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Ranked Matches are useless compared to player matches, nay?

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Why call someone out when they complain about lag when you are from NZ? I bet you were having unplayable lag, where unsafe moves become safe, inputs drop, and everything delayed. Braindead characters always prevail...its just the reality of things. Can not blame someone for being frustrated about not being able to compete because you live damn near at the bottom of the world...but make no mistake, I have love for NZ. Wish I were there. Would gladly sacrifice internet speeds.
so THATS why it was impossible to do anything to you Hades, you live all the way half a world around from me. Good gods, and then you whine about ME talking about how laggy it was and I cant do anything?
good gods, thats hilarious. Thanks for pointing this out Perdition.

how dare me point out how I couldnt do anything... when the guys half the earth away.

Hahaha he sent me another one "that lagggg can't air punch ever" haha this whining is hilarious
Yeah, bro, totally, "whining" when it IS laggy as hell, as you play in fucking New Zealand... literally thousands of miles away, and all you do is spam ranged attacks and slides because its so laggy nobody can punish.

what a derp. So cute.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
Honestly, ranked in most games to me was just so I could get some free wins. I've been playing Injustice ranked on PS4 for a couple of days right now, and my only losses were because of lag or using my shite alts.


It never fails. Ever.

Look how the thread started out and look where it's at now. TYM in an effin' nutshell. :|


CORN | gpmoney. Saltier than a bag of chips.
The same thing happens in player match. The difference is it takes longer in player to find someone (for me atleast) and When I do they decline. I do ranked cause ppl here play ranked alot and people cant decline


Ranked is useless to me. 1 and done. KOTH is also useless to me. You don't get any control over who you fights. End up fighting people with no idea what they are doing. Then, if somebody good does show up and beat you, you have to wait, and who knows if you will get another shot.

The problem with finding someone in the room to play is....I see 15-20 people in there on average for xbox 360. That is pathetically low. Hard to find a good match. I literally just came out of the room about 30 minutes ago, in the middle of the day, and there was 5 people online.

K, i'm done venting.

You're on xbl and complaining about ranked? I thought all these fools were from psn that were whining.. Xbl ranked does have some people that are clueless, but there are still a very good amount of good players there, and you get matches QUICK.. If you run into a good player, just inv him/her to a private set..

Lets keep it real now, pm is full of noob hunters, 1 n dones, ft5 fgts. I'll literally sit there waiting for about 5 minutes until i get fed up and go back to ranked and or just inv someone from my fl. But hey, different strokes for different folks.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Honestly, ranked in most games to me was just so I could get some free wins. I've been playing Injustice ranked on PS4 for a couple of days right now, and my only losses were because of lag or using my shite alts.
Hows the ps4 versions online, in terms of lag, compared to current gen


Administrator and Community Engineer
Ahhh, the online fighting game experience. I've been on both sides of the coin. When I started playing MK9, I was a bum. I mean, I was one of those guys that was trying to beat people with just uppercuts and special moves, and actually managing to win sometimes -- but if I played anyone who knew what they were doing, I was shark bait.

I would lose long stretches of matches at a time, and it took me about 1000 games and finally finding out about fundamentals for me to start to improve a lot. But there was one problem:

When I started to get better, I started to beat a lot of people and finally collect wins. But because my W/L ratio was so low at that point, no one really good wanted to play me. I would challenge guys in rooms or come across people in player match, and they'd decline because they thought I sucked. Bummer.

Over time I kept playing player match and started to accumulate the wins where I could. Eventually, better players would play me and I had some great sets. But then the reverse started to happen; once I had a decent amount of experience and a better ratio, better online players started refusing to play me.

Fast forward to Injustice on PSN, where I'm consistently better than most people I come across, but still looking to improve a lot. Beating someone or losing to someone in one ranked match offers me absolutely nothing. I'd rather play someone and lose 20 games where I learn something, than win 1 game against someone that had no time to adjust to what I was doing. So player match + friends list matches is all I've been doing when I have time to play, and it's been a blast.

But still on XBL, where I usually only sign on to play Private Match against guys who are way better than me, I get turned down on challenges because of ratio and low match count. Or after winning a match I get hatemail for "sandbagging" or having a "duplicate account".

It's an imperfect system and you try to make the best you can out of it.
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AK Harold

It sucks to play online period some days. I literally have to play on pad or mess up my controls to dial back my game play or people rage out after I do 2 resets. Now I just lose all my games on purpose and learn MU specific stuff that counters their obvious online flowchart tactics.


Idk, ive never had a problem with finding good/decent players in ranked. Then either sending or receiving invites to private matches for further exploration of the mu or just to simply, keep a good match going..

Ive met and befriended some "decent people" .. Darth arma, Filipin0man,Lotf, glass sword, Mello << A fantastic nw, soon gmoney etc..

Maybe if your gettin denied private matches, then jusssst maybe, you are that scrub that doesnt know what he's doing.. Just sayin :)


Idk, ive never had a problem with finding good/decent players in ranked. Then either sending or receiving invites to private matches for further exploration of the mu or just to simply, keep a good match going..

Ive met and befriended some "decent people" .. Darth arma, Filipin0man,Lotf, glass sword, Mello << A fantastic nw, soon gmoney etc..

Maybe if your gettin denied private matches, then jusssst maybe, you are that scrub that doesnt know what he's doing.. Just sayin :)
So what if you're the scrub though, that part of what people are complaining about in this thread. "Good" players who care more about win/loss ratio than actually getting better at the game. Using myself as an example, I'm fairly new to this game, since I don't care about going 0 - 20 if it's helping me learn something (like getting in on Sinestro) and I've tried quite a few different characters my win/loss is atrocious. However it's pretty clear I'm not completely terrible. I load trait, I can hit my 50% combos regularly, I use wake ups, I can stuff wake ups on the match ups I know, etc.

What I need to work on is not dropping combos under pressure (unable to get tic throws out cause I was flustered from zoning) and learning match ups. I'm not going to do either of those playing complete scrubs cause they don't pressure me and their offense isn't going to be where it needs to be for me to really learn the match up either so I need better players to give me more than a match or two. With that said though, I'm practically never going to be the first one to quit. If someone wants to keep playing even if I'm doing really well against them I'm fine with that cause you never know if they're going to adjust and start teaching you something.

I was up 13 - 5 on an Ares player the other night and he ran off 8 straight wins to bring back to 13 - 13 cause I gave him the opportunity to adjust and start teaching me some things about what I need to do if someone adjusts to what I'm doing. It works both ways. People that want to get better, regardless of how good they are, should care more about that than what losing is going to do to their win/lose. They shouldn't avoid high win/lose and they shouldn't immediately leave a lobby the instant you start coming back on them if they were dominating early either.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
ranked matches and player matches being more useful than the other is a pretty dumb argument IMO. i didnt even read anything anyone else said but these are my opinions.

ranked will give you one game against one person, its good to practice like that from time to time because in tournament you wont be able to sit down and break down a player for very long. player matches are good for labbing up matchups and things of that sort that can't be done in a short set. However, both aren't nearly as useful as playing offline where lag isn't a factor and in some cases changes the flow of matchups


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
Yes, long sets are always better than one game.

I will go into ranked matches if I am trying out new tech or trying a new character. Or when I can't get people to accept me in player 1v1 cause people don't want to lose. I hate how people worry so much about their record. That reminds me, has anyone else noticed those people who ONLY play scrubs? Like they'll be 167-3 or something but won't play you? And that corruption guy on the XBL leaderboards is probably the worst offender of all of them. Ugh, so salty about how hard it is to find good games. I wish people would realize the only way to get better is to play people better than you. Like, if I just played those people who are new to the game, sure Id have a good record, but chances are someone who is 1000-999 would kick my ass since I'm just whooping on scrubs.

Rant over

Anyway, if anyone wants to play games, add me on XBL
: OG Mannimal
I'm going to win our next MMH mirror....


A spaceman
Yes, long sets are always better than one game.

I will go into ranked matches if I am trying out new tech or trying a new character. Or when I can't get people to accept me in player 1v1 cause people don't want to lose. I hate how people worry so much about their record. That reminds me, has anyone else noticed those people who ONLY play scrubs? Like they'll be 167-3 or something but won't play you? And that corruption guy on the XBL leaderboards is probably the worst offender of all of them. Ugh, so salty about how hard it is to find good games. I wish people would realize the only way to get better is to play people better than you. Like, if I just played those people who are new to the game, sure Id have a good record, but chances are someone who is 1000-999 would kick my ass since I'm just whooping on scrubs.

Rant over

Anyway, if anyone wants to play games, add me on XBL
: OG Mannimal
Dude we definitely need to play. I've run into you a couple of times in the past! GT: Yoakss


A spaceman
What times are you available to play? Which region? Also does anyone know how to check trueskill rank here? I'm curious to see if that's why I get declined... I doubt it but yeah. Also please feel free to add me/ message me about scheduling sets.
I'm not on now but if I do get on I'll send a FR!


Heart of A Champion, Skill of a Noob :P
I wish there was an indicator of ping/lag though. I don't like playing games where I can't tell. Injustice excluded for having characters I like. : P So as far as I know, 1P is host right? So should there be lag, you test in the character select by seeing how responsive the game is. But where does the lag come from? Without an indicator I just assume it is me if I'm 1P but I directly connect to my Verizon Fios box and make sure no other computers are running in my home when I play... I would like to have an indicator before I go in at least.


I wish there was an indicator of ping/lag though. I don't like playing games where I can't tell. Injustice excluded for having characters I like. : P So as far as I know, 1P is host right? So should there be lag, you test in the character select by seeing how responsive the game is. But where does the lag come from? Without an indicator I just assume it is me if I'm 1P but I directly connect to my Verizon Fios box and make sure no other computers are running in my home when I play... I would like to have an indicator before I go in at least.
King of the hill lets you see connection bars if you aren't one of the guys playing. Not sure how to get the same info in ranked or 1v1 though.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
Let's just all invest in a mega-super Ethernet Hub so we can all be connected to each other. Then we must all invest in several thousands of miles worth of Ethernet cable. Let's go ahead and start