Soul Bound X - It's not about some superiority complex of Dizzy being Dizzy. Or that he beat someone else's Lao (he also beat King's Kenshi and Freddy with Cage in that set, go figure) Fact of the matter is, GGA flat out has superior resources to us, and I have to admit, as a team in general, they've been one of the best in the business when it comes to breaking down and deciphering the cornerstones of MK9's meta. You're right to point out that the game wasn't fully fleshed out, not even close, especially in regards to Kung Lao, a character with almost infinite potential, anyone noticed that every time the community attempts to sieve Lao out of the top 5 (albeit, 90% of the time it's because they're trying to upplay Kenshi in the process, lol), he ends up coming back and runs riot on the vast majority of the contingent? But going on a whim playing online is kinda counter-productive.
I think you're forgetting why REO had that kneejerk character crisis back then. And again, that's a hilarious assessment considering how many players were free to Jax's whack, makeshift rushdown, accusing F413 of being a block infinite, having random advantage etc.