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The Flash: Official Trailer


Est In Harvey 1989
Not really a fan of Arrow, but that's because I don't care about Green Arrow as a character. The preview for The Flash caught my interest. I'll be tuned in. Might even buy Hulu again to watch it, because I don't have cable. I also hope that the Flash will be in the Justice League movie.


Man of Tomorrow
Arrow is fine, I like the bigger DCTVU with all the foreshadows, mentions, and cameos than the actual Arrow story. Season two was outstanding and felt more like "Arrow featuring the DCU" than just a Green Arrow show. It looks like he might start becoming more joke-y as the Arrow which is the thing I hate most about the show, he's too serious. Arrow feels like Smallville meets Batman starring Green Arrow.


The Free Meter Police
Yeah, I don't disagree with that sentiment. Acting and writing is moderately better, but only just so. The big advantage Arrow has is that there's less risk of the writers putting themselves in a corner like what happened in season 3 of Smallville where they basically had to start coming up with excuses to reset the status quo and explain why Clark wasn't Superman yet. Smallville was a guilty pleasure for me up until that point, and then I just gave up.

I'd be much more open to the cheese if the show wasn't doing everything it possibly could to ape Batman and be super grim dark. If they'd given Ollie more of a sense of humor and tried to be a bit more fun with the material it would be a lot less distracting.
I don't feel like arrow is super grim/dark at all. Just my opinion I guess.


ugh their taking source material straight from the comics UGHHHHH!!
And that shit was unpopulaur when they did it in New 52, no one liked it but thankfully Lafuente was able to handle it, hope these guys do the same.

Also from that trailer I don't get why he's Barry when he's more Wally.


also for anyone hating on the flash, IDGAF if its your opinion you will hear a mouth full from me, be wary about posting your opinions while am around i will take NO HATE, you all have been warned, try me suckas.
quicksilver > flash



Arrow is pretty bad, but it's hella entertaining. The first season was basically a really shitty version of Batman Begins.
If you haven't watched the show just go into it light hearted, don't expect amazing acting or effects and you'll be golden. Once you get past the terribleness of the show it's actually pretty fun to watch and a good laugh. (Seriously the acting and special effects in some scenes had me almost in tears because it was so bad)


Scrubby nice guy
Arrow is pretty bad, but it's hella entertaining. The first season was basically a really shitty version of Batman Begins.
If you haven't watched the show just go into it light hearted, don't expect amazing acting or effects and you'll be golden. Once you get past the terribleness of the show it's actually pretty fun to watch and a good laugh. (Seriously the acting and special effects in some scenes had me almost in tears because it was so bad)
I really dont understand how People dont see the Shitty acting in this show. Its so bad its kinda annoying...

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
The Flash looks like it has more promise than Arrow (which i actually like lol)
my only big gripes with Arrow are the fight scenes and in season 2 the awkward exchanges between felicity and oliver (especially in the last episode)


I really dont understand how People dont see the Shitty acting in this show. Its so bad its kinda annoying...
Lol, I agree. There are just some parts that make you question just how easy it is to be an actor. Mainly all the scenes with Laurel's dad. He is such a terrible actor.


i hate when batman shows and movies touch on how his parents were killed and they affected him. I hate how Superman shows and movies talk about how his planet blew up and that hes an alien with special powers as a result.
You do know his mom being murdered is a recent thing right thatdamn near no one liked cuz it added a unneeded dark element to a fun character right -_-


Thread Referee
Arrow is pretty bad, but it's hella entertaining. The first season was basically a really shitty version of Batman Begins.
If you haven't watched the show just go into it light hearted, don't expect amazing acting or effects and you'll be golden. Once you get past the terribleness of the show it's actually pretty fun to watch and a good laugh. (Seriously the acting and special effects in some scenes had me almost in tears because it was so bad)
I guess I am just a forgiving person because, outside of some questionable acting here and there, I've never had an issue with Arrow or how the show was produced. I see enough bad acting in my life with some of my clients that any television show has a hard time convincing me such acting couldn't be real. I've also gone into the show with the expectations I would have of any Elseworlds story and that's helped me enjoy the storylines and re-imagined Ollie to great degree.

But on the Flash... three time's I've watched the extended trailer and three times I've been more and more hyped. Love it and can't wait for the Fall season. On a semi-related note, I'm glad to see Tom Cavanagh on the series. I haven't always liked all of his roles but I love him as an actor. Definitely an underrated guy.