I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Seemed like there has been some confusion about what Joker's block infinite is and how it works, so I decided to throw a little something together to kinda break everything down and explain it. Let me start by saying that I don't like infinites existing in games and would rather see this get removed than anything else, but in the interest of informing the community, I wanted to put all the Joker cards on the table.
In essence, while it's an infinite and thus a really powerful tool, it's difficult to get people into (as it should be) because it begins with a set of teeth being placed, follower by a string with 11 frames of startup. In total, that's about 30-40 frames for the opponent to recognize something's happening and do something about it. That said, there are some ways to get into this a bit easier once you make your opponent respect some of Joker's options.
It functions starting with teeth, followed by Joker's 21 string, cancelled into another set of teeth, into another round of 21 xx teeth, and so on. The 21 string hits 3 times, but you need to cancel after the 2nd hit of the string in order for the timing to be right for the infinite to work. Ordinarily, there is a large enough window after the cancelled teeth for the opponent to respond, but the previous set of teeth pops right as the new set is being thrown and prevents them from punishing you during that window. This allows for the subsequent 21 string to connect, with a small window of around 4 or 5 frames.
Because of how small that window is, typical punishing and escape attempts don't work and the opponent is forced to block. MB back or forward 3's are also beaten out for the most part because the 21 string hits fast enough to stuff them. In total, there are those 4-5 frames after the teeth pop before the "2" or the 21 string connects, followed by an additional 14 frames before the 1st hit of the "1" portion of the 21 string hits, leaving about a 18-19 frame window for armored moves to get you out of the infinite *IF* the armor starts up within 4-5 frames. This applies to Bane's Double Punch and Venum Uppercut while he is Venum'd, Green Lantern's MB f3, I believe Grundy's Walking Corpse, and probably a few more things.
Some other ways to get out are parries by certain characters and pushblocking during the "1" in the 21 string, where the invincibility frames cover the teeth popping and the next set of teeth are prevented from coming out. You can also pushblock the teeth when they go off, but the next set of teeth will be placed and you'll be forced to block those, leaving Joker at advantage to still apply offense but also getting you out of the infinite.
That pretty much covers it, and here is a video for all you visual learners out there. Pretty sure everything here is correct, but if you think I got anything wrong or want some clarification on something, comment away.
EDIT: @Under_The_Mayo came up with another good bit of tech off of this infinite where if you think you're opponent is respecting it or that they will be trying for a pushblock, you can cancel the 2 into a f3 bounce cancel if you have the meter. This is a very hard to block (basically unblockable) situation, as we've seen before from a lot of Joker's corner and BGB tech, and puts them in the blender in that you can get a big damage into re-stands or more hardknockdowns into unblockable setups if you still have the meter.
EDIT2: Added some good ways to punish people for trying to escape. Very easy to hitconfirm into. Can go for damage or setups at your discretion depending on the pace of the match and who you're fighting. Also demonstrated that midscreen actually functions like a 50/50 if you read that they are gonna backdash out. Fun stuff.
*Credits go to @SonicFox5000 for discovering the block infinite. This was a super innovative and intriguing way to produce such a situation.
Jokers: @Qwark28 @Gilbagz @Fromundaman @EMP Dark @Notez4 @The_PantyChrist @OnlineRon91
Thanks to @Abbneto for helping out and being a super laggy online training dummy in a few spots!
@STORMS @CrimsonShadow if you think this is front page material.
In essence, while it's an infinite and thus a really powerful tool, it's difficult to get people into (as it should be) because it begins with a set of teeth being placed, follower by a string with 11 frames of startup. In total, that's about 30-40 frames for the opponent to recognize something's happening and do something about it. That said, there are some ways to get into this a bit easier once you make your opponent respect some of Joker's options.
It functions starting with teeth, followed by Joker's 21 string, cancelled into another set of teeth, into another round of 21 xx teeth, and so on. The 21 string hits 3 times, but you need to cancel after the 2nd hit of the string in order for the timing to be right for the infinite to work. Ordinarily, there is a large enough window after the cancelled teeth for the opponent to respond, but the previous set of teeth pops right as the new set is being thrown and prevents them from punishing you during that window. This allows for the subsequent 21 string to connect, with a small window of around 4 or 5 frames.
Because of how small that window is, typical punishing and escape attempts don't work and the opponent is forced to block. MB back or forward 3's are also beaten out for the most part because the 21 string hits fast enough to stuff them. In total, there are those 4-5 frames after the teeth pop before the "2" or the 21 string connects, followed by an additional 14 frames before the 1st hit of the "1" portion of the 21 string hits, leaving about a 18-19 frame window for armored moves to get you out of the infinite *IF* the armor starts up within 4-5 frames. This applies to Bane's Double Punch and Venum Uppercut while he is Venum'd, Green Lantern's MB f3, I believe Grundy's Walking Corpse, and probably a few more things.
Some other ways to get out are parries by certain characters and pushblocking during the "1" in the 21 string, where the invincibility frames cover the teeth popping and the next set of teeth are prevented from coming out. You can also pushblock the teeth when they go off, but the next set of teeth will be placed and you'll be forced to block those, leaving Joker at advantage to still apply offense but also getting you out of the infinite.
That pretty much covers it, and here is a video for all you visual learners out there. Pretty sure everything here is correct, but if you think I got anything wrong or want some clarification on something, comment away.
EDIT: @Under_The_Mayo came up with another good bit of tech off of this infinite where if you think you're opponent is respecting it or that they will be trying for a pushblock, you can cancel the 2 into a f3 bounce cancel if you have the meter. This is a very hard to block (basically unblockable) situation, as we've seen before from a lot of Joker's corner and BGB tech, and puts them in the blender in that you can get a big damage into re-stands or more hardknockdowns into unblockable setups if you still have the meter.
EDIT2: Added some good ways to punish people for trying to escape. Very easy to hitconfirm into. Can go for damage or setups at your discretion depending on the pace of the match and who you're fighting. Also demonstrated that midscreen actually functions like a 50/50 if you read that they are gonna backdash out. Fun stuff.
*Credits go to @SonicFox5000 for discovering the block infinite. This was a super innovative and intriguing way to produce such a situation.
Jokers: @Qwark28 @Gilbagz @Fromundaman @EMP Dark @Notez4 @The_PantyChrist @OnlineRon91
Thanks to @Abbneto for helping out and being a super laggy online training dummy in a few spots!
@STORMS @CrimsonShadow if you think this is front page material.
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