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Nobody gets as F****** ANGRY at games as ME!

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Aaaaalright, maybe that's a VERY bold statement in the title and to some perhaps an outrageous claim to make!

My Xbox is set up in my room and everyone in my house can hear me when I play some Mortal Kombat online... God damn they can hear me. I'm stamping. I'm punching. I'm yelling (and damaging) my voice. But most importantly I'm breaking things. And no less than 10 minutes ago I broke my TV remote, as you can see in this picture:

The problem for me is that my Xbox and computer both use my TV as a monitor so I can't switch between them! It's forever stuck on the channel for my Xbox.... well it would be if I didn't have a second TV in the back with a compatible TV remote.

I wanted to see if anyone has broke or damaged anything and is willing to admit their anger problem haha :p

So make fun of me below and/or post images of your damages! :)


Not sure this is something to be proud of.

However, since fighting games are competitive outlets, it's probably normal for people to get a little upset when things don't go their way. The only time I get frustrated is when I have to deal with online lag and my opponent seems to be completely unaffected.
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STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior

*reconsidering sending you a friend request for MK...


I get pretty pissed, but I would NEVER break something like that... that shit's expensive (well, tv remotes probably not so much... but breaking games, controllers, etc... yeah, expensive)

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
My roomate threw his controller at our bathroom door and put a hole in it. Next day he went out and bought a new one and ended up stomping it to pieces.

Both times playing Injustice. XD
Oh don't even get me started on controllers!!! I could upload pictures of controllers that are in pieces, they've been destroyed! Poor things, but they should of made me win - because we all know it's the controller, not the player. :p


Lol I've broken a couple controllers in the past from other games but not injustice. I actually have an anger problem for sure, if I get really irritated with injustice I usually just punch my thigh.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Ok, well, Im here to not sugarcoat man.

This is a more serious problem than just video games, itll follow you for your entire life and you seriously have to learn to supress it because its also extremely destructive in a relationship and especially never good in a workplace where even a little stress is involved.

This mentality of getting angry to the point of violent actions commonly is caused by being spoiled in childhood or might be hereditary. Either way Id suggest looking more into whyd you turned out this way to fix the problem because it does come off very childish to onlookers.

This attitude also is usually accompanied by commonly casting blame instead of internalizing what you could do personally to prevent an undesired situation and also instead of empathizing (putting yourself in others shoes to get to know who they are as people and why they do the things they do).

Again dude, just getting real. I hope your on the path to better yourself. Maybe you should just stay away from competitive enviroments like online gaming for a while, because if this is as common as youre suggesting then it might be doing harm to you mentally.