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Coping with Nerves


Today I experienced something ridiculous that I never knew was even in me while I was playing in KaraeokeLove's tournament.

I got nervous. Why?

Logically there is nothing to be lost from losing this tournament, but my hands began to even shake a bit as my match started. I was up against VvV Napalm and I chose Rain as I always do.

I didn't feel too confident, even though I did okay I suppose in actuality, and for reasons beyond me as I stated before, I felt nervous; normally I wouldn't care but this bothers me because soon I will be going to a major here in the Midwest and will be competing in Mortal Kombat. I'm hoping I will be able to cope with my nerves, but the problem is I feel they will be even worse on the big stage.

I'm a young gun, I've never been to a tournament and this will be my first and to be realistic with myself, I don't think I'm that great of a player. I feel like online I'm okay but to be honest with myself, do I have what it takes to win a tournament? How will I cope with my nerves?

Any positive feedback is welcome, preferably from people who have been to tournaments.

Thank you.


I am the salt
My hands started shaking like crazy at the tourney I went to.

Had more adrenaline than blood lol.

Made it more fun :)


Shang Bang
When I went to my first offline event, it wasnt even a tourney but the fact that there were people spectating made me nervous and drop BnBs that I never drop when playing online.


well there is alwase the 1 man tango

the only other sugestion i can give is just keep going

i had to go to about 4 tornaments b4 my nevers finnaly got under control

just remember no one is judging you on your performance its just a game with friends go at it with that mind set and you will feel a lot better


It's because you care if you win or not. You've invested considerable amounts of time and you want to see the fruits of your labor. Try to view being nervous as a good thing and channel that energy into focus. You probably won't do very well at coping with your nerves the first time, but that's ok. Take that experience and build on it and eventually you'll use your nerves to work for you instead of against.


well I would say practice a lot offline with other people. You play for yourself so just treat it as any other match and stop caring how well you do but what you can learn from the matches.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Thing is only experience with it will help you find what you need to find:

whatever works for you.

iPod, having a couple drinks. coffee, etc etc. find what works.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
that must explain why so many players at EVO at headphones on
its a great way to focus and cut out people talking, etc. focus on your game by using your favorite tunes to block out the world is a good way to cope with nerves.

not the only way, or the only good way. everyones different.


Hey book -

I went to my first real offline tournament a month back or so. I was nervous as hell. Before I left I smoked a bowl... but it didn't help. I probably smoked a cig between every match I had to play and I don't even smoke that often.

What DID help for me though... was talking to people. Once they started calling out names for the pools I would just talk to anyone next to me that was standing there. Tried to just make myself feel comfortable. I guess if I put myself in the mindset that, okay all these strangers aren't strangers... they're just friends, it calmed me down. I mean everyone there likes Mortal Kombat so it should be easy to start up conversations with people. Don't get me wrong I was still very nervous every time I played, but after talking to people it wasn't AS bad. Plus you also find out that nearly everyone else feels just as shaky as you do.

In between rounds I was playing I could turn around and make eye contact with someone I just met a little while ago and they give you the nod or whatever because they KNOW you now. It makes you feel comfortable. Anyway that worked for me. AND I took first place muahaha.

I still went and threw up in the bathroom right after they gave me my MK Stick. LOL.

Hopefully you find something that helps you. And good luck man!!
Well first I'd like to say, don't sell yourself short. If you think you're an average player you always will be. Saying you don't think you're that great of a player is the first step you can take in the wrong direction.

- Like Doomfarmer said. Open yourself up, meet as many people playing the game YOU love as you can, talk to people about matches, about where you're having troubles. You don't want to go to a tournament thinking you're alone, or by yourself, ever. It's very very important that you try and be as social as possible. I played with Tom Brady back on Deception a bit, even Armageddon, but met him for the first time at the PDP tournament, not even having the slightest clue who I was gave me advice that back then blew my mind, and no matter what anyone says about him he's a good dude. Yeah he talks shit, yeah he has a temper, but he's a competitive MK player and wants to win. He just shows it more then most, so the fuck what.

- An IPOD works wonders. vVv REO will tell you, while he was up on stage playing in front of thousands of people live, he hardly even noticed the crowd until he watched video of it. Listen to something that gets you in the zone, stretching also helps, even though we're just playing a video game.

- Most importantly. . . play against the character your opponent is using, and not your opponent. Play against the character on the screen, if you get matched up against vVv REO, or Perfect Legend, and tell yourself "oh shit" you're already done for. Play the best you know how to play against their chosen character and nothing else.


You know how people say "PICTURE THE AUDIENCE IN THEIR UNDERWEAR!"?? That doesnt work. Pro tip lol. I havent been to a tournament yet, but I hope I will in the future.


Gaming4Satan Founder
I actually don't get nervous. I mean, I can feel adrenaline and whatever but it doesn't affect my play. If I drop something with the world on the line, all the means is that I would have dropped it in my living room alone.

I actually think it has to do with performing music. Once I got accustomed to performing in front of large audiences, there really isn't anything that triggers nerves for me anymore. So, maybe try conquering a bigger hill. Like public speaking, for example. It's the #1 most feared thing in America, according to polls.


Ive competed in martial arts in front of hundreds and have also played music in front of many people. Last year I was Front of the House audio engineer in a concert with 1.5 MILLION people! and guess what... I got nervous as hell!

When you are on display, the energy level rises. For you, for your opponent and for the audience. There is absolutely no way to avoid this, no zen tips, no magic pill, nothing. Its up to you to learn to surf in this new elevated state, and in order to learn anything you have to do it many times... you have to practice it!

When you get accustomed to it you learn to ride the wave and USE that enegry to help you. Thats what a master performer is.

Dont think for a second that the fact you were nervous might mean you dont have what it takes. You WANT to be nervous, you WANT the enegry level to go up; so you can get used to the feeling. Once you begin to find yourself in familiar territory, you can turn fear into a weapon!

truck on young gun!


I say it's good to get nervous. It's natural. It's when you don't get nervous that you are in trouble. When you aren't nervous, you don't dig down as deep when you are in toruble, you don't try as hard to find interesting escapes and Kombos, etc. Just so long as your nerves are manageable. You don't wanna psych yourself out before you even enter the room :)


the special effects
Have pics of your lady on your phone and go to the bathroom for a couple minutes.

I prefer to speedball a viagra and cialis to keep all the bloodflow in my genitals and not the rest of my body so I can remain calm.


the special effects

Honestly though, I just try to focus on the character, not the player. If you DO have the mindset of "oh fack, its REO/PL/Brady, they're gonna push my man hymen so far up me I'll be using it as a taillight, wat do" you're gonna succumb to pressure and snap. Just calm down and do your best.
Not to repeat whats already been said, but everyone needs something different, i havent ever been to a big mk tournament, but ive been in front of sizeable crowds, and what i find works best is right before i'd head out, i'd roll my shoulders, untense my back, and yawn alot, its really relaxing. Just something for you to consider