You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Introducing the newest product from the secret lab of D.D.S.D.L. (DaddyDarkSydeDab Laboratories), The power of D2 quickstands!
F23, D2, j2, f2xxscoop, d2 heat zap.
f23, d2xxheat vision, d2xx heat zap
f23, d2, f2xx low scoop, d2xxheat zap
-you can cancel the 1st d2 into trait. (Except in the heat vision combo.)
-You can also side switch by dashing under after the f23 and going into the d2.
- Heatzaps quickstands with the following combos listed above CANNOT be ducked.
Putting you at +20 with 5-7% chip dealt if blocked.
-Heatzaps quickstands without listed combos CAN be ducked.
-If opponent is hit by Heat zap, you can hit confirm into corner bnbs.
-The use of a quickstand can allow unclashable damage, make it difficult for your opponent to wake up, and allow extra pressure/mixups while building meter all at the same time keeping your opponent cornered.
-If they block the Heat Zap you can make the pressure even scarier by canceling a standing 3 into trait and bait a throw attempt with a MB f3, if they block you are at +7 so you can f23 check or if they respect it, go for another f3, b1, IA Dive-bomb, 223/low scoop, etc.
-If you want to save trait, a 50/50 off a 223/low scoop is guaranteed but can be fuzzy guarded so use at your own risk.
-Quickstand 50/50s (corner only)
Any Superman corner combo
ex: F23, d2, 3xx heat zap, 3xx MB breath, j3, 3xx low scoop, d2xx trait into:
-IA Dive-Bomb
- (MB) f3
-Throw/Throw bait
- 1,1 (puts you at +2 for a f23 check and cannot be ducked)
-Instant air dash cross-up.
Any Supes combo as said before but cancel the second d2 into super punch. Wait for Supes to face the corner and then dive bomb. What side is it on? I don't know.
-Can be blocked by holding down.
-Do not MB Super punch! You will whiff and punished!
-Reverses wakeups
-Same against certain characters
-Leads to an extended knockdown time so wakeup time can be missed for opponent.
Shout-outs to the guy who always knows how to put a smile on my face @StevoSuprem0 for inspiring this tech and to my fellow lab monster @daddydab32ho for originally performing and letting me share our tech with all you on TYM. Thank you to @Mod for recording!
-Stay salty my friends.
@NRF Everlast
@Kyle Rayner
@Kinetic Demise
@Cal-EL /DMS / Dark Kent
Any other fellow Supe players.
- -Heat Zap quickstands: midscreen
- You can also side switch by dashing under after the f23 and going into the d2.
- 1st d2 can still be canceled into trait while side switching
- Can be tech rolled
F23, D2, j2, f2xxscoop, d2 heat zap.
f23, d2xxheat vision, d2xx heat zap
f23, d2, f2xx low scoop, d2xxheat zap
-you can cancel the 1st d2 into trait. (Except in the heat vision combo.)
-You can also side switch by dashing under after the f23 and going into the d2.
- Heatzaps quickstands with the following combos listed above CANNOT be ducked.
Putting you at +20 with 5-7% chip dealt if blocked.
-Heatzaps quickstands without listed combos CAN be ducked.
-If opponent is hit by Heat zap, you can hit confirm into corner bnbs.
-The use of a quickstand can allow unclashable damage, make it difficult for your opponent to wake up, and allow extra pressure/mixups while building meter all at the same time keeping your opponent cornered.
-If they block the Heat Zap you can make the pressure even scarier by canceling a standing 3 into trait and bait a throw attempt with a MB f3, if they block you are at +7 so you can f23 check or if they respect it, go for another f3, b1, IA Dive-bomb, 223/low scoop, etc.
-If you want to save trait, a 50/50 off a 223/low scoop is guaranteed but can be fuzzy guarded so use at your own risk.
-Quickstand 50/50s (corner only)
Any Superman corner combo
ex: F23, d2, 3xx heat zap, 3xx MB breath, j3, 3xx low scoop, d2xx trait into:
-IA Dive-Bomb
- (MB) f3
-Throw/Throw bait
- 1,1 (puts you at +2 for a f23 check and cannot be ducked)
-Instant air dash cross-up.
- B1 only leads to damage by spending another bar with MB breath which makes you lose corner control or Low Scoop which is really unsafe and could cost you the match. Unless you are SonicFox, don't try this YOLO maneuver. Can be beat by wakeups.
- IA Dive-Bomb is one of the most damaging starters out of the 50/50s listed but is unsafe as well. However, if done close enough to the ground it can be hard to punish. Make sure your execution is on point so it is not a neutral jump Dive-Bomb as it is easy to react to. Avoids some wakeups like Aquman's Trident scoop or rush.
- F3 if not MB'd can be interrupted with a d1 but is +7 on block so it can lead to pressure.
- 1,1 must be done immediately after the trait cancel so the first 1 hits even when your opponent is crouching. Can be beat by wakeups.
- Instant air dashing requires the most execution and loses corner placement. Recommend doing side switch combos do keep your opponent in the corner. Avoids some wakeups.
Any Supes combo as said before but cancel the second d2 into super punch. Wait for Supes to face the corner and then dive bomb. What side is it on? I don't know.
-Can be blocked by holding down.
-Do not MB Super punch! You will whiff and punished!
-Reverses wakeups
-Same against certain characters
-Leads to an extended knockdown time so wakeup time can be missed for opponent.
Shout-outs to the guy who always knows how to put a smile on my face @StevoSuprem0 for inspiring this tech and to my fellow lab monster @daddydab32ho for originally performing and letting me share our tech with all you on TYM. Thank you to @Mod for recording!
-Stay salty my friends.
@NRF Everlast
@Kyle Rayner
@Kinetic Demise
@Cal-EL /DMS / Dark Kent
Any other fellow Supe players.
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