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What NEWER moves do you want for returning characters?!


It would be nice for scorpions recovery was faster from a hell fire so when it hits up close, your could begin a combo instead of being punished. But hey, its unblock-able so the balance is there


Maybe you're just not able to differentiate between the two when it's convenient :)
I clearly wasn't trolling. You must be new to these boards.

I can differentiate between the two just fine.

Spend some more time here so you're capable of what you're claiming I'm not.


TestYourMight SUCKS
I clearly wasn't trolling. You must be new to these boards.

I can differentiate between the two just fine.

Spend some more time here so you're capable of what you're claiming I'm not.
Well you finally at least got one thing right. Yes I am new.


I think your convenience card expired 3 messages ago.
In your eyes, sure. But that's because you're going to believe whatever you want to believe, regardless of what I say.

So, continue thinking whatever it is that you want. I'm just gonna let this go as we've derailed this thread enough as it is.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Killer Frost? Wrong game dude lol ^ :p

No, no please no. Her roll shouldn't be safe lol.

I'd rather they take away Mileena's EX teleport which was safe more times than not, and replace it with a new dive kick or something for her(assuming she returns)

I have a few more ideas for characters I like

Special Moves-

-Kicky Fireball(make it fast like MK D) Dairou shoots a fireball at you.

-EX Kicky fireball Dairou shoots two, however if you hold the button it can be cancelled or released at the players choice(similar to Kitana's ex fan toss)

-Switchy Teleport: Dairou switches places with opponent(but this time no silly stuns for free throws up close)[NO EX for this move]

-Tombstone quake-Unblockable tombstone smashing the ground for juggle opportunity(can be jumped to avoid) at moderate speed.

-EX Tombstone quake-Unblockable but little faster and hits the ground twice(either double tombstone animation or he goes back once then as he gets up smashes the ground again with his arms or something.

-New Move Slidey sword: He has a move with the sword stance in Deception where if you hit Back+3 I believe he did a fast spin low move. He should have a spinny sliding move where he spins hits low but essentially has the same effect as Reptile or Sub's slide.

-EX Slidey Sword: Slides hits low with a follow up sword attack(hits twice and is safe on block, has armor)

-New Move Samurai Sword Projectile Cancel Toss-Dairou has a sword either on his side or back, if he throws it with this move the purpose is simple when thrown simultaneously to an opponent's projectile it'll CANCEL it out all together(think how SF works hadoken vs. hadoken, cancel) If he throws it and the opponent doesn't throw a projectile then it'll automatically whiff but it's also a good tool to mix up with the kicky fireball as it'll fuck with players heads when to block and not to block.

-EX Samurai Sword Projectile Cancel: I'm kind of undecided with this one, I'd want it to either A. have priority over the other person's projectile but will be a little bigger or different color glow to opponents can tell the difference and hit them as well in the process OR if you EX this move, it'll recharge Dairou's health meter a little. Think of it as Nightwolf's and Kenshi's absorbing reflects.


Special Moves-

-Tornado Toss: Like his move in MKA, he throws a tornado whirlwind at you if it hits, you get stunned for free hit(no damage on the move itself on block or hit) Safe far and mid, with good recovery.

-EX Tornado Toss: Same purpose as the normal one, however IF he hits you with it it'll bring you back to him(think like Cyrax's MK 3 net) for stun and free hit(does little damage and small chip if blocked) Safe far and mid screen, with good recovery.

-Windy Lift: Like his same versions in MK 4 and MK A, he can lift you by summoning wind via his godlike power of wind then bouncing you off the ground towards him (like Ermac's TK slam) for free juggle, combo opportunity. Minor chip damage on block. Can be punished if blocked mid or close.

-EX Windy Lift: Similar animation however, here Fujin will throw out two at once one far and one in front of him. This move can blocked and avoided if you have a teleport. However, if he hits you from a far it'll automatically juggle you towards him for juggles. If close, same difference. Can be punished if blocked mid or close. No armor.

-Wind Spin: Like his move in MKA, more of an Anti Air or perhaps combo ender up close/mid combo. Fujin spins himself in a gust of wind thus tossing/catching anyone near him who jumps at him or makes any kind of air attack attemp, as well as if close and not blocking. Can be blocked and punished. Small Chip.

-EX Wind Spin: Same thing as the regular one, however he will hit you twice. As he flings you in the air with the windy spin, he then blows another gust of wind at you pushing you aware from him for little more damage. Also has armor and safe on block this version as it'll push back. Small chip.

-Windy Dive Kick: Dive kick by hitting Down and 3 in the air anywhere on the screen. No EX for this move, can be punished on block.

-New Move: Windy Push, in a sense animation similar to Rain's water blast from MK 9 however, has the effect of Ermac's MK 9 TK push/choke. Safe from far and mid. Small chip.

-EX Windy Push: Hits you twice and has same effect as Shao Kahn's MK vs. DCU magic grab, and punch move. He hits you once then using the wind pulls you close to him and pushes you back a second time with wind gust resulting in two hits. Little chip. This move has armor , safe far and mid.

-New Move Windy Blow reflect: Fujin blows(Superman style) super gust of wind with his mouth as a result any projectile thrown at him gets tossed right back at you. No EX for this move. Does no direct damage if done close to opponent. Can be blocked and punished.


Special Moves-

-Lightning blast: Like before as we've seen he shoots a lightning blast at you as he always does. Though I personally prefer the ball lightning over the MK 9 version.

-EX Lightning Blast: This move would given MK X's newer system would have two options(ways to choose) one being MK 9's again where he tosses two at once, from each side hitting you both from behind and in front. The second version would be like MK vs. DCU in a way where you charge it the larger the blast becomes and unblockable either way, however the longer you hold it(1 say that's the button) down the larger the vicinity of the blast is. The trade off is this, however the longer you wait say you stand there without cancelling it'll hurt you. You'll have the option to choose which one you want for the EX version. You can ONLY choose one(for balance reasons obviously)

Teleport: As always Raiden can teleport behind you, though I'd make few changes to this. One speed it up a tad, not broken but just good speed. I'd also like to make this move good enough for Raiden to actually use, but not too overpowering nor nerfed to the point of useless either. Make it so that if the opponent isn't moving, able to deal with it but also make it so that Raiden can actually use it without worrying about being punished automatically. In other words, don't nerf it as much as MK 9 did but don't make it broken or OP like MK DC did. A good medium.

-EX Teleport: Instead of popping up twice once behind, and in front really fast. Have this move have two options prior. You can choose only one. 1. It puts Raiden behind the guy and IS always safe, while having armor so in other words if Raiden uses this move he can't be poked or uppercuted out of it. Just block if he attacks. or 2nd option, when he EX's this move it creates two Raiden's one being slightly transparent, the other being the real one where you teleport behind the guy. Meaning more or less a Raiden clone that is made where you appear from via your teleport with have it attacking but not actually "harming the opponent" where you the real Raiden can attack of your choice so it'll mind fuck the opponent some what at least. If you jump over the opponent while the decoy Raiden is there attacking a few second before disappearing, the opponent will automatically face the direction of the real Raiden. Think of it as the decoy trick in Halo 3 I think? Where it sets up a bait/phony hologram of MC while the real one attacks. NOTE: Prior to the match when you choose the second option, you can choose WHICH attack you want to decoy to do (you can choose few basic strings or from special moves of the decoy to attack)

-Flying Thunder God: Like past games, have Raiden fly at you while pushing you across the screen then flipping back. Not safe on block.

-EX Flying Thunder God: Instead of just doing slightly more damage, this version comes out a little faster for one, is safe on block(think classic MK 2 where he flips back instead of next to you on block) two and has Armor. However, if he hits you it's two hits. As he flies you across the screen then on the second hit he flies at you again, flies at a diagonal arch then air throws you.

-New Move- Instant bolt: Pretty much an anti air move, replacing the little upward awkward karate chop electric hand move in MK 9. This would prove better, as he shoots a lightning bolt fast in the air diagonally. More or less an AA move but will knock them back so no juggles.

-EX Instant bolt: Simple really, he shoots the regular one and a straight one after the other. In a way like Sonya's EX ring toss, one after the other one in the air diagonally, the other straight away across the screen if not blocking you get knocked back. no armor.

-Grab & Shock Move: Like his past Grab and electricute, but better. Here instead of juggles afterwards, he grabs you, shocks you then punches you across the stage. Can be avoided by ducking up close if blocked it's safe.

-EX Grab & Shock: Grab and shocks you but picks you up overhead, but like his MK 2 throw then throws you off the ground for a juggle. Up close this move has armor on hit or miss.

Kano: Teabag

Raiden: An actual THUNDER MOVE

Subzero: Not fighting like a football hooligan but more like a ninja, and his ice showers from mk3

Cyrax: More resets, diagonial nets, upper nets.

Kabal: All his specials get a cancel ability.

Human Smoke: His Kunai Spear

Sindel: her b2 to be more like SHORYU REPPA