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Pokemon X and Y - Discussion/Friend Code Exchange


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
I would need to have someone breed a charmander for me. And how much are the stones? I didnt even know you can buy them. Lumiose City?
You can buy them from a guy at the stone store in Lumiose City. Its like 1 Mil each. And you can find one on GTS Probably. I might have some extra if you want one. And by might i do have extra.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
I would need to have someone breed a charmander for me. And how much are the stones? I didnt even know you can buy them. Lumiose City?
There's a Stone Emporium where Water/Leaf/Fire stones can be bought, Over to the left is a man selling them. He demands a lot of money for them though, unless your "style" is maxed out (which is 10,000 IIRC).


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I would need to have someone breed a charmander for me. And how much are the stones? I didnt even know you can buy them. Lumiose City?
Yeah Lumiouse City, and I'll breed you a Charmander. Should be easy enough. Also, Charizard Y is just as good as X imo, they both have different uses but are pretty much the best at what they do.


The Ignore Button Is Free
Man I just looked at Charizard Y. DROUGHT?!?!? That is amazing lol. It has high special attack too.

But now I'm confused because it also has good attack as well. Being a mixed attacker seems liked a good set for it but I'm not a fan of natures like naive or naughty. Ugh


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I've been on a quest to try every mega at least once, and it's been really enjoyable. On Mega Medicham right now.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Man I just looked at Charizard Y. DROUGHT?!?!? That is amazing lol. It has high special attack too.

But now I'm confused because it also has good attack as well. Being a mixed attacker seems liked a good set for it but I'm not a fan of natures like naive or naughty. Ugh
There's no need for mixed attacking with Charizard Y. Fire blast in the sun with his base special attack makes him a fucking bomb ass wall breaker. If you want you can just give it Earthquake to deal with things that wall it like Heatran, or just run focus blast and be like FUCK YOU HEATRAN IM DA BESS. This is the set I run though:

Charizard @Charizadite Y
252 Sp. Atk
Blaze/Drought 252 Speed
Fire Blast
Solar Beam

It has done me no wrong. The only things that can truly wall him are probably T-Tar (even he has to play carefully), Blissey/Chansey and heatran. He can pretty much tell everyone else to fuck off. I'm thinking of switching Roost for focus blast, but I like being able to keep walling if I need to with him, his bulk is decent enough for it.
What makes Kyurem banworthy? I don't see it. His attack is fucking ridiculous yes, but he hardly has any physical moves to work with at all. If you want to utilize the mixed attacking set you end up having to rely on his very mediocre speed and make yourself vulnerable to his very common weakness in the metagame.
Any decent baton pass team focused on speed or any team with a prankster paralyzer that is easy to get going, see whimsicot/klefki or even t-wave tyranitar. Then bring in Kyurem. His outrage is a choice banded or life orbed is a guranteed 2 hit KO MAXIMUM on everything in this tier unboosted (barring fairies) but it has access to Flash cannon. Speed is an easy fix with the proper team. He has outstanding coverage with earth power as a special move. Most things that are weak to ground, dont have good special defense. Also Ice Beam, makes it a reliable switch in target if you're using speed boost ninjask. They'll try to get rid of it with ice beam and you can always make the switch. Also if you run into dragons/flyings/grounds/grass-sleepers that run around in the tier, they'll get bopped and mopped up by this behemoth's ice beam/freeze shock. Also in versatility its no slouch. It has access to focus blast to run out some of its steel weaknesses and Psychic for fighting types if you're really that worried. Anything that is decently statted with access to roost will always have potential. I'm not saying I'm 100% all gungho for banning the thing like its some underutilized plague of OU. However if we're banning "Swagger" for the reason of "less of a coin flip" then there is no reason why this guy is here. Not to mention I 2 HitKOed a support Groudon with Outrage last night and his Defense is damn solid.

Also Joker mind if we have a quick battle?


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Any decent baton pass team focused on speed or any team with a prankster paralyzer that is easy to get going, see whimsicot/klefki or even t-wave tyranitar. Then bring in Kyurem. His outrage is a choice banded or life orbed is a guranteed 2 hit KO MAXIMUM on everything in this tier unboosted (barring fairies) but it has access to Flash cannon. Speed is an easy fix with the proper team. He has outstanding coverage with earth power as a special move. Most things that are weak to ground, dont have good special defense. Also Ice Beam, makes it a reliable switch in target if you're using speed boost ninjask. They'll try to get rid of it with ice beam and you can always make the switch. Also if you run into dragons/flyings/grounds/grass-sleepers that run around in the tier, they'll get bopped and mopped up by this behemoth's ice beam/freeze shock. Also in versatility its no slouch. It has access to focus blast to run out some of its steel weaknesses and Psychic for fighting types if you're really that worried. Anything that is decently statted with access to roost will always have potential. I'm not saying I'm 100% all gungho for banning the thing like its some underutilized plague of OU. However if we're banning "Swagger" for the reason of "less of a coin flip" then there is no reason why this guy is here. Not to mention I 2 HitKOed a support Groudon with Outrage last night and his Defense is damn solid.

Also Joker mind if we have a quick battle?
Baton Passing is a gimmick at best man, I would never want to rely on that to give my Kyurem speed. T-wave on everything is fine and all but if you let someone paralyze your entire team and let it have an effect on your play then you are doing something wrong. Even if you do still get to this point there are things to watch out for that can really hurt him like bullet/mach puch. With Medicham rising up the ranks, Mawile still being dangerous, Azumarill can come in safely on outrages and ruin his day, Scizor being Scizor and although he is lacking in the metagame Conkeldurr can eat up Kyurem. Ferrothorn also keeps him in line pretty easily. I have to say the most dangerous set I've seen with him is the scarfed set, which is what I run. Even with all these perks you still run into problems. Not saying the thing isn't really REALLY good, but he has loads of checks and counters that are all very common in the meta and he has to have the right set to work around them.

I would battle but I'm at work right now. :\ I want to test out my Mega Medicham lol. I can't decide if I want to run a bulk up set on it or not.
This saddens to find out swagger ot banned. Ive dealt with it for months and months and i finally broke down and built a safeguard swagger team and i was sweeping everything is was pretty fuckin op but honestly i dont see why its smogon banned. Everything has a counter including swagger all you need is to taunt,safeguard, or quick guard if you have none of those on your team itsjust a bad matchup it happens. I have a murkrow that i run in doubles tht completely shuts down any prankster. I will say though do not let me safeguard turn 1 and then swagger my Mega T Tar or garchomp or azumarill or you will die.


The Ignore Button Is Free
There's no need for mixed attacking with Charizard Y. Fire blast in the sun with his base special attack makes him a fucking bomb ass wall breaker. If you want you can just give it Earthquake to deal with things that wall it like Heatran, or just run focus blast and be like FUCK YOU HEATRAN IM DA BESS. This is the set I run though:

Charizard @Charizadite Y
252 Sp. Atk
Blaze/Drought 252 Speed
Fire Blast
Solar Beam

It has done me no wrong. The only things that can truly wall him are probably T-Tar (even he has to play carefully), Blissey/Chansey and heatran. He can pretty much tell everyone else to fuck off. I'm thinking of switching Roost for focus blast, but I like being able to keep walling if I need to with him, his bulk is decent enough for it.

Modest charmander please! And I'll begin to max out my style. I also get the breeding opower from maxing out my style as well. That'll come in handy since I have a flame body volcarona in my party. I literally just go to the tower in the middle of Lumiose city, go on my bike, put the radio on my dpad, and just let it cycle around the tower til it hatches lol
Okay awesome and thank you. Here is list. Also whats your FC and Such?
I have all them except keldeo and meloetta couldnt get them to pass theough bank for some reason let me know when you to do the trades.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
I have all them except keldeo and meloetta couldnt get them to pass theough bank for some reason let me know when you to do the trades.
Im ready now. Now are you giving them to me to keep or are do you want them back? Also its cause you need to get them through online thats why. Super Special Pokemon.
Im ready now. Now are you giving them to me to keep or are do you want them back? Also its cause you need to get them through online thats why. Super Special Pokemon.
Trade them back for now so i can make copies so i dont have to go through making them and all that and then when i make dupes you can gladly have a copy of all the ones you want. Ill be on in just a second.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Trade them back for now so i can make copies so i dont have to go through making them and all that and then when i make dupes you can gladly have a copy of all the ones you want. Ill be on in just a second.
Okay Awesome.
I have 6 timid and 1 jolly 6iv Dittos i promised one to 7L, Khaotik, Shadow Beatz, and one more person i think so im savings those until they see this but for anyone else thats 3 up for grabs if youd like one just let me know.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
I have 6 timid and 1 jolly 6iv Dittos i promised one to 7L, Khaotik, Shadow Beatz, and one more person i think so im savings those until they see this but for anyone else thats 3 up for grabs if youd like one just let me know.
Ill take one. ^_^