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Nobody gets as F****** ANGRY at games as ME!

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
This pretty much sums it up for me. If I'm playing someone I KNOW is fully capable of beating me, I don't really get pissed. Frustrated/Annoyed, sure. But I don't flat out rage.
Exactly. Usually when @Youphemism is kicking my ass, I just laugh it off (okay, I get mad towards the end of our 6 or 12 hour session when he spams... :joker: ). But I feel fine majority of the time.


Filled with determination
Sounds good, but I'm soooo finished with FPS games now! :p
Dude Titanfall is the first Fps I've gotten into since Cod4 it's so good! And even though I was pretty decent at Cod4 it made me mad, with Titanfall since everything down to even the movement is super fun as well as being almost lag free I almost never get mad at the game.


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
Ok, well, Im here to not sugarcoat man.

This is a more serious problem than just video games, itll follow you for your entire life and you seriously have to learn to supress it because its also extremely destructive in a relationship and especially never good in a workplace where even a little stress is involved.

This mentality of getting angry to the point of violent actions commonly is caused by being spoiled in childhood or might be hereditary. Either way Id suggest looking more into whyd you turned out this way to fix the problem because it does come off very childish to onlookers.

This attitude also is usually accompanied by commonly casting blame instead of internalizing what you could do personally to prevent an undesired situation and also instead of empathizing (putting yourself in others shoes to get to know who they are as people and why they do the things they do).

Again dude, just getting real. I hope your on the path to better yourself. Maybe you should just stay away from competitive enviroments like online gaming for a while, because if this is as common as youre suggesting then it might be doing harm to you mentally.
ah come on man this is bull, sometimes people just get angry, doesnt mean anything.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Dude Titanfall is the first Fps I've gotten into since Cod4 it's so good! And even though I was pretty decent at Cod4 it made me mad, with Titanfall since everything down to even the movement is super fun as well as being almost lag free I almost never get mad at the game.
I played the PC beta when it came out and it was totally awesome! I just generally am sick of playing FPS games and I got bored of Titanfall. I picked up fighters and I prefer playing them :)

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Must....do...more d4's....:joker:
Screw you and your stupid Mileena D4's, like... is that even pressure? It just flusters me sooo much. Ridiculuous. Nerf Mileena, and Buff Smoke - he needs more damage, low starter, a vortex, more meter building, faster moves with less recovery... Then he might be an okay character :joker:
I've had that feeling man, it's great - but sometimes it's hard to just supress anger when it's been a long day.

I know, your opponent's mentality plays a major role on your level of anger.

I will never get angry if a Jax player juggles me to death for 20 matches.
On the other hand, a bunnyhop spoiled kid abusing Kung Lag can drive me crazy. But Again… "Turn off the system". Or cry and regret for your broken controller/ cell phone/ fist/ table ;)

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
I know, your opponent's mentality plays a major role on your level of anger.

I will never get angry if a Jax player juggles me to death for 20 matches.
On the other hand, a bunnyhop spoiled kid abusing Kung Lag can drive me crazy. But Again… "Turn off the system". Or cry and regret for your broken controller/ cell phone/ fist/ table ;)
Oh don't even get me started on Kung Lao!! I get sooooo angry about playing him because he just can do whatever he wants, such a stupid character. But I'm probably doing something wrong or not punishing correctly or something.


TYM White Knight
pretty much after i Spiked my ps2 controller playing Injustice I quit playing injustice.

This game is just a perpetual state of anger.
I have considered making a token trophy for causing this.

Also, I have spiked a ps2 controller (it exploded), and I used to lob my stick when I got pissed. It's been over a year since I realized it wasn't worth it.

Wife was having any of that shit either.


TYM White Knight
judging by the avatar pic

the Trash Room.

and seriously......anyone who doesn't USE video games as a release for stress and such..... is missing out.

I'd much rather a kid yell at his video game and feel better about externalizing his frustration than keeping it in for a random time.
There's definitely two sides to this. Throwing shit around a room and screaming curse words in a house full of youngins/other people is pretty silly.

If you live on your own or have a good roomate, curse away lol

I got a little one at home now. IF he is napping, I can't yell. If he is around, I can't swear/yell.

Straightens you out pretty quick lol


One of my best childhood friends had bad gamer rage. He could never beat me at any fighting games and would try spamming and everything to beat me. He'd always get mad and say I was being cheap. LOL. Sometimes in wrestling games I'd let him come really close to winning then yank the victory out from underneath his feet. I've never been too much of a video game monster. I did get pretty mad while playing Ninja Gaiden on Xbox when it first came out. That game was bad for my health lol.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
hahaha my brother and i got these fancy ass sega mega drive controllers one christmas with some games including military micro machines (the one with extra controller ports ) hes 2 years older than me so naturally he was beating me loads , eventually i get so pissed off i headbutted my pad and broke it in half like 2 days after christmas !! :oops:


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
hahaha my brother and i got these fancy ass sega mega drive controllers one christmas with some games including military micro machines (the one with extra controller ports ) hes 2 years older than me so naturally he was beating me loads , eventually i get so pissed off i headbutted my pad and broke it in half like 2 days after christmas !! :oops:
i bet mammy was pleased lmao

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
One of my best childhood friends had bad gamer rage. He could never beat me at any fighting games and would try spamming and everything to beat me. He'd always get mad and say I was being cheap. LOL. Sometimes in wrestling games I'd let him come really close to winning then yank the victory out from underneath his feet. I've never been too much of a video game monster. I did get pretty mad while playing Ninja Gaiden on Xbox when it first came out. That game was bad for my health lol.
We all have games that damage our health. Mentally, physically, other types of "ally" words.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
hahaha my brother and i got these fancy ass sega mega drive controllers one christmas with some games including military micro machines (the one with extra controller ports ) hes 2 years older than me so naturally he was beating me loads , eventually i get so pissed off i headbutted my pad and broke it in half like 2 days after christmas !! :oops:
What happened after that? Did your mom find out? Did she cave and buy you a new one? Details man! Details! :D