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Interactables need to be disabled for tournament play

Perfect Legend

There isn't much else to say.

Characters (Martian Man Hunter) should only be getting 20% when they hit you but because of unscaled interactable damage they get 40% whenever they touch you.

This game would become much more fairer and less reliant on gimmicks such as

"Let me sit in the corner and use turbine/rockets/air robots" and easily zone you out with unblockables"

This game can be hype without the need for gimmicks. Interactables make chars who are already good a bit too good. Imagine if Zod didn't have unblockable interactables to toss at you while you are sitting there like a duck blocking swipes from his trait? Like come on son. The dumpster in the corner with Batman is about the silliest thing I have ever used or seen in a fighting game as well.

Martian getting OTG's after an interactable like come on.

Lets all make the right decision as a community this time and have them disabled at future tournaments.
Ima keep it a Bean with yall, the reason I stopped competing in this game after ECT last year was largely due to interactables. Dont get me wrong, I am not bashing the game, I think its a good game and a fun game, which is why I still follow it and watch you guys. I just didnt like the idea of grinding and learning matchups and then getting to a tournament and having to hope luck was on my side in deciding the stage I played on.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Every character can make pretty solid usage of interactables if the player knows how. The only thing that sucks about them is that they didn't normalize what interactables do for everyone (power vs gadget vs acrobatic shouldn't be a thing, just one type would have been better) and certain characters can control them better. But they definitely shouldn't be turned off. Martain is a beast with or without them, and some characters that aren't as strong (coughJOKERcough) rely on them a fair bit in many matchups to even the playing field. Saying shit like this at this phase of the game is just silly.


Best Zatanna that uses Aquaman
One thing about interactables that I became sure of after ECT is, you all need to learn how to back-dash interactables.
A lot of the guys kept getting hit trying to jump away from them.

Level up, people.
That's not the problem at all, characters get free OTGs from interactables adding 20% to their combo. Typical example: MMH does a 40% combo off of overhead teleport, ends the combo in bf2MB into free interactable. 60% for 2 bars.