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NRF| PSN Prospect Thread

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I had some great games yesterday with Friction and Quantum :D I think all I have left are Espio and Ecodus. Looking forward to the matches :D


I ain't got time to bleed.
I'll make sure to be on :) You have Skype? I'd really like to get your thoughts on how horrible my Selina is and what I can do to fix it.
I'll be a bit tight on time tonight, I'd be glad to do a CW set with you sometime, and we can discuss then coo?


Beware my power, Red Lantern's Light
Hey sup guys. I played @Leeko3000 in some casuals a few days ago and he was telling me about NRF. Sounded really promises and figured id apply.

What fighting games are you currently playing?

I only play Injustice and Playstation Allstars Battle Royale. Allstars I play competitively and am one of top 3 Evil Cole players in the tourney scene (LordThesaus). Injustice im just an online random looking to level up.

I have DoA5 but im only on lesson 7 of like 42 sooo.... -___-

Have you ever played in tournaments for MK9 or Injustice? Do you plan to?

Never have. Plan to in the future when im confident enough to not go 0-2.

What are your goals as a competitive fighting game player? And what seems appealing to you about being part of NRF?

I like fighting games and id like to place well in tournies. NRF appeals to me because you guys are willing to take in someone like myself and train us to be overall better players. And your all about class. No elitism attitudes it appears (thats a problem in the Allstars competitive scene. Quite sad tbh).

Can you take constructive criticism? We all see different things at different times, and the more eyes we have one one another's game, the more we are all able to help one another.

Yea of course. Especially when its something I know im not to knowledgable about.

Give us an example of a time when you've been rage quit on or received hatemail. What was your response? What did you do?

I never send hatemail but I will respond to it depending on how hilarious it is. I usually say something sarcastic. Last person called me a cunt cuz I beat up all 3 of his chars in a KOTH with my scrubby Lobo and I just said "y u mad bro?"

I never ragequit. When people quit on my, I just laugh and move on. If I ever send anything, I just say "Y u leave me? :("

What is your internet connection like? Are you wired or wireless? Preference will STRONGLY be given to prospects who are wired and have a good connection. Please post a pic of your speedtest.net results if possible.

Im in college but I got it wired. I never trust the campus wireless lol.

What's the most important thing you hope to gain by joining NRF?

The training I need to become a better player and some more injustice friends haha. :)

What's your biggest strength that you bring to the table? What's an area of weakness that your working towards improving?

I guess my biggest strength is the fact that I main a character not a lot of people play or know about.

Ooohh I have several weaknesses. Ares has no good anti-airs so im free to jump happy players (especially Bats and Joker). I also can't handle heavy rushdown since his strings aren't that good to counterpoke with and his backdash is bad. Chars like Flash, WW, and Batman (if I can't keep him off of me) give me seriously problems. Last thing is that the other char I want to sub is Joker (who im bad with) and I have an extremely hard time gettin on straight keepaway characters like Zatanna, Raven, and Sinestro. Dat shit so irritating yo -___-

Just some extra info about me, im a Texas player (Live in Dallas, attend college south of Waco). I actually coulda went to Texas showdown but my fear of looking free on stream kept me from going. I also have a mic and a capture card so I can record stuff. I have a youtube channel with all my Allstars and a few Injustice matches on it. I have a FT5 vs my friend InsertGirder Ares vs Sinestro, an Arrow Infinite troll vid, and a random Arrow vs Nightwing match (I use to main Arrow).

Emperor Eevee

Learn to take a joke pal!
What fighting games are you currently playing?
I currently play Injustice.

Have you ever played in tournaments for MK9 or Injustice? Do you plan to?
I've only attended tournaments for Injustice and will continue to attend as many as I can.

What are your goals as a competitive fighting game player? And what seems appealing to you about being part of NRF?
My goals as a competitive fighting game player are as followed:
1. Place top 16 or higher at a Major/Regional event.
2. Become one of the top users of my main in Injustice.
3. Attend EVO 2015 and make it out of Pools.
4. Help Fromundaman with the growth of our Injustice scene in our Ohio area.

~After seeing that you guys were having tryouts, which seem pretty organized to me, I decided that I'd give it a shot and see if I have what it takes to be apart you guys' team.

Can you take constructive criticism? We all see different things at different times, and the more eyes we have one one another's game, the more we are all able to help one another.
Constructive criticism is what helps me get better so I have no problem with hearing it. If you have information to help me suck less, I'd appreciate it if you told me immediately.

Give us an example of a time when you've been rage quit on or received hatemail. What was your response? What did you do?
Depending on what the hatemail said, will depend on what I say. Here are a couple examples:

"I'd win too if I spammed like you"
My response - That's how my character is played in MU, be more patient and maybe you have so much trouble.

"Lag is the only reason you won"
My response - Ok? If we are able to establish a better connection a better connection, we can have a rematch.

What is your internet connection like? Are you wired or wireless? Preference will STRONGLY be given to prospects who are wired and have a good connection. Please post a pic of your speedtest.net results if possible.
The connection I use is not bad at all. I'll post the speedtest when I can. (Note: I use Fromundaman's PS3 and XBL until i get myself another copy of Injustice)

What's the most important thing you hope to gain by joining NRF?
I hope to be apart of a team with a bunch of cool people who can help go further with the goals I've set for myself. It always feels good when you have someone looking out for you, especially when you reach a certain MU/player in tournament. With someone watching how you're playing during the matches, they can tell you of your errors in between and after thew match so you are able to build off of that.

What's your biggest strength that you bring to the table? What's an area of weakness that your working towards improving?
My biggest strength is staying focused. With my main 2 hobbies, they require me to stay focused on what I am doing, which has helped me out in the long run.

~MU experience, that's what hurts me the most. Our small scene only has so many players who play a couple characters. Joker, Harley, Superman, Zod, MMH, Raven, Shazam, Nightwing, Hawkgirl, and Aquaman are the characters our scene has. We have no Flashs, no Batgirls or any of the other characters that are seen alot in tournament. So when I go to tournaments and meet a MU i'm unfamiliar with (such as when I played Oxygen at Civil War), I struggle.


Beware my power, Red Lantern's Light

Yo sup guys. Ive already done my FT10 vs Espio and Friction. Ive added all 3 of you on your NRF accounts. Hope i'll get a chance to play you guys sometime this week. Im LT_the_Vigilante, bow before Ares, and let the bodying begin!:DOGE


Hi guys! I was wondering what's going on for me. I just contacted Espio earlier tonight for tryout matches and he told me that he is no longer in charge of that stuff. But I come here and I see peoples with matches vs him. So do I need to fight someone else (Espio was my last match) or am I up for a vote? Or is this your way of trying to tell me something :(


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
Hi guys! I was wondering what's going on for me. I just contacted Espio earlier tonight for tryout matches and he told me that he is no longer in charge of that stuff. But I come here and I see peoples with matches vs him. So do I need to fight someone else (Espio was my last match) or am I up for a vote? Or is this your way of trying to tell me something :(
We've gone through some restructuring hang tight man we will get back to you this week


Thanks soo much dood! Sorry about my weepy post but I'm fighting a cold that seems impervious to medicines. And I get weepy when I'm sickies :(
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