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Miscellaneous WWE Discussion


Heart of A Champion, Skill of a Noob :P
Favorite wrestlers... CM Punk. Evan Bourne wherever he is... Chris Jericho. That's all that really comes off the top of my head. Haha haven't paid attention in a while. "Old School" The Rock ofc as well as Steve Austin just too fun to watch. But 80's were my favorite, Macho Man and Ultimate Warrior. Bret Hart as well maybe over Ultimate Warrior given Warrior's short tenure...


man sting turns 55 next month

I still want him to come to WWE sort of but damn

He shouldn't even wrestle anymore he needs to retire and be in the HOF
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John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
man sting turns 55 next month

I still want him to come to WWE sort of but damn

He shouldn't even wrestle anymore he needs to retire and be in the HOF
The word on the Sting situation:

Sting has been in talks with WWE since his TNA contract expired. Sting wants to wrestle Undertaker at Wrestlemania THIS YEAR, but WWE officials are dragging their feet. Sting is willing to travel to Taker's house and work the match out in Taker's personal gym (which is what Taker does every year prior to Mania), but WWE isn't that interested.

WWE is banking on Lesnar vs Taker which NO FUCKING BODY WILL GIVE A FUCK ABOUT because Lesnar has ZERO chance of ending the streak. Sting doesn't either, but the build up for that match would be awesome. Why WWE wants to wait an entire year for a guy to wrestle when he's already pushing 60 is beyond me.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
BTW, I'd much rather see Undertaker vs Daniel Bryan, which is the match Taker asked for originally.

The Streak > Any Title

None of the titles really mean shit at this point anymore. Putting Bryan over Taker would be a MASSIVE rub and a career-defining moment for him. Him winning the title in a 3 way vs Batista and Orton will be nice, but nothing compared to him going over Taker in the match of the year.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
The word on the Sting situation:

Sting has been in talks with WWE since his TNA contract expired. Sting wants to wrestle Undertaker at Wrestlemania THIS YEAR, but WWE officials are dragging their feet. Sting is willing to travel to Taker's house and work the match out in Taker's personal gym (which is what Taker does every year prior to Mania), but WWE isn't that interested.

WWE is banking on Lesnar vs Taker which NO FUCKING BODY WILL GIVE A FUCK ABOUT because Lesnar has ZERO chance of ending the streak. Sting doesn't either, but the build up for that match would be awesome. Why WWE wants to wait an entire year for a guy to wrestle when he's already pushing 60 is beyond me.
Lesnar vs. Taker would've mattered 2 years ago because of real life heat between the two, but he's been back for so long that no one cares anymore. Cena vs. Taker would be the most marketable option, since smarks like us would be worried about Cena ending the streak, and tuning in to the PPV as a result.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Lesnar vs. Taker would've mattered 2 years ago because of real life heat between the two, but he's been back for so long that no one cares anymore. Cena vs. Taker would be the most marketable option, since smarks like us would be worried about Cena ending the streak, and tuning in to the PPV as a result.
I don't think Lesnar/Taker ever would have mattered because Taker has to face someone who MIGHT beat him to make the match exciting. I legit thought Punk had a shot at beating him last year, which made the match very fun to watch. I was there in attendance and it was the ONLY match I gave a fuck about.

Having said that, Cena would be a good opponent for that reason. There's that small chance he would beat Taker. The internet would fucking implode if that happened, though. The thing that would keeps me from really thinking Cena has any REAL chance of winning, though, is that if someone DOES beat Taker, it would be a MASSIVE boost for whoever does it. Cena doesn't need it, as he's been THE guy for the past decade (unfortunately). Taker has said for years that he wants the Streak to end, but only with the right opponent that deserves it. Daniel Bryan is the obvious choice.

- INSANELY over with the crowd
- Incredible in ring worker
- Young and has many years ahead of him
- LOVES the business (this is one of the most important things)


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
I'm gonna be that guy and just throw this out there about Daniel Bryan being supposedly so hard done by...

I know I'm likely to take a lot of heat for this, but this weird "everyone with an indie/MMA background should be WWE Champion" hipster nonsense is getting extremely out of hand. If someone needs to have a belt around their waist to spell out why they're at the top of the food chain, that says more about what the wrestler needs to re-evaluate rather than creative/production. And IMO that's the reason why the WWE incarnation of the World Heavyweight Title eventually became worthless, production started putting that thing on random midcarders just because they couldn't think of any other way to put them over. The guy holding the belt is supposed to highlight the prestige of a title, the belt isn't supposed to do that for you.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Roddy Piper ever held any championship in his career, yet is still more revered than a large portion of talent that have held a belt with world title status.

I want the WHC to be the unified belt. IMO it's always been the best looking one
Late as fuck on this one, I agree for the most part, but the current aesthetics of the WHC belt are.. odd. The plates are hella out of proportion and the leather looks tacky with the red undertone on the back of the strap.

I'd prefer they used the mid-2000s WHC design or the Undisputed belt, but sadly, if we're being realistic, there's no way in the blue of hell that they're going to drop the new WWE title belt after barely a year lol.
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Mama's Little Bumgorf
I'm gonna be that guy and just throw this out there about Daniel Bryan being supposedly so hard done by...

I know I'm likely to take a lot of heat for this, but this weird "everyone with an indie/MMA background should be WWE Champion" hipster nonsense is getting extremely out of hand. If someone needs to have a belt around their waist to spell out why they're at the top of the food chain, that says more about what the wrestler needs to re-evaluate rather than creative/production. And IMO that's the reason why the WWE incarnation of the World Heavyweight Title eventually became worthless, production started putting that thing on random midcarders just because they couldn't think of any other way to put them over. The guy holding the belt is supposed to highlight the prestige of a title, the belt isn't supposed to do that for you.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Roddy Piper ever held any championship in his career, yet is still more revered than a large portion of talent that have held a belt with world title status.
Roddy Piper was intercontinental and tag team champion, but other than that, you nailed it on the head. Back in 2010, Daniel Bryan was getting all this undeserved hype because he was this "wrestling god" from ROH and the Internet Wrestling Community demanded he be pushed to the main event instantly. He is an excellent technical wrestler, and that's great, but the professional business is mostly about charisma, and he came off as this boring Amish guy who didn't believe in technology. 3 years later, he proved he can work the mic and get over with the casual crowd, so yes, he earned his spot in the main event for the last 8 months, but that doesn't mean the belt needs to be slapped on him solely based on his huge following. If that's the case, then Cena should never lose the title. That whole spell when he was out with an elbow injury and Bryan took over the spotlight resulted in some of the lowest ratings in the last few years-that's why they stuck him and Punk with the Wyatts.

WWE is not stupid. They know people are addicted to watching a hero scratch and claw his way to the top. If he had just won the belt at Summerslam and kept it, I guarantee ratings would not be as high. People tune in to see Randy Orton lose, because he's been boring for a decade and they're force feeding him to us. If Daniel Bryan had won, and still had the belt to this day, people would become complacent and start skipping shows, because they got what they wanted. With that said, I don't think he needs the belt at all to be over. Daniel Bryan is one of those guys who can be upper mid card for life and still draw a crowd. Putting the belt on him is superficial and would not add to anything he's giving us already.


Forum General Emeritus
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Mama's Little Bumgorf
I don't get why WWE made The Shield lose clean...must be saving the breakup for Mania. We all know it's coming.


Forum General Emeritus
I don't get why WWE made The Shield lose clean...must be saving the breakup for Mania. We all know it's coming.
They are probably trying to give more credibility to the Wyatts. Either way, I hear that Shield/Wyatt was match of the year candidate.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
They are probably trying to give more credibility to the Wyatts. Either way, I hear that Shield/Wyatt was match of the year candidate.
I think the Wyatts would've gotten the push either way, but yes, that match was amazing. No real complaints.


Filled with determination
So I'm curious about something is it gonna be possible to get a free week trial of the wwe network and watch Wrestlemania for free?


Mama's Little Bumgorf
So I'm curious about something is it gonna be possible to get a free week trial of the wwe network and watch Wrestlemania for free?

Should be, if they still offer it that week. Would be wise from a business perspective to discontinue it a week before Mania.


Alternative-Fact Checker
So I think the wrestling part of KTP this past week was a big hit. Shitter wrestling definitely has its niche. I'm thinking of putting together a Skype call and having it recorded based around the premise of some of the Wrestling Observer and LAW podcast tropes. Basically, now that WWE Network is out, we have access to all the shittiest shit that ever shite ppv's that WCW and WWE and ECW have ever released. I think going through some of those with great analysis and foresight could be insanely entertaining to listen to. Anyone else agree? Hit me up if interested.


Mama's Little Bumgorf

  • Possible Sting Return
  • Possible RVD Return
  • What's next for Brock Lesnar? Will he call out Bryan?
  • Is Bray Wyatt buried?
  • Who does The Shield feud with?
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