New york Hotels are very expensive, I hope you have relatives or friends you guys are staying with. for an alternative to New york city Hotels, I recommend finding a hotel in New Jersey or maybe long island. I'm not sure how the long island public trans works, but here in northern New Jersey there is alot going to New York city very frequently. And for super fast access to the city, look for hotels that reside close to the path station stops going from new jersey to new york. Look in Hoboken, Jersey City, Seacacus or union city. They all have either trains or buses that get you to NYC fast.
If you guys have any questions about the New Jersey Area please feel free to PM me.
As for majors, they're either in New Jersey or Philly for the simple reason that it's much cheaper for space. However, I don't think you guys will have any trouble getting rides from New York to philly or New Jersey.
Summer Jam is in Philly and takes place in august (injustice had around 80-100 entrants)
NEC is in Philly and takes palce in December(Injustice had around 128 but was first major after the patch)
apex is in New Jersey and takes place in January(injustice was the most lacking here with about 45 entrants, but if you're into super smash brothers, this is the EVO of supersmash brothers)
And the Break Weekly is in Dunellen NJ and takes place every week