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LBSH..MKxIGAU is on the way

Rip Torn

Whats this number 9, number 9, number 9 all about? How many Superfriends intros were there?
Well, there's only 8 in that video, so maybe he's hinting at a 9th? The way he's saying number 9 over and over is a reference to the Beatles 'song' Revolution Number 9. It's got a sample of a voice saying number 9 over and over.


I am down with MKxInjusitce. I always thought MK vs DC was an amazing IDEA, but the game felt rushed and the technology of today was not there at all. Its been nearly 6 years since MK vs DC was released. We had flip phones back then lol, technology advances between then and now is crazy. I know a lot of you guys hated MK vs DC, but if the team that made MK9 and Injustice sat down today and made MK vs DC, it would be different in EVERY way from the MK vs DC we got from Midway. It is still one of my favorite games today only because I love the idea of it. Two of my favorite things from my childhood came together for a video game, that is epic to me. So, even though the game is broken as can be and the 3d side stepping aspect blows, the idea of it is what keeps my interest.

With that being said, its probably MK10.


Fix For You:DOGE
At least their game comes with balance changes, new characters and all that.

CoD is essentially the same game with a different coat of paint. Plays the exact same way as the previous one did.


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
It could be MK vs Pokemon for all I care, just give me a more skill-based game and I'm buying it.

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
I usually dont pray anymore since like 15 years but I will this time, and Even go to a church on Sunday but Jesus please, dont let that happen.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
Boon has me puzzled as fuck about this whole June, 2nd announcement. So it's either MK10, Injustice 2, MK vs DC 2, MK vs Injustice, or a new IP.

Or nothing at all.