First off, i'm pulling a perfect legend by making 2 threads as today is my first day back from my ban, and i REALLY crave attention....
My philosophy is this, if you have the confidence and skill to play more than one character at a high level, why not exploit that fact... you go to tournaments to win, period. Now it goes along way, and i've learned the hard way, playing with more than one character can fuck you over because people like woundcowboy MASTER one character and it shows..
Now i think your sleezy if you play doomsday and it kills me to see the better players like reo (though he needs to work on the mu) and playing to win lose in tournaments when they seem like the strongest players, but at the end of the day fighting games, especially injustice are 90% systematic exploitation.
People who travel to tournaments and expend resources and time to play characters like lex luthor, joker, or 50% of the cast are nuts, and deserve to be counter-picked, unless they have a strong secondary to counter-act their bad matchups. I think, if you want to be the best, you are foolish not to pick a top tier character or even two to play with, and foolish not to exploit matchups if you know them...
People may call this dishonorable and/or scrubby but the same people are nursing on the tits of the scrubby shit in this game...
that being said i could never bring myself to pick up scrubby ass sonya