so I went 2-2 in the PS3 tourney last night. My only stream matched was against Sonic Fox where I was dropping everything. It was fun though.
I went 3-0 against a Zod and won all matches decisive
I went 3-0 against a GL(what use to be one of my hardest match ups until Sajam showed me the path) AK Xenomorph, I totally outzoned GL and avoided all missiles to my best ability.
then my time ended with a loss to Catwoman.
pretty fun for my first tourney, Im gonna be at next level this weds because I'm tired of PSN and I just want to play games offline for fun, I'm trying to keep my interest in this game high because a lot of the things in this game lack logic and award a lot of BS(salt). I'll also be at the House of Crack on Monday so I will try to attend those two local events consistently and represent Dick offline in the NYC area.