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Turning Over a New Leaf

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All in on Johnny Football
Agreed and am with u 100% on this. For example: Arma, King, Reno, REO and a lot of other people who contribute tech to the Batman forums have done so much for the character and same with other character sub forums. Just used Batman as an example due to his popularity in the "of America" talk. It doesn't matter who u main or what u do with the character, if u are contributing in any way u deserve props, not be thrown under the bus because of a bad tournament or for not attending a tournament. It's a game and hype story lines will of course be brought up but the whole being the best with whoever should not be put on somebody's back. It should be put on the backs of all the people that use the character.

Negativity spreads unfortunately however and since this was such a big subject back in the early days, the character of America will not stop right away. As a community if people begin to bring up the talk we should just ignore them or tell them to shut up. Obviously the stream monsters won't stop but who cares lol? On TYM we can stop it though, we just need to put all that talk behind us and focus on leveling up.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
Agreed. I like hype from attacking people's pride as much as the next person, but characters are built from the PEOPLE (not person) who ARE best with their character and not just a single person.

Like when Luffy and I started to talk about Rose and he used my setups and I used his ground game strategies, we both started doing better, winning and shit, placing a lot higher in majors because we basically pinpointed our characters strengths and merged our two completely different styles.

We are also FRIENDS that get along and we could careless who is the better Rose as long as we are both representing the character as character specialists. (I still beat him the mirror though and that's all that counts ;p)

That's a good way to build a character community.
This is a good point. You don't see other players in the Capcomunity constantly putting KnuckleDu and Dieminion, Ricky Ortiz and Justin, Arturo and FChamp etc. at each others throats because they play the same character. This is common from stream monsters, but our own players are doing this, and we have to stop.


Aren't arguments over who is the best natural to a competitive environment? I mean just look at Richard Sherman, dude just won a superbowl while making a game saving deflection in the NFC championship game and he's getting into twitter beefs with anyone and everyone who in any way implies he's not the best at what he does. A rich guy with an ivy league education who just accomplished the greatest thing he possibly could in his sport, a guy with literally no reason to care at all, is doing this and he's hardly alone. It is what it is. In a competitive environment comparisons will be made and feelings might get hurt, people need to grow thicker skin IMO.

Encouraging the sharing of tech and growing as a whole makes all the sense in the world, but the _____ of America arguments are going any where as long as people are still competing at tournaments and really I don't see any reason as to why you can't have both.


What's a Smarrgasm?
In all seriousness though, I agree completely. I may have outplaced Rico this time but it could have easily been the other way around and Rico is an amazing player. Another one to mention is @usbigboy who showed out amazingly at SCR and who is to doubt him at all either. I think all of us are great players and we are just here to represent the character as best we can. Its not about in-fighting for who is the best.


Come On Die Young
Fuck that shit. I'm keeping my Lex tech to myself @rev0lver @LtLuthor @imblackjames @Name v.5.0
Yeah I don't think the lex community cares who does well lol. We share tech and I don't think there's ever been any legit drama between us.

@Emperor DMS you can't pretend you haven't done this though. Like I watched the match between REO and PPJ and when REO won you talked about Jupiter being on blast. I don't care who the best Martian is, and neither does REO or Jupiter. But REO won because he's played me like 50000 games. Then you said "Jupiter does not know the matchup" like everyone's on the same level as 3 months ago at NEC which was weird too.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
Yeah I don't think the lex community cares who does well lol. We share tech and I don't think there's ever been any legit drama between us.

@Emperor DMS you can't pretend you haven't done this though. Like I watched the match between REO and PPJ and when REO won you talked about Jupiter being on blast. I don't care who the best Martian is, and neither does REO or Jupiter. But REO won because he's played me like 50000 games. Then you said "Jupiter does not know the matchup" like everyone's on the same level as 3 months ago at NEC which was weird too.
I guess you missed the last sentence in the first paragraph where I said I'm guilty of this. Jupiter STILL admits he doesn't know the Lex matchup to this day.
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Cold day in hell...
While I agree I'm not sure you can stop it completely. This type of discussion exists in everything competitive. How many times have we heard the discussion of "who is a better qb manning or brady?" When we all know on any given day either one can destroy a defense. The thing you don't hear is "peyton manning broke tom Brady's records today solidifying tom as a pathetic noodle arm whose accomplishments mean nothing now." And yes I realize it's a little strange that I'm using tom Brady the qb as an example when our own Brady seems to get the worst of this treatment but the football example was the one I figured would be the most familiar for all though I almost used gsp and Anderson Silva instead. My point is the props side of it is awesome the problem arises from something we do that other competitive ventures do not and that's invalidating the accomplishments of others as if they don't matter due to length of time. Lbsh the the "of America" thing really translates to "highest placing within the past 2 to 3 weeks."

The thing is while some would say it's hype it's also anti hype. If you tear down other players to build up one then in the eyes of some you take weight away from the matches of the former. It's not smart. We should be building our players up not tearing them down. There is a difference between hype, talking some trash, and what you sometimes see here. You even see some people downplaying kdz winning evo because he used superman. Everyone was playing the same game, a lot of them were using superman, and only one is world champion. I'm going to wrap this up now because I'm about to go on a major tangent. The thing we need to get is that we have a lot of damn good players and though you could debate all day who is the best with x character you would be better off realizing that a great player is a great player and beating any of them is no small feat.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
yo great thread i hope people seriously follow through with stuff like this and this community can actually come together instead of being always at eachothers throats or trying to they are better and those of us on the outside should stop comparing and say someone is the best with their character and just let them all enjoy themselves and grow.
im also happy to see Tom say something ive been saying for a while that we dont know shit about this game yet as a community and people should stop shutting people out and hear out what people have to say regarding the game or speific characters or tech, if you look a early tourneys to now the game looks alot different and thats not just because of the patch is because were learning more about the game, nobody even knew how to play until around summer jam/tfc. from a stream monster standpoint it would just be great to see the community get together and some players stop being divas and see how much of this game we can uncover while its in its prime.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
interesting discussion but i want to ask what happens to those who pride themselves to be the best with their character? or those who pride themselves to be the best period?


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Just to be clear on the whole Joker community vs. SonicFox bullshit (since it's fairly clear that it's being hinted at in some of this) that went down before Final Round, the only reason any of us (mostly Qwark and myself) were taking issue with that thread was because he came in there calling us all downplayers and frauds with our own character. You're right, communities shouldn't shutdown players that come in trying to help, but Sonic's thread was NOT an example how to act, and is pretty much the exact opposite of what you're trying to push here. I'm all for discussing and debating Joker tech; I fucking love it. But don't come in my forums calling me and everyone I've been building this character with a bunch of idiots. That's horseshit, and that's why that thread went the way it did. I have no problems moving forward. Joker is a much better character than people think; I doubt he is top 10, but he's strong nonetheless and that's my opinion. People know we don't downplay him whatsoever, and soon, hopefully we'll be able to show everyone why. Perhaps some more tact will earn you some more respect next time young Fox...


Kytinn King
I think hype is good but some people take the title of being the best character they play too seriously.

I think the Zatanna community is the only character that has people that main her that all support each other. We don't care who the best is, we just like to throw rings and confuse people :)
You're forgetting about the Harley community, we support each other as well. We all just want to throw MB Cupcakes.


A spaceman
I discussed this extensively with @Tom Brady on my drive back home, and he had several excellent points. We as a community put too much stock in who's better rather than learning together. Players are literally scared to attend future tournaments because they feel pressured to achieve a standard placed on them by outside parties, based on the merits of other people who play their characters. "Well ForeverKing placed 4th, so DarthArma must do better or he's automatically a worse player." Players who come from Xbox Live and PSN and haven't spoken a word to ANYONE are being watched under a microscope because someone "Rebelo'd" them and they HAVE to deliver or they're a fraud. I am not talking about the guys who preach about being the best and get a foot up their ass. I'm talking about people who mind their own business, play their game, don't make it out of pools, and somehow get deemed mediocre by varying portions of the community. Those same people can end up in Grand Finals at the next Major and make EVERYONE look foolish. I am guilty of this, and I apologize.

I'm done with this ___ of America shit. Play your character and enjoy yourself. If you don't place, try again next time. I will no longer be using players as measuring sticks for characters. Everyone plays their character differently and will have varying levels of success. What we need to do moving forward, is share as much tech as possible, and help each other improve, rather than hold each other back. Tom has been saying for awhile "WE DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT THIS GAME!" and he's right. Sonic Fox has Aquaman tech that Tom didn't know about. Sonic Fox has undiscovered tech for a lot of the cast, but people shut him down because "he doesn't main the character" and shouldn't be considered an authority. We need to stop this. I said at NEC if Theo, Slayer, and KDZ combined their styles and helped each other improve on what they're lacking, they could further the development of Superman and make him more complete. There is no "wrong" way to play any character. Certain styles work in certain situations, and learning when to incorporate varying styles can help you with difficult matchups.

Leaving this all behind, I want the community to join me in moving forward. People will not be directly or indirectly insulted on our podcast for "under-performing." I want to start a new movement of positivity and help the community grow. We can't do this by acting like crabs in a bucket that are pulling down other players trying to be successful.
Yes! All of this!


I was thinking this same exact thing but I didn't want to make a thread about it lol. Yeah the ___ of America is stupid it's just another way of saying this guy's the best with that character and makes other people feel bad. And tourney results don't mean everything...you can still be one of the best with so and so and not place as well as others.
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