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Bad Moments In Gaming That Can't Be Beat


Tell me the most embarrassing time you've had with gaming. I'm in a silly mood, so I'll tell you a story. I have others, but let's start with this....
It was 1983. I was 8 years old. Went to the local grocery store to play Mr. Do's Castle, but, when I walked in there was an older chick (maybe 16) playing Galaga. She had big tits so I was immediately interested in her performance. I walked over to her as she was transfixed by the action on the screen. She seemed troubled by two big blue bugs at the top of the screen that kept flying down only to return to their original positions.
Suddenly, one of them flew down. A wide, blue beam descended on her ship and she moved aside. She seemed confused. Luckily for her, I had the answer. I saw this happen before afterall.
"Move into the beam," I said.
The young woman, hesitant at first, did as instructed. Anxious to see her delight and congratulate her once she got that second ship so she could continue kicking ass, I smiled at her as GAME OVER flashedacrossthescreen.


Dojo Trainee
Me and my friend were shit talking to these other guys at school not log after halo reach came out. These guys were fairly popular and didn't seem like the gamer type so we said we'd destroy them. Hell one of my friends even put 20 bucks on us to win we all thought we were so good.

It came the day of the match and we were amped to take some money off these guys and we were talking a lot of shit (like i mean a lot). We got into the game and they spawn raped us and absolutely smashed us. We literally got 2 kills the whole game... We got made fun of for years for that one haha



Ha. I understood the game. What I didn't see was that the girl was using her last ship. She gave me a dirty look as automated doors let her out of the building.

I really was devestated. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be the last time, lol.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
This wasn't bad for me, but damn I made the other guy feel real stupid. It was back when Super Street Fighter 2 came out and I was pretty young, lets just say I was still in elementary school. I my threw my money in and challenged this 16 y/o while he was trying to be all hard and cool in front of 16 y/o buddies. I picked Cammy and they laughed and made fun of me, because I picked a GIRL, oh no how unheard of is that!!! Anyway I proceeded to mop the floor with the idiot, who honestly had no clue what he was doing. He was so embarrassed and pissed he didn't even stick around and it was gratifying to see his buddies ridicule him for losing to a straight up kid.

Damn now that I have made myself feel old I am going now :(


Est In Harvey 1989
In 2007 I was playing whatever WWE game was out at the time on PS2 with my God Brother. He never beat me before, but always talked a good game. I told him hey man I'll pick a girl and still beat you lol. So I picked a WWE Diva, and he had HHH. He beat the shit out of me lmfao. I didn't understand tier placement back then, even though everyone has their own stats lol. I was like man WTF?! How are you dominating me right now? Needless to say I never did that dumb shit again. Glad I didn't bet money on it either.


Noob Saibot
Gears of War local tournament playing execution 2 v 2.

1. Team A kills one player from team B and then downs player 2 from Team B.

2. Team A starts celebrating and unplugs their controllers.

3. Player 2 from Team B gets up and bodies them both as they stand there with their dicks in their hands.

4. My jaw drops and my cigarette falls on my lap.

Great times.


The First Element
Bad moment's in gaming..? Ever played MK vs DC online against someone who uses the Flash Infinite? *Annoying

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
Getting beat by someone who never plays MK. I got Sheeva stomped, lost, and then this kid never played me again because he wants me to hold that. Also, when you need to play with two monitors over LAN while playing Halo 3 because your friends think you're a screen looker after having looked once.
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Ooooh, an excuse to tell this story! Ok, here we go, the setup:

My wife Joanie and I had just moved into our new condo and we were having a housewarming party and more than a dozen of our friends decided to come over. At that time I was not really much of a drinker and since my wife doesn't drive that always made me the defacto designated driver. However, because we were partying at my home and there was nowhere I needed to go until the morning when my wife had a babyshower, I decided that I was going to get a *little* drunk that night.
My poison of choice was just a cheap little sweet wine that I drank out of a nice large glass goblet and as the night wore on the alchohol started to get to me, to the point where I would just start bursting out in laughter randomly, and one of my friends who tended to come hang out with us at the time walked over to me and said:

“Damn dude....you're pretty drunk huh? You know what, I think you're drunk enough I can finally beat your ass. I challenge you to a game of Marvel Versus capcom 3!”
“Challenge accepted motherfucker.”

Now let me stress I am not a high level Marvel3 player at all. I played the game casually, but I was able to do some extended hawkeye and vergil combos at the time and that was always impressive to the casual eye. My gaming setup is a little section in the corner where I have my xbox hooked up to the same dual monitor setup as my computer so I can switch back and forth as necessary.
So we sit down, start playing....and I mop the floor with him for a couple sets in spite of all my drops. Pretty sure I even got a perfect. Then, he spoke those fateful words:

“Yo, this fools not drunk enough yet!”

At this point I realize a crowd has kind of gathered around the little gamestation in the spirit of the old arcade when you started watching some older kid pull off ridiculous combos you didn't even know existed. One of these individuals was kind enough to fill up my goblet with wine as I continue to mop up the competition as more and more challengers steped up to face me. Time goes on, more alchohol enters my system, and I remain undefeated.
Now at this point my memory is a complete blank and I mostly have to depend on the account of other people and a video that was sadly lost later on in a pool accident, but at some point its realized that I have gone through both bottles of wine I have and there's none left.
However, as I'm playing someone refills my goblet and I down it in one gulp without a second thought. This elicits a gasp and an “oh shit” though, because as it was then explained, what had just been poured into my large goblet was straight up bourbon.

Yet, I remain undefeated. I continue kicking ass and taking names. I am unstoppable! Feeling sure of myself (I suppose, since I basically wasn't there), I then stood up out of my chair, raised my hands and shouted:

“AND THEN.......”

...and then....I completely collapsed, fell head first into my thousand plus dollar computer tower knocking it over, yanked my monitors and my xbox 360 off of the desk with them onto the floor and lay there motionless. At this point someone calls Joanie over in shock who I believe knew my desires well enough to check my computer first and ensure it was ok before turning to me to make sure that I was still breathing. Eventually a group was formed that proceeded to carry my drunk ass upstairs to bed (with me screaming and complaining the whole way mind you). Later on in the night my loving wife discovered that I had not only vomited without having the decency to go to the bathroom, I had also......relieved myself without going to the bathroom either. In the morning I was in such disastrous shape I was completely unable to go to the babyshower and she basically told me to ride in the back of my truck while her friends drove her there, and I could sleep on their couch at their home after they dropped her off.
About 12 hours later I think, I finally woke up hungrier than I'd ever been and drove slowly home to make myself some dinner and await Joanie's arrival where I'd have a little explaining to do.

Miraculously, she chose not to divorce me after this incident.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Ooooh, an excuse to tell this story! Ok, here we go, the setup:

My wife Joanie and I had just moved into our new condo and we were having a housewarming party and more than a dozen of our friends decided to come over. At that time I was not really much of a drinker and since my wife doesn't drive that always made me the defacto designated driver. However, because we were partying at my home and there was nowhere I needed to go until the morning when my wife had a babyshower, I decided that I was going to get a *little* drunk that night.
My poison of choice was just a cheap little sweet wine that I drank out of a nice large glass goblet and as the night wore on the alchohol started to get to me, to the point where I would just start bursting out in laughter randomly, and one of my friends who tended to come hang out with us at the time walked over to me and said:

“Damn dude....you're pretty drunk huh? You know what, I think you're drunk enough I can finally beat your ass. I challenge you to a game of Marvel Versus capcom 3!”
“Challenge accepted motherfucker.”

Now let me stress I am not a high level Marvel3 player at all. I played the game casually, but I was able to do some extended hawkeye and vergil combos at the time and that was always impressive to the casual eye. My gaming setup is a little section in the corner where I have my xbox hooked up to the same dual monitor setup as my computer so I can switch back and forth as necessary.
So we sit down, start playing....and I mop the floor with him for a couple sets in spite of all my drops. Pretty sure I even got a perfect. Then, he spoke those fateful words:

“Yo, this fools not drunk enough yet!”

At this point I realize a crowd has kind of gathered around the little gamestation in the spirit of the old arcade when you started watching some older kid pull off ridiculous combos you didn't even know existed. One of these individuals was kind enough to fill up my goblet with wine as I continue to mop up the competition as more and more challengers steped up to face me. Time goes on, more alchohol enters my system, and I remain undefeated.
Now at this point my memory is a complete blank and I mostly have to depend on the account of other people and a video that was sadly lost later on in a pool accident, but at some point its realized that I have gone through both bottles of wine I have and there's none left.
However, as I'm playing someone refills my goblet and I down it in one gulp without a second thought. This elicits a gasp and an “oh shit” though, because as it was then explained, what had just been poured into my large goblet was straight up bourbon.

Yet, I remain undefeated. I continue kicking ass and taking names. I am unstoppable! Feeling sure of myself (I suppose, since I basically wasn't there), I then stood up out of my chair, raised my hands and shouted:

“AND THEN.......”

...and then....I completely collapsed, fell head first into my thousand plus dollar computer tower knocking it over, yanked my monitors and my xbox 360 off of the desk with them onto the floor and lay there motionless. At this point someone calls Joanie over in shock who I believe knew my desires well enough to check my computer first and ensure it was ok before turning to me to make sure that I was still breathing. Eventually a group was formed that proceeded to carry my drunk ass upstairs to bed (with me screaming and complaining the whole way mind you). Later on in the night my loving wife discovered that I had not only vomited without having the decency to go to the bathroom, I had also......relieved myself without going to the bathroom either. In the morning I was in such disastrous shape I was completely unable to go to the babyshower and she basically told me to ride in the back of my truck while her friends drove her there, and I could sleep on their couch at their home after they dropped her off.
About 12 hours later I think, I finally woke up hungrier than I'd ever been and drove slowly home to make myself some dinner and await Joanie's arrival where I'd have a little explaining to do.

Miraculously, she chose not to divorce me after this incident.
Thats it lock the thread this go won the POST of the year thread. I can only give 2 thumbs up here, but damn that is one hell of a story.


The First Element
Ooooh, an excuse to tell this story! Ok, here we go, the setup:

My wife Joanie and I had just moved into our new condo and we were having a housewarming party and more than a dozen of our friends decided to come over. At that time I was not really much of a drinker and since my wife doesn't drive that always made me the defacto designated driver. However, because we were partying at my home and there was nowhere I needed to go until the morning when my wife had a babyshower, I decided that I was going to get a *little* drunk that night.
My poison of choice was just a cheap little sweet wine that I drank out of a nice large glass goblet and as the night wore on the alchohol started to get to me, to the point where I would just start bursting out in laughter randomly, and one of my friends who tended to come hang out with us at the time walked over to me and said:

“Damn dude....you're pretty drunk huh? You know what, I think you're drunk enough I can finally beat your ass. I challenge you to a game of Marvel Versus capcom 3!”
“Challenge accepted motherfucker.”

Now let me stress I am not a high level Marvel3 player at all. I played the game casually, but I was able to do some extended hawkeye and vergil combos at the time and that was always impressive to the casual eye. My gaming setup is a little section in the corner where I have my xbox hooked up to the same dual monitor setup as my computer so I can switch back and forth as necessary.
So we sit down, start playing....and I mop the floor with him for a couple sets in spite of all my drops. Pretty sure I even got a perfect. Then, he spoke those fateful words:

“Yo, this fools not drunk enough yet!”

At this point I realize a crowd has kind of gathered around the little gamestation in the spirit of the old arcade when you started watching some older kid pull off ridiculous combos you didn't even know existed. One of these individuals was kind enough to fill up my goblet with wine as I continue to mop up the competition as more and more challengers steped up to face me. Time goes on, more alchohol enters my system, and I remain undefeated.
Now at this point my memory is a complete blank and I mostly have to depend on the account of other people and a video that was sadly lost later on in a pool accident, but at some point its realized that I have gone through both bottles of wine I have and there's none left.
However, as I'm playing someone refills my goblet and I down it in one gulp without a second thought. This elicits a gasp and an “oh shit” though, because as it was then explained, what had just been poured into my large goblet was straight up bourbon.

Yet, I remain undefeated. I continue kicking ass and taking names. I am unstoppable! Feeling sure of myself (I suppose, since I basically wasn't there), I then stood up out of my chair, raised my hands and shouted:

“AND THEN.......”

...and then....I completely collapsed, fell head first into my thousand plus dollar computer tower knocking it over, yanked my monitors and my xbox 360 off of the desk with them onto the floor and lay there motionless. At this point someone calls Joanie over in shock who I believe knew my desires well enough to check my computer first and ensure it was ok before turning to me to make sure that I was still breathing. Eventually a group was formed that proceeded to carry my drunk ass upstairs to bed (with me screaming and complaining the whole way mind you). Later on in the night my loving wife discovered that I had not only vomited without having the decency to go to the bathroom, I had also......relieved myself without going to the bathroom either. In the morning I was in such disastrous shape I was completely unable to go to the babyshower and she basically told me to ride in the back of my truck while her friends drove her there, and I could sleep on their couch at their home after they dropped her off.
About 12 hours later I think, I finally woke up hungrier than I'd ever been and drove slowly home to make myself some dinner and await Joanie's arrival where I'd have a little explaining to do.

Miraculously, she chose not to divorce me after this incident.
Hold on..let me just go get some popcorn before i start to read this epic story .


The anticipation is killing me
Ooooh, an excuse to tell this story! Ok, here we go, the setup:

My wife Joanie and I had just moved into our new condo and we were having a housewarming party and more than a dozen of our friends decided to come over. At that time I was not really much of a drinker and since my wife doesn't drive that always made me the defacto designated driver. However, because we were partying at my home and there was nowhere I needed to go until the morning when my wife had a babyshower, I decided that I was going to get a *little* drunk that night.
My poison of choice was just a cheap little sweet wine that I drank out of a nice large glass goblet and as the night wore on the alchohol started to get to me, to the point where I would just start bursting out in laughter randomly, and one of my friends who tended to come hang out with us at the time walked over to me and said:

“Damn dude....you're pretty drunk huh? You know what, I think you're drunk enough I can finally beat your ass. I challenge you to a game of Marvel Versus capcom 3!”
“Challenge accepted motherfucker.”

Now let me stress I am not a high level Marvel3 player at all. I played the game casually, but I was able to do some extended hawkeye and vergil combos at the time and that was always impressive to the casual eye. My gaming setup is a little section in the corner where I have my xbox hooked up to the same dual monitor setup as my computer so I can switch back and forth as necessary.
So we sit down, start playing....and I mop the floor with him for a couple sets in spite of all my drops. Pretty sure I even got a perfect. Then, he spoke those fateful words:

“Yo, this fools not drunk enough yet!”

At this point I realize a crowd has kind of gathered around the little gamestation in the spirit of the old arcade when you started watching some older kid pull off ridiculous combos you didn't even know existed. One of these individuals was kind enough to fill up my goblet with wine as I continue to mop up the competition as more and more challengers steped up to face me. Time goes on, more alchohol enters my system, and I remain undefeated.
Now at this point my memory is a complete blank and I mostly have to depend on the account of other people and a video that was sadly lost later on in a pool accident, but at some point its realized that I have gone through both bottles of wine I have and there's none left.
However, as I'm playing someone refills my goblet and I down it in one gulp without a second thought. This elicits a gasp and an “oh shit” though, because as it was then explained, what had just been poured into my large goblet was straight up bourbon.

Yet, I remain undefeated. I continue kicking ass and taking names. I am unstoppable! Feeling sure of myself (I suppose, since I basically wasn't there), I then stood up out of my chair, raised my hands and shouted:

“AND THEN.......”

...and then....I completely collapsed, fell head first into my thousand plus dollar computer tower knocking it over, yanked my monitors and my xbox 360 off of the desk with them onto the floor and lay there motionless. At this point someone calls Joanie over in shock who I believe knew my desires well enough to check my computer first and ensure it was ok before turning to me to make sure that I was still breathing. Eventually a group was formed that proceeded to carry my drunk ass upstairs to bed (with me screaming and complaining the whole way mind you). Later on in the night my loving wife discovered that I had not only vomited without having the decency to go to the bathroom, I had also......relieved myself without going to the bathroom either. In the morning I was in such disastrous shape I was completely unable to go to the babyshower and she basically told me to ride in the back of my truck while her friends drove her there, and I could sleep on their couch at their home after they dropped her off.
About 12 hours later I think, I finally woke up hungrier than I'd ever been and drove slowly home to make myself some dinner and await Joanie's arrival where I'd have a little explaining to do.

Miraculously, she chose not to divorce me after this incident.
That is an amazing story