This thread:
Was front paged at lunch and was now removed. (EDIT* it was re-front paged by a member of their podcast, lets see what happens) KTP always gets front paged. Whether or not I like/agree with the KTP guys, there is NO room for censorship on this site when talking about important topics. For the record, I like my mid-west brothers just fine. Also, I agree with their viewpoints on how poorly Inj was ran at FR. I lived it... I was there. With all due respect to the KN guys.
I am not being dramatic. I am not being a "heel". I am, however, upset that things are purposely being censored. Just delete it then if they really want to make a statement. Don't half ass it.
This calls into question... is this site for the players? or the TOs? What vesting interest does TYM have with FR that they would censor this podcast?
I think this site could be so much more than what it has turned into. I have been in constructive discussion with main voices behind this site but I have to say this kind of censorship is mindblowing.
@AK Smarrgasm
@16 Bit
Was front paged at lunch and was now removed. (EDIT* it was re-front paged by a member of their podcast, lets see what happens) KTP always gets front paged. Whether or not I like/agree with the KTP guys, there is NO room for censorship on this site when talking about important topics. For the record, I like my mid-west brothers just fine. Also, I agree with their viewpoints on how poorly Inj was ran at FR. I lived it... I was there. With all due respect to the KN guys.
I am not being dramatic. I am not being a "heel". I am, however, upset that things are purposely being censored. Just delete it then if they really want to make a statement. Don't half ass it.
This calls into question... is this site for the players? or the TOs? What vesting interest does TYM have with FR that they would censor this podcast?
I think this site could be so much more than what it has turned into. I have been in constructive discussion with main voices behind this site but I have to say this kind of censorship is mindblowing.
@AK Smarrgasm
@16 Bit
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