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Bad Moments In Gaming That Can't Be Beat

Gears of War local tournament playing execution 2 v 2.

1. Team A kills one player from team B and then downs player 2 from Team B.

2. Team A starts celebrating and unplugs their controllers.

3. Player 2 from Team B gets up and bodies them both as they stand there with their dicks in their hands.

4. My jaw drops and my cigarette falls on my lap.

Great times.
This happened in MLG, you sure you didn't steal the story, lmao.



At the time I had been playing Starcraft 2 for a couple weeks. I asked my friend to download the trial to 1v1 me and he beat me

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
FUCK YOU SKYRIM , that game is like crack the worst is travelling around for like two hours then freeze :mad:

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
One of my most embarrassing moments was after renting X-Men for the Sega Genesis. I thought this game was totally amazing; you could play as multiple cool X-Men, and there were all kinds of sweet levels.

Anyway, although it was tricky (this was not an easy game), I made it super far into the game and I was happy with myself. After beating one level deep into the game, I reached a point where all action came to a halt and a message said "Restart the computer!" So I walked up to what looked like a computer in the game and hit buttons. No dice.

So I'm thinking, "I have to have missed something". I backtrack, trying to activate other objects. Nope, no luck. I hit all kinds of buttons, try pressing buttons together, try pausing the game -- no luck. I look for a secret door, cover every pixel of the screen.. Nope. What feels like an hour goes by. Refusing to give up, I rack my brain to figure it out, becoming more and more frustrated, and then angry to the point of wanting to cry, and eventually I figure the game is broken, it's a faulty product, and I'm mentally envisioning taking the cartridge out and tossing it out the window.

Finally, after 2 hours, when I am a wreck and on the border of tears, I come to terms with the fact that I'm going to start over. So I turn off the system, and start the entire game over. Eventually get to the same point, get stuck again. Search in vain, no luck again. Out of frustration I just hit the Reset button on the Genesis.. And it moves to the next level.


I have never been so mad at a game in my entire life. As a matter of fact, Sega, if you're reading this, I'm still mad at you right now. No kid deserves to go through this and that little stunt ruined my weekend. Beat the game and never touched it ever again.

Sega pls :mad:

http://youtu.be/-lefgdRAuW0?t=5m3s -- If you want to see what this looked like.
OMG you'd of hated MGS then.
Psycho Mantis.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Vany doesn't accept even to this day, that back in the day i destroyed him in mk trilogy for psx 10-0, he holds a grunge against me in every game now with a lot of rage


This isn't exactly the funniest or happiest "embarrassing" gaming moment of my life, but it is the most humiliating.

It was around Christmas (like 12:30 am on the 27th I think) and I'm pretty sure I was playing ModNation Racers. I come up to one of the "boss" races (the ones with a named character and like 7 flunkies that only make your life miserable). Anywho, it's my first time on this track and it's pretty far in the game so the AI is just naaaasty. Big surprise, I get beaten like a red-headed stepchild. And I rage. I'm not talking about a normal rage where you raise your voice at the tv when your fave hockey team loses. I'm talking about throwing your coffee table across the room, smashing drinking glasses on the floor, swearing so badly (and loudly) that even Charlie Manson would look at me and go "That dood's possessed man!" That sort of thing.

When I ran out of things to smash, I'm standing in the centre of my living room, breathing heavy with what I would imagine could be construed as an "extremely psychotic" look in my eye when I hear this quiet knock at my door. It knocks a few times and I don't respond. Then I hear the mousey voice of my neighbor ask "Scot? Are you OK in there? Scot? Is everything all right?" I didn't respond because the rage had died down and reality was creeping back into my brain. You see, I live in a 3-story walkup and it's an old building. So old in fact that you can hear people's conversations through the walls. I probably woke up (and freaked out) the entire neighbourhood with that little tirade. I was so embarrassed and humiliated that I just quietly went to bed and prayed that no one took my outburst personal enough to come in through the window and kill me. That was my LAST rage monster session.