You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
Well first off let me say THIS IS NOT AN APRIL FOOL'S JOKE! So with that out of the way, allow me to introduce you to the evolution of the Man of Steel: The Vortex. (He does not need the corner to kill you anymore!)
The vortex is quite simple to pull off and highly damaging (this is Superman we are talking about here). There is a downside as it is quite meter dependent but that is balanced out by how much damage one rep of it can do (more than his midscreen bnb..DAAYYYUUUMMM), especially if you are close to a stage bounce as it will do more than his corner damage/dive bomb resets. If you thought that was bad, it also leads into the mid-screen ambiguous dive bomb reset EMPR DMS found.
There is no escape, you can't d1/2 mash, back dash, or even SSSSUUPPPAAA!!! You are forced to guess the 50/50 and god help you if you guess wrong.
Off of MB Breath: -Dash in NJ2, J3 (cross up)
-Dash in NJ2, Divebomb (not cross up)
-Dash in NJ1, B1 (NJ1 and B1 does not link)~Scoop or MB Breath
-Dash in NJ2, Jump over B1~ect...
-Jump Forward, Air Dash over 2, J3 cross up
-Jump Forward, Air Dash over 2, Divebomb
-Jump Forward, Air Dash over 1, B1~ect...
-Dash in, NJ2, F2~trait, Divebomb
-Dash in, NJ2, F2~trait, B1~ect....
-Dash in, NJ2, F2~trait, MB F3
-Dash in, NJ2, F2~trait~F3 Bounce cancel
-Dash in, NJ2, F2~trait, J3 (cross up)
*NOTE: All NJ2, F2~trait options can be used after a Jump Forward, Air Dash over 2. Example: Jump Forward, Air Dash over 2, F2~trait, Divebomb.
-Dash in, NJ, Low Air Dash over 2 into all J2 or J1 options. Example: Dash in NJ, Low Air Dash over 2, J3 cross up.
Bonus Choices:
-Dash in, NJ2, J3 (cross up), Divebomb (cross up)
-Dash in, NJ3, Divebomb.
-Dash in, NJ2, Divebomb, (take a step forward) F3.
-Can do two Divebombs in a row mid screen. Kinda hard but doable.
-End vortex with a D3
D3 Options:
-D3, Dash in, NJ3 (Cross up or not depending on when you do the J3)
-D3, Dash in, Jump Back 2, F23 ect.....
-D3, Dash in, Jump Back, Air Dash over 2 or 3, ect....
-D3, Dash in, Jump Forward, Air Dash back over 2 or 3 ect...
-D3, Instant Air Dash over 2 or 3 ect...
-D3, Divebomb.
-D3, Dash in, MB F3
Bonus Note: I don't know if this is really known but you can Cancel any special move off of Trait, even Bounce Cancels. Also a J2~Bounce Cancel. Just thought I would throw this out there just in case we want to use these options.
EDIT NOTE: On regular or big hitbox characters he can choose to Dash in, D1~Trait, Instant NJ2~Divebomb or D1~Trait, B1~MB Breath or Scoop for a OH/Low mixup.
Additional notes:
-The j3 cross-up will whiff on smaller hitbox characters like Killer frost but she can't punish you as Supes will be able to block in time. Same applies to Catwoman, and Batgirl.
-Since this does reset a combo, it will allow for more meter to be built.
Consider going for a rep when you are about to reach another bar.
-Follow up combo with stage bounce:
J3/divebomb, f23xxstage bounce, b3, j3, f2xxlow scoop, 3xxSuper Punch/Rising Grab Heat Vision. 51-52%
You may also just go into the vortex after the j3 with here MB Breath.
Total damage off one rep of vortex: 31+51=82%
-Feeling unlucky? You can always throw. *cough* Grundy. *cough*
-Whats better than a vortex? A vortex within a vortex! (requires trait)
If your opponent happens to guess right, use standing 3xxtrait then go into another 50/50
with 223 or 22xxlow scoop. THEY MUST NOT SURVIVE!
time a Heat Zap as they unfreeze. They will be forced to block and it puts you in their face at +20. If you have trait you can stand 3xx trait for many mixups and frame traps. For example, the standing 3 will push them out of range of most d1 or most d2's so you can get a max range (MB) f3. If they block it you are at +8 so you either, get a forward dash to push them farther into the corner or read a back dash, IA dash over them, f23 frame trap, etc.
(For more details look at EMPR THEO's "The godliness of standing 3" forum.)
-Ambiguous f3 can be tech rolled and is just a gimmick, use at own risk.
I may find more options so if I do or you guys do I will add it to this.
-Special thanks to C88 Woundcowboy for kicking my ass online with Sinestro's vortex as it let me create Supe's.
-Shout-outs to Drecker for recording it for me and NRF Everlast, Legend, NRF Quantum for adding even more options! #Superman4lyfe!
@AK/RM GamerBlake
@AK elitegoomba
@NRF Everlast
The vortex is quite simple to pull off and highly damaging (this is Superman we are talking about here). There is a downside as it is quite meter dependent but that is balanced out by how much damage one rep of it can do (more than his midscreen bnb..DAAYYYUUUMMM), especially if you are close to a stage bounce as it will do more than his corner damage/dive bomb resets. If you thought that was bad, it also leads into the mid-screen ambiguous dive bomb reset EMPR DMS found.
There is no escape, you can't d1/2 mash, back dash, or even SSSSUUPPPAAA!!! You are forced to guess the 50/50 and god help you if you guess wrong.
Off of MB Breath: -Dash in NJ2, J3 (cross up)
-Dash in NJ2, Divebomb (not cross up)
-Dash in NJ1, B1 (NJ1 and B1 does not link)~Scoop or MB Breath
-Dash in NJ2, Jump over B1~ect...
-Jump Forward, Air Dash over 2, J3 cross up
-Jump Forward, Air Dash over 2, Divebomb
-Jump Forward, Air Dash over 1, B1~ect...
-Dash in, NJ2, F2~trait, Divebomb
-Dash in, NJ2, F2~trait, B1~ect....
-Dash in, NJ2, F2~trait, MB F3
-Dash in, NJ2, F2~trait~F3 Bounce cancel
-Dash in, NJ2, F2~trait, J3 (cross up)
*NOTE: All NJ2, F2~trait options can be used after a Jump Forward, Air Dash over 2. Example: Jump Forward, Air Dash over 2, F2~trait, Divebomb.
-Dash in, NJ, Low Air Dash over 2 into all J2 or J1 options. Example: Dash in NJ, Low Air Dash over 2, J3 cross up.
Bonus Choices:
-Dash in, NJ2, J3 (cross up), Divebomb (cross up)
-Dash in, NJ3, Divebomb.
-Dash in, NJ2, Divebomb, (take a step forward) F3.
-Can do two Divebombs in a row mid screen. Kinda hard but doable.
-End vortex with a D3
D3 Options:
-D3, Dash in, NJ3 (Cross up or not depending on when you do the J3)
-D3, Dash in, Jump Back 2, F23 ect.....
-D3, Dash in, Jump Back, Air Dash over 2 or 3, ect....
-D3, Dash in, Jump Forward, Air Dash back over 2 or 3 ect...
-D3, Instant Air Dash over 2 or 3 ect...
-D3, Divebomb.
-D3, Dash in, MB F3
Bonus Note: I don't know if this is really known but you can Cancel any special move off of Trait, even Bounce Cancels. Also a J2~Bounce Cancel. Just thought I would throw this out there just in case we want to use these options.
EDIT NOTE: On regular or big hitbox characters he can choose to Dash in, D1~Trait, Instant NJ2~Divebomb or D1~Trait, B1~MB Breath or Scoop for a OH/Low mixup.
Additional notes:
-The j3 cross-up will whiff on smaller hitbox characters like Killer frost but she can't punish you as Supes will be able to block in time. Same applies to Catwoman, and Batgirl.
-Since this does reset a combo, it will allow for more meter to be built.
Consider going for a rep when you are about to reach another bar.
-Follow up combo with stage bounce:
J3/divebomb, f23xxstage bounce, b3, j3, f2xxlow scoop, 3xxSuper Punch/Rising Grab Heat Vision. 51-52%
You may also just go into the vortex after the j3 with here MB Breath.
Total damage off one rep of vortex: 31+51=82%
-Feeling unlucky? You can always throw. *cough* Grundy. *cough*
-Whats better than a vortex? A vortex within a vortex! (requires trait)
If your opponent happens to guess right, use standing 3xxtrait then go into another 50/50
with 223 or 22xxlow scoop. THEY MUST NOT SURVIVE!
time a Heat Zap as they unfreeze. They will be forced to block and it puts you in their face at +20. If you have trait you can stand 3xx trait for many mixups and frame traps. For example, the standing 3 will push them out of range of most d1 or most d2's so you can get a max range (MB) f3. If they block it you are at +8 so you either, get a forward dash to push them farther into the corner or read a back dash, IA dash over them, f23 frame trap, etc.
(For more details look at EMPR THEO's "The godliness of standing 3" forum.)
-Ambiguous f3 can be tech rolled and is just a gimmick, use at own risk.
I may find more options so if I do or you guys do I will add it to this.
-Special thanks to C88 Woundcowboy for kicking my ass online with Sinestro's vortex as it let me create Supe's.
-Shout-outs to Drecker for recording it for me and NRF Everlast, Legend, NRF Quantum for adding even more options! #Superman4lyfe!
@AK/RM GamerBlake
@AK elitegoomba
@NRF Everlast
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