tom brady sub zero 9-1 clean
>chat was going crazy, I was going crazy, tom was ranting on streamchat. It was awesome

That night in chat was so awesome you were so damn good. Good to see you have grown, hopefully you find that passion for MKX like you did with mk9.

ps. tyrant still had the better jax doe.
I didnt rant on the mic that day. I didnt start ranting until the days of "so what if he places top 8 a lot, anyone can do that".


Nightwolf wannabe
I'm not really buying this...

NRS announces there bringing in evo players to test, jr apologizes hours later specifically mentioning boon and hector....I smell alterior motives

Time wil tell
Should be obvious, but it doesnt necessarily mean hes not genuinely sorry.


Now more than even i wanna help the NRS scene grow and have more players play so by the time MKX rolls out we can compete with the capcom games in terms of numbers at tourneys. I have a feeling we gonna be seeing 100+ players at every major for MKX #Facts
This, fucking this!!

No matter where you are at, community building is the way to go if you want your scene to get better. Florida plans to come out strong for MKX!


Grundy think you handsome!
Hey CD Jr just wanted to let you know that I am glad your manning up for your mistakes. I just want you to know that I actually only really only got into the MK9 community because of your MLG tips videos, I already had and played the game for a while, and I was always getting fucked over by what I thought was "over-powered" moves. Your videos helped catapult me from scrub status that just complains about everything to trying to find strengths and weaknesses for different characters. Plus you taught me some basic combos so that when I faced other people that played those characters I already had a very good understanding of what they were going for when they went to attack me.

However even after all my research and after playing tons of hours on MK9, I still concluded that Smoke was still a bullshit character and the amount of smoke downplaying was sickening. :DOGE

But thanks again CD Jr :D


I don't think there is anything wrong with an honest opinion as long as you can back it up. If you burned bridges by being honest and not liking IGAU than so be it. I would much rather have someone be brutally honest so that the product is of a higher quality than hold back in fear of hurting my feelings.

People are going to say you're trying to make up now in an effort to get a tester job or whatever. Uh yea.. Thats what you should be doing, who cares what people think if thats what you want. If not it will just be taken as a genuine apology and left at that. Win/Win..


That's about right.
Fucking lol. I understand you're a young dude, but you and I both know you're only saying this because you realized you fucked yourself at doing anything for a game company lol. It is what it is indeed. Live and learn, sir.

EDIT; Apparently a lot of people do in fact look up to you for playing a video game. It's weird to me, but since this is happening, you being nice is probs the way to go.
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Chode Juggler
Iv never played with you or met you, but from being apart of the community/watching streams you've always seemed like an alright guy, and the fact that you are remorseful/care tells me you are in fact, a good dude. Best of muck in mk10, hopefully ill see you in tournament


Despite what people are saying about not apologizing, I think it was the best move. It only sickened me when top MK9 players promoted INJ heavily and caused people to drop MK9 only to eventually diss INJ. Now MK9 is dead and the people who promoted INJ are nowhere to be found. I don't want the same to happen with MKX and INJ.


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
Wow @CD jr nice post man, I still remember a few years back when I just started getting into MK and I'd see guys like you and @Tom Brady and @R.E.O. on youtube and I was so impressed with how you guys played and you all looked like you were having fun, and thats part of what made me start attending offline tournaments and learning the game properly. Then for some unknown reason a few of you suddenly started becoming assholes and as long as this post is not a troll its so nice to see you saying this. I WANT YOU MK LEGENDS BACK! JUST LIKE THE GLORY DAYS, Its sad I know but you guys are the inspiration behind the up and coming players, and you amongst other top players were my inspiration. Good post man and I hope to see you do well in the future!