Yea I rage quit. So what I wasn't in the mood to play anymore after going through all of that nonsense. My heart was gone so I was like whatever. I will come back stronger in the next tournament.
Also as far as REO goes. While I am sitting there venting because I said "Is there anyone here who can beat me straight up?" he says "lets play a MM" and I am like ok lets go but he didn't budge and just stood in the same spot.
Anyway I will see you all at Civil War.
Well first off I would like to say our beef is squashed and I have nothing against you personally, and I hope you feel the same way.
BUT I do need to address this thread you have here. When you paused I took the win because that should just be the rules of the game period. When I accidentally paused against Theo in Winner's Finals at SCR2014, I was like damn this sucks the match was really close, but I took my loss like a man because I know I paused it and I deserved that loss. Same for you, you paused it so you deserve that loss.
Also I just wanna say who cares about the 1st match, what happened the 2nd match?

lol no but seriously even if you won the first match, that 2nd match would have still happened, and most likely I would have won the 2/3. If you want me to be honest I think I was gonna make a comeback anyways that first match, so you would have lost the 2nd match the same way afterwards and the result of the tournament set would have been the same.
And as a reply to your "Is there anyone that who can beat me straight up?" My answer to that is HELL YEAH. We can do a first to 5 or first to 10 for $50 or $100