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Have you ever thought about changing yourself to be the opposite of how you really are?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 14.3%

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Your halo is mine.
... Which is more desirable? To be the wild/crazy person with a YOLO mindset; the type that is fearless, super outgoing, and lives life to the fullest, doing everything possible? Or the innocent/sweet person, the kind that is very nice to everyone and can be outgoing, but doesn't know any better; the type that may accidentally say something "wrong" without meaning to come off that way? If you're one and believe the other is more desirable, would you change yourself? If so, how?
Doesn't really matter. You can't please everyone. The only person you have to please is yourself and if you're truly happy with that then find solace in that. Besides you name one person with a big following, whether it be fans or friends. They probably have an equal amount of hate and people who can't stand their guts. So its best to do what one does. Also their are too many variables in one's personality to make this a black and white yes and no question.


"On your Knees!"
If I just only had powers from Hiei from the Yu Yu Hakusho universe, then I would really have fun causing chaos and destruction. Im the serious type person, who like to joke and make jokes but I dont like to smile like the rest of the goddamn human races does.
If I just only had powers from Hiei from the Yu Yu Hakusho universe, then I would really have fun causing chaos and destruction. Im the serious type person, who like to joke and make jokes but I dont like to smile like the rest of the goddamn human races does.
I liked this post not because I like chaos. But you know of the Hakusho. And that is something worth liking.


Your halo is mine.
Doesn't really matter. You can't please everyone. The only person you have to please is yourself and if you're truly happy with that then find solace in that. Besides you name one person with a big following, whether it be fans or friends. They probably have an equal amount of hate and people who can't stand their guts. So its best to do what one does. Also their are too many variables in one's personality to make this a black and white yes and no question.
My thing is that I'm highly aware of that, but being aware has proven to not be enough. I know I can't please everyone (though I have been deemed a "people-pleaser" by some), but I feel like I can at least give them no reason to show animosity by trying to change/withhold some aspect of my character. For instance, if I know Friend A hates "emo" tendencies, then I will resist expressing any emotion. Conversely, if Friend B doesn't 'mind', then I'll open up a little more (but not completely, as I've learned that sometimes 'bottling up' is the way to go). But then again, I don't want to be labelled as "Fake" or a "Two-Face" for not being the same to everyone. That's where the problem arises.

You can be a mixture of both.
I probably am a mixture of both, though I would probably lean more towards the "innocent and doesn't know any better" persona, lol.

If I just only had powers from Hiei from the Yu Yu Hakusho universe, then I would really have fun causing chaos and destruction. Im the serious type person, who like to joke and make jokes but I dont like to smile like the rest of the goddamn human races does.
I take it you mean dry humor, haha. Some people are like that and I personally don't mind them at all, though I admit I'm a smiler (no, not a Miley Cyrus fan) just cuz I'm much more of a joking around/laughy (lol) person.

War. War never changes.

oh, and neither do I.
I feel like it'd be hypocritical for me to say that's the way it should be without actually following that route myself, lol.

I guess this is just a big "I wonder if..." thread.
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"On your Knees!"
My thing is that I'm highly aware of that, but being aware has proven to not be enough. I know I can't please everyone (though I have been deemed a "people-pleaser" by some), but I feel like I can at least give them no reason to show animosity by trying to change/withhold some aspect of my character. For instance, if I know Friend A hates "emo" tendencies, then I will resist expressing any emotion. Conversely, if Friend B do, then I'll open up a little more (but not completely, as I've learned that sometimes 'bottling up' is the way to go). But then again, I don't want to be labelled as "Fake" or a "Two-Face" for not being the same to everyone. That's where the problem arises.

I probably am a mixture of both, though I would probably lean more towards the "innocent and doesn't know any better" persona, lol.

I take it you mean dry humor, haha. Some people are like that and I personally don't mind them at all, though I admit I'm a smiler (no, not a Miley Cyrus fan) just cuz I'm much more of a joking around/laughy (lol) person.

I feel like it'd be hypocritical for me to say that's the way it should be without actually following that route myself, lol.

I guess this is just a big "I wonder if..." thread.
Im a realist so I see things in that way, im no emo or anything. I dont believe in suicide (thats the pussy way out) but I respect your opinion. Sometimes myself I wish I were a character in a action anime like DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star etc. Just to get away from the human world.


Your halo is mine.
Im a realist so I see things in that way, im no emo or anything. I dont believe in suicide (thats the pussy way out) but I respect your opinion. Sometimes myself I wish I were a character in a action anime like DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star etc. Just to get away from the human world.
Thank you. I also don't condone suicide, but I do personally feel sympathy for those affected by it as well as those who have had suicidal thoughts due to depression or something. I do feel relief knowing however, that though many people experience suicidal thoughts from time to time, the vast majority don't go through with it (both myself and a girl I had feelings for were both lucky to stop ourselves by realizing life is worth living for, but I know some end up taking that route anyway and it's sad).

There are also many times where I want to get away from it all, but my way of accomplishing that is by playing video games along with satisfying the munchies haha.


"On your Knees!"
Thank you. I also don't condone suicide, but I do personally feel sympathy for those affected by it as well as those who have had suicidal thoughts due to depression or something. I do feel relief knowing however, that though many people experience suicidal thoughts from time to time, the vast majority don't go through with it (both myself and a girl I had feelings for were both lucky to stop ourselves by realizing life is worth living for, but I know some end up taking that route anyway and it's sad).

There are also many times where I want to get away from it all, but my way of accomplishing that is by playing video games along with satisfying the munchies haha.