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How did you get your nickname?


I can't be the only curious one. Anyway, me first:

My PS3 tag: TheWrist. I'm pretty big on word aversion, so I just settled on this because it sounded cool to me. The fact that no one knows (or cares? nah) what the origin is behind it and it sounds like it could be the name of a monster in the closet was cool to me, so there you have it.

My name here: Robotic. It would be my ps3 tag too, if it didn't mean deleting information. I've had this since before MK came out, so imagine my pleasant surprise when I settled on Sektor being my main. My name is Robert (similar enough) and I have a very cold logic to me. I'm not very emotional, and I tend to wonder what's the matter with people when they lose their shit. I tend to break down and analyze most things to see how they affect me in any way, so I settled on Robotic. Word aversion criteria: I like the way it sounds, too.


Scrublord McGee
ELC is short for EpicLevelCommoner. Used to be deep into D&D and other roleplaying games when I was in high school, so I adopted this name a joke: an epic-level commoner would be akin to an MK1 character with no special moves but 150% damage and health.


Praise Sheeva
ELC is short for EpicLevelCommoner. Used to be deep into D&D and other roleplaying games when I was in high school, so I adopted this name a joke: an epic-level commoner would be akin to an MK1 character with no special moves but 150% damage and health.
hehe epic level commoner, I really like that!

My name is my world of warcraft toon, who is a female tauren holy priest. Kinda wish I didn't use it for this forum, but it seems too late to change it now.


i got the poison
I played Armored Core 2 or so in the 90's where i built a mech, it was very chunky and i painted it fleshy red, black and bonewhite, i imagined it mashing people so i came to call it FleshMasher.

I reactivated that name for PSN and SC4 online because i tend to play FGs more flashy than successful (Style over Skill) and i liked the masher wordplay for FGs.

Big Frog

I've been going by Big Frog for years, and my PSN name is FrogGirth and it's just because I am completely obsessed with amphibians. I care for 15 frogs right now, I'm covered in frog related tattoos, amphibian trinket hoarder, been in bands related to frogs killing humans (Phyllomedusa is my band right now: http://www.last.fm/music/Phyllomedusa), etc, etc, etc..

I started Phyllomedusa in 2006 and I've been on a slimy trail ever since. I do all the inlays for the CDs I do and I always put Big Frog.

MMA fans would quickly realize I stole "Big Frog" from Jeff Curran, hahaha but o well. He's getting towards the end of his career.


Gaming4Satan Founder
My name is my actual name... and where I'm from lol.

Not very imaginative

Sent from my Eris using Tapatalk


Robert Deniro = Travis Bickle = GodsLonelyMan
Besides the fact that Taxi driver is my all time favorite film I decided to go with that name because I can relate to the character in the film like no other. I suppose thats why it's my favorite film of all time. I know what it's like to be socially awkward and suffer from crippling psychological/anxiety disorders. I am a loner, always looking at things from the outside and introspecting frequently. I can relate but at the same time can't relate to people. Quite the paradox eh? The name suits me.
-My favorite Genre, Metal.
-My favorite animal, Wolf.
-My date of birth, May 3rd.

-I go by Hound.(Honestly don't know why I didn't put that as my name on here.)
-And the Rob Zombie song, Dragula.
"Dead I am the dog, Hound of Hell you cry
Devil on your back, I can never die."
I got the nick-name "Hound" because I am obsessed with wolves.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Beef_Supreme. From the movie Idiocracy. Laughed so hard when they intro'd the character. I immediately dropped my old name, The_brownACiD. Greatness

-b_s- :headbang:

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
There's actually a pretty funny/lame reason why I have my name. When I used to play FPS's, my friends and I are were trying to think of a clan name. After all the COD4 clan names being like KILLAZ or DEADMEN or VISCIOUS ATTACK, we decided we'd take a different path. So, we came up with Sea Gents short for Sea Gentlemen. Since all of the other clan names sounded so violent, we thought it'd be funny to be the "polite" clan on COD4. At first, it was going to be The League of Extraordinary Polite Gentlemen, but we decided Sea Gents was better. Also, the irony of there being no water battles in COD4 multiplayer was a plus. After we chose our clan name, we proceeded to make names referring to either Pirates or Navy positions. My friend was Pirate_Greg, later Grenadier_Gary, my other friend was Skipper Steve, and I'm Admiral_Augustus. Our tag was GENT and everyone thought our clan name was Gentiles. That made me laugh really hard. So, that's the story of how The Admiral came to be.


This thread is already paying off. I love finding little things like this out. Thanks guys! Keep em coming!
Well back in the day, me and brother, my uncle and my cousins were all heavy X-men children of the atom players on the sega saturn. Well that was before they displayed the actual name for the super move that ended a match on the screen, so...........we all thought Mags was saying "Magneto Halfway!" when he did his super, instead of Magnetic Shockwave lmao, so yea, thats where it came from


Shang Bang
Been using this username ever since I discovered the Internet 7 or 8 years ago. By discovered, I mean forums and the real internet and not just hotmail and MSN messenger. Back in high school I was considered the most hardcore videogame player and friends called me Game Freak. But obviously that name sounded retarded so I spiced it up. Guru replacing Freak, because I reached a high lever of VG playing and had students learn the art from me XD. It still makes me cringe when someone says it in RL though. If I ever went to Evo, I'd probably just sign up with my RL name.


I'm a guilty gear fan, so my username is originates from one of the main character's moves. Plus its badass.

Here's a pic of "sol badguy" doing the tyrant rave:

... Now where's TyrantRevolver lol


Had the GT... A Dirty Skumbag since day one of original xbox live. So when I put a bullet through your head in whatever FPS, It would read... A Dirty Skumbag Killed You. After several salt inducing clan battles and the ever so wonderful sign in to XBOX live to get the message... Your gamertag is deemed offensive, Please choose a new gamertag. After that happening multiple times and several variations later, I'm now at o SKUMBAG o.

I am however a nice guy though, But I am also very DIRTY.


Had the GT... A Dirty Skumbag since day one of original xbox live. So when I put a bullet through your head in whatever FPS, It would read... A Dirty Skumbag Killed You. After several salt inducing clan battles and the ever so wonderful sign in to XBOX live to get the message... Your gamertag is deemed offensive, Please choose a new gamertag. After that happening multiple times and several variations later, I'm now at o SKUMBAG o.

I am however a nice guy though, But I am also very DIRTY.


Snolla? Long Story (spans over many years): My last name is Hollenbeck so my friends eventually started calling me Holla for short. I've been called that for about 7 or so years now. My dad is a big man and when he gets mad he resembles a bear so then it led to one of my closest friends calling me "Hollabear." He then went on to call me Snollabear by accident when he was super drunk and we were partying and it stuck because of how funny he was at that time. It was eventually shortend to Snolla (or SnollaSnax because I've got the goods).


SaBiie is my nick name. My middle name is Xavier, Pronounced Sah-B-errr in Spanish. At one point people called be Wasabi, because it sounded close. So TheSaBiie merely means The-SaBiie Lol.


Venom Addict/Space Pope
Well, where to start...used to be "A Pack of Ninjas", so when you died it would say "A Pack of Ninjas killed you". Thought it was funny lol. Then I had a few in between i cant remember. Then i was A5be5to5 Po55Ible (Asbestos Possible - As best as possible, dumb i know lol). Changed to MESSIAH after a while. Then after watching chapelles show, i saw the "Nigrodamus" sketch and changed to q Nigrodamus p, that got reported and my friend has a tag that has "XoX" and a 4 letter word in between like GZUS, we play a lot together so I changed it to XoX GZUS XoX. Almost time for a change again, because I'm trying to find my own handle for fighters and just be me. Just having trouble coming up with a good one. Think I have one, but don't want to put it up for fear it will get stolen :p You never know who's watching...

B W1zZ

My name consists of 2 parts. B and WizZ. My first name is Brandon, and I'm a fucking Wizard.

Brandon + The Wizard = B W1zZ


Kenshi Moderator
Teef is an actual short name for my actual real life name....my nick name giving to me by my friends.

xx is just like Brackets, to make Teef shiner.... xxTeefxx

ADR Napalm

My name consists of 2 parts. B and WizZ. My first name is Brandon, and I'm a fucking Wizard.

Brandon + The Wizard = B W1zZ
LOL nice.

Nicked myself Napalm for two reasons. . .

1) Napalm in the form of bombs were just devastating, literally cut everything in it's path for square miles. Was also used in other forms such as flame throwers. Napalm in that form is a jelly like gasoline substace that's impossible to remove, there for just melting people and objects against their will, pretty nasty stuff. ;)

2) Napalm Death is one of my all time favorite bands, so it fit me pretty well.

78 was the year I was born.


My blades will find your heart
I like futurama, especially zoidberg. Now over xbl and IRC(clan chat) I act like I am in reality a lobster. I also occasionally call myself zoidberg in real life, which shows how attached I am to this nameXD


the special effects
Everybody wants the best loot in MMOs, when I played WoW I had a toon named Loot, etc.