come at me
Ok guys so i was holding out on making this thread until after evo. Many of you have been probably wondering when and how to add jc B2 unblockable into your game. I found out many ways to do so but here are 3 ways that are good to use IMO.
**These are not garuanteed, but if you are reading your opponents habits then they are a very valuable tool IMO. Again IMO lol.
Playing at evo i was able to show these to some people like, sao, wonderchef, shoryuken, etc.
I have one of my examples here. at 4:20
at 1:32:38
If u do 2 then b2 it catches people doing a normal get up.
Other 2 ways i will reveal right now. In corner-
21f2,2,2,2,21f2, b2. at 1:37:50
The beauty of these setups are once u get your opponent to react to this you can always cancel and punish any attempted wake up attack or jump. If anyone else says they came up with these, they are wrong. I have been doing this since late .may-early june.
**These are not garuanteed, but if you are reading your opponents habits then they are a very valuable tool IMO. Again IMO lol.
Playing at evo i was able to show these to some people like, sao, wonderchef, shoryuken, etc.
I have one of my examples here. at 4:20
If u do 2 then b2 it catches people doing a normal get up.
Other 2 ways i will reveal right now. In corner-
21f2,2,2,2,21f2, b2. at 1:37:50
The beauty of these setups are once u get your opponent to react to this you can always cancel and punish any attempted wake up attack or jump. If anyone else says they came up with these, they are wrong. I have been doing this since late .may-early june.