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Does the 2/3 format cause inconsistencies in tournaments?

Does the 2/3 format cause inconsistencies in tournaments?

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I Got Guiled
I guess I disagree with an assumption of your argument. I don't think tournaments matches determine who the better player is at the game. They determine who has the better mix of execution, match up knowledge and luck/momentum at the time of the set. In this game luck/momentum play a big part especially when it comes to the randomness of stage selection. More games may help you but they may also screw you just as well.

Also, I think when people begin to realize what part of a stage best benefits them, we will see people start giving up lockdown corner pressure for transitions to help avoid real master comebacks from certain interactable strong characters. Most stages seem to have one transition section with strong interactables for power characters with the other half being more favorable to gadget characters. I think you saw some of this come into play with the Orochi vs Pig match.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
To be completely honest I disagree. I think this game comes much closer to Marvel in terms of being able to random someone out than in MK9. I don't think it's a coincidence that upsets and surprises are happening far more at this point of this game's life than what we've seen before. We do have a lot of good players, and people do still not know matchups. But even when it comes down to two top players who both know their matchups well, I feel like there's so much in terms of situational advantages on stages and being able to nearly kill off 1 combo into a setup/mixup.

Dave already made a thread about this but I think it's especially true with the round system. You can get randomed out or just guess wrong in the first health bar and then have to work twice as hard to come back. I feel like there would be significantly more consistency if we went to 3/5.

tbh the problem with this for us is time. marvel can do it because they always have shitloads of setups. Final Round today was 2/3 and went from roughly 10-11AM to midnight when everyone else had been done for hours. even if they just streamed a few less matches, they probably would've gotten kicked out before they finished.
FR ran late because of absolutely piss poor leadership

I publicly said my piece at the tournament

If FR was 3/5 it would only not have worked because of who was in charge or not in charge


Thank god after 5 hours late DMS took over


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
FR ran late because of absolutely piss poor leadership

I publicly said my piece at the tournament

If FR was 3/5 it would only not have worked because of who was in charge or not in charge


Thank god after 5 hours late DMS took over
Isn't ShinBlanka or whatever his name is in charge of Final Round? I'm sorry if its a dumb question, but I vaguely remember him as the primary TO.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Isn't ShinBlanka or whatever his name is in charge of Final Round? I'm sorry if its a dumb question, but I vaguely remember him as the primary TO.
He @ShinBlanka is the TO of FR yes

but in charge of Injustice ________

No one was in charge , it was an absolute cluster fuck

Shock and KN should have been in charged and owned everything that occured but didn't and there was no proper preparation done for hot fixes , I have spoken many times about the 4g frys cards, it absolutely was just a massive cluster fuck and extremely disheartening to ever compete at a tourney KN runs

I prefer going where I know who is in charge and know that he/she is 100% competent in doing so.

Inb4 mikemetroid starts w this fucking horse shit about mk2 and the past that doesn't effect anything now and how we wouldn't have anything is it weren't for KN because last I checked KN wasn't at FR 2012/2013 and we had everything

Also I'm speaking about KN because they should have been the leaders so unlike most I'd rather be blunt and honest and actually say it rather than everyone in this community that's scared to say it publicly

Grow some nuts or tell me if I'm wrong and why

Also: ask anyone at the tourney .....this was my stance prior to winning matches or losing matches . Shit hit the fan during mk9 and literally unimaginably hit all time new lows in terms of organization and NO leadership and shit prep during inj

Also I'd like to forever call the "I miss my pool and registration so it's ok out me in a later pool" the official gross/Noobe rule

Still waiting on the person to let me know who magically added gross and Noobe to pool 4 ok MK after gross was DQed from his pool he missed
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You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Man, I remember when Medina and BeerGuyEd(I think that was his name) ran MK9's Final Round stream. Smooth like butter, if memory serves.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
My bad. Should have added you for retro props. Consider retro-props given, retroactively. :)
I handled mk at FR completely including
Helping players fix issues ASAP
Some systems

People knew who was in charge for mk , who to come to w issues and other than MK running late in 2012 it was perfect IMO

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
pig is just upset he didn't place top 8 which he knew was key for his injustice legacy at this point.:DOGE
No but it is people like you that fully encourage me to stop helping and doing community things completely

I had these exact opinion prior to sat


There's nothing wrong with a bit of randomness, in fact it's a big part of the reason the nfl is so much more popular than the nba. Yeah the nba gets it "right" more often with regards to the best team winning due to the long 82 game season and best of 7 playoff format but it also makes it VERY predictable. I can bet on basketball due to the predictable nature of the game due to its format. With the nfl though? Teams go from worst first all the time, wild cards win super bowls all the time, the unpredictability makes for a funner watch.

I understand that for the players that might be frustrating but what needs to be kept in mind is that you're trying to turn fighting games into essentially a spectator sport, and predictability kills spectator sports. I mean read the forums on places like gamefaqs where everyone doesn't watch every tournament, or the comments on youtube pages from the same kinds of people. The same kinds of people that we're trying to draw to the scene. You get a lot of "super man wins again... lame" etc.

This game has been infinitely more hype post patch since top 8s started becoming much more varied.
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Mama's Little Bumgorf
I agree with 3/5 but voted no because 2/3 isn't causing inconsistencies. Is there ONE player in Top 8 that surprises you right now? Hell, our entire Top 32 possesed the capability to win the whole tournament. This game is really balanced, but also momentum based, so any one can have a good showing at any time.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
So because they provided the stream they were supposed to take charge of the whole tourney? I thought their stream was fine personally
Stream worked Friday because of me and flipkev for Saturday

And yes 2012 and 2013 I ran it and we had someone in charge 2014 we had people mysteriously changing brackets and being DQ'ed and re added and people trying to reseed for top 32, and no one knowing hot fix protocols


RTSD All Day. I'm going in. No Vaseline.
I agree with 3/5 but voted no because 2/3 isn't causing inconsistencies. Is there ONE player in Top 8 that surprises you right now? Hell, our entire Top 32 possesed the capability to win the whole tournament. This game is really balanced, but also momentum based, so any one can have a good showing at any time.
This game isn't balanced -_-. Interactables are what cause the inconsistencies. Unfortunately, some characters need them to compete.


Stream worked Friday because of me and flipkev for Saturday

And yes 2012 and 2013 I ran it and we had someone in charge 2014 we had people mysteriously changing brackets and being DQ'ed and re added and people trying to reseed for top 32, and no one knowing hot fix protocols
What I don't understand is why so much stuff was left to the hour of instead of the day/days/weeks before. Why were consoles being patched the hour before the start of the stream? Why was the 4g situation looked into the hour before the stream? Why was the seemingly no preparation whatsoever for anything? I mean shit, I know people do a lot of this on their own dime but would a smidgen of professionalism really hurt?
this game really brings the worst out of people, imo there will never be a real dominant player in this game like in other games. There will never be a reo, cd jr, or pl in this game just because it has a lot of shenanigans and it involves a lot of 50/50 guessing, interactables, matchups, the round system


PSN: Skkra
I know a lot of people in this community dislike Marvel, but the two games are VERY similiar in some key ways. Lots of overwhelming bullshit and gimmicks. A "single lifebar" with no round breaks. Momentum-based play where you might just get completely blown out one game.

Marvel is 3/5 to increase consistency. Injustice (honestly, any game) would certainly benefit from 3/5 as well, and given the similarities, it seems justified. Injustified?


cr. HP Master
No but it is people like you that fully encourage me to stop helping and doing community things completely

I had these exact opinion prior to sat
no no no no no no no no...I may only be a "online warrior/stream monster," but I've been following this community since MK9 dropped. I've seen first hand what you have done to help this community and so have a ton of others. At one point the stream was well over 1k viewers and the majority of people were thanking you for streaming the event for us. You have saved that whole disaster from happening twice now and people know it. Don't let people like Tomluls who is in the negative minority dictate whether or not you contribute to this community. Head up.