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MK9 to MK10 mechanics improvements(suggestion)


:: Run Button, we don't needz stance switch::

The only things I would really change over MK9 are bug fixes and a totally revamped Practice mode. Fix the input bugs, take out the input shortcuts (sure they help lower-level players but they are actually a headache when trying to level up), at least one stage that is completely static to reduce stress on cpus (read gaming lag).

The practice mode just needs soo much like visible hitboxes (Skullgirls), recordable gameplay (ghost matches that can be downloaded and fought against), recordable bots (Injustice and others), kombo challenges and movelist trainer (DoA) and online practice (Injustice).

I'd happily support MK10 for another 3 years if it was a direct rip of MK9 just with all the bug fixes we've been asking for. Oh, and Tanya with a side of Frost ;)

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist

The only things I would really change over MK9 are bug fixes and a totally revamped Practice mode. Fix the input bugs, take out the input shortcuts (sure they help lower-level players but they are actually a headache when trying to level up), at least one stage that is completely static to reduce stress on cpus (read gaming lag).

The practice mode just needs soo much like visible hitboxes (Skullgirls), recordable gameplay (ghost matches that can be downloaded and fought against), recordable bots (Injustice and others), kombo challenges and movelist trainer (DoA) and online practice (Injustice).

I'd happily support MK10 for another 3 years if it was a direct rip of MK9 just with all the bug fixes we've been asking for. Oh, and Tanya with a side of Frost ;)
They will deliver, thrust NRS ^^


"On your Knees!"
Idk but I want Kia, Jataaka, and Sareena to be in the game as well. It'll be basically a revamped version of DA/Deception with MK9 updated graphics/engine.


Play Monster Hunter!
MK9 is not personally what I want out of a 2D MK game.
However, it's not bad, and I still very much enjoy playing and watching it.
And some of you guys seem to really love it.

So I'm totally cool with them just improving on the base of MK9.

Who know's what NRS is going to do though, but it should at least be interesting.

Injustice though, they need to move further and further away from MK mechanics.


I really want them to keep a similar system to mk9 especially in terms of the mobolity/spacing game but i guess add some new feature to keep it fresh. Also, keep Inj design and MK9 separate as possible, and some sort of legacy between mk9 and 10 would be cool. I would love to see Jax keep his signature f413 string.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Idk but I want Kia, Jataaka, and Sareena to be in the game as well. It'll be basically a revamped version of DA/Deception with MK9 updated graphics/engine.
Just imagine man, Kia in a MK10 Engine fighting... "ultimate jizz"

MK9 is not personally what I want out of a 2D MK game.
However, it's not bad, and I still very much enjoy playing and watching it.
And some of you guys seem to really love it.

So I'm totally cool with them just improving on the base of MK9.

Who know's what NRS is going to do though, but it should at least be interesting.

Injustice though, they need to move further and further away from MK mechanics.
I have to agree here, and it seems lots of us wants MK and Injustice mechanics to be separated as possible, which i hope NRS delivers it by not mixing them in the process, or we might get a character who completely takes advantage of it.

I really want them to keep a similar system to mk9 especially in terms of the mobolity/spacing game but i guess add some new feature to keep it fresh. Also, keep Inj design and MK9 separate as possible, and some sort of legacy between mk9 and 10 would be cool. I would love to see Jax keep his signature f413 string.
I Dunno if is just me, but the INJ chars feels a bit smaller in size, the MK ones seemed a lot bigger.


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
Saw this thread so i guess i thought id put my 2 cents in..

The things i really want out of MK 10 are really just minor gameplay things nothing big..silly stuff really:

  • Would love for the run button to come back in some shape or form
  • The "Danger" notification to return
  • Cooking with Scorpion anyone? No..? Just me..? ok then...
  • The Danger signature "Ding!" to return when you're low on health
  • Maybe its just me but i loved the "gibberish" speak some of the fighters made..i love what Dan and the team did with that in house (example: The bicycle kick gibberish noises i always thought were funny..)
  • "The Bank" Background music song to make a return...thats one of my favorite tracks from Dan...
  • And last but not Least i hope "Toasty!" is also back for Mk 10
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Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
That's apart of MK, you must be young but since the start of the Mortal Kombat series there have been glitches and fuck ups. It's part of the package and makes it more fun that random fuck ups like meter drain glitch can happen. P1 advantage is lame though.
lol dude, my first mk is mk2, i play almost every mk game. those bullshit can be fix, fun doesn't mean it need ton of glitches and stupid things. i bet if mkd had had deep gameplay like sf3, it'd have been still fun because the mini games, story mode, fatalities, etc... i remember when i played mka, i thought the gameplay was slow and lame, but i still love every mk game cuz they're fun.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
For MK 10:
Give Ermac DAMN armor!! lol

Keep KL dead!!! Guy had more mix ups, moves, bs and nerfs then a swiss army knife lol.

No resets (unless for low tiers) I know lots of people have various views on this, imo mids and up don't need it....if you're low tier and have very few elements to compete, then keep it. Just my view on that.

No infinites of any kind(well this would be patched anyway at this point)

Frame date info(which I'm sure NRS will do since they did it for injustice)

Online training with friends(which again NR did for Injustice)

That's all I have for now. Cool topic ;)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Wouldn't that be nice? The only way I could see it not breaking him would be a couple hits on EX Teleport.
Just one his tk push, that would be good enough(just one move at least) lol he'd still be mid tier and he wouldn't be broken or anything or your idea could work(similar to scorps safe on block) since his ex tp is essentially the same difference as his normal one but wasting a bar instead(unless it's in a combo already)

I just could never figure out why he of all characters didn't have at least one armor move in the whole game lol.


I don't care I'm not a competitive player anymore
Just one his tk push, that would be good enough(just one move at least) lol he'd still be mid tier and he wouldn't be broken or anything or your idea could work(similar to scorps safe on block) since his ex tp is essentially the same difference as his normal one but wasting a bar instead(unless it's in a combo already)

I just could never figure out why he of all characters didn't have at least one armor move in the whole game lol.
I like the idea of an armored -OR- safe EX teleport simply to help me get out of the corner. I like your idea though. 1 hit of armor on EX TKP would drastically improve Ermac's wakeup game, which is already insanely unsafe.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
OP updated (in mk9 section) with:

:: Frame Hierarchy ::
In MK9 we had, single frames, active frames, Armored frames, and invincibility frames.
Single frames affected normals, Active frames on special moves, some moves used to have armored frames and invincibility frames used to the ultimate ones. If we make a comparision of who beats who we would have a graphic like this:

Invincibility Frames > X-Rays > Armor > Active frames > Single frames

Johnny Cage ex Nut punch was probably the best ex move in the game, because it would beat out ANYTHING, projectiles, armored moves, even X-Rays, i think, each character could have 1 ex invicibility frame move, and 1 armored move, this would definitely be interesting.

:: Ghost Hitboxes ::
What i don't fully understand is the Ghost Hitboxes, when Cyrax teleport he leaves a invincibility Ghost Hitbox that causes characters like Kabal to get hit by it pretty bad, the ghost hitbox is so great that could also avoid X-Rays.

Every character who use wakeup attacks, also leaves a ghost hitbox, where the attacker hits in thin air, and cancel his normal into a special without the first hit necessarely connects with the opponent because the ghost invincibility hitbox starts before its animation, was this intentional? i'm not sure. In personal opinion this is one of the areas where NRS needs to review carefully the Oki game can define a good half of the meta game.


I don't care I'm not a competitive player anymore
I think I've ran into the ghost hitbox problem before, specifically with cyrax. While online with a solid connection, when I would teleport as Ermac and he would react with a teleport, sometimes I'd hit where Cyrax teleported from, go into block stun and death roll, and Cyrax would end up on the other side of me with a full combo punish. We could recreate it about 40% of the time. It made me rethink the matchup.


Fundamentals in real life
The "Danger" notification to return
universal pokes...like the smargasm theory
Better soundtrack for each Char,songs must be similar to MK deadly alliance & deception(no f***** dubstep PLZ) who had that dark and misterious aura to the game
Brutality enabled
Armor...a universal 50/50 move that disables it


OP updated (in mk9 section) with:

:: Frame Hierarchy ::
In MK9 we had, single frames, active frames, Armored frames, and invincibility frames.
Single frames affected normals, Active frames on special moves, some moves used to have armored frames and invincibility frames used to the ultimate ones. If we make a comparision of who beats who we would have a graphic like this:

Invincibility Frames > X-Rays > Armor > Active frames > Single frames

Johnny Cage ex Nut punch was probably the best ex move in the game, because it would beat out ANYTHING, projectiles, armored moves, even X-Rays, i think, each character could have 1 ex invicibility frame move, and 1 armored move, this would definitely be interesting.

:: Ghost Hitboxes ::
What i don't fully understand is the Ghost Hitboxes, when Cyrax teleport he leaves a invincibility Ghost Hitbox that causes characters like Kabal to get hit by it pretty bad, the ghost hitbox is so great that could also avoid X-Rays.

Every character who use wakeup attacks, also leaves a ghost hitbox, where the attacker hits in thin air, and cancel his normal into a special without the first hit necessarely connects with the opponent because the ghost invincibility hitbox starts before its animation, was this intentional? i'm not sure. In personal opinion this is one of the areas where NRS needs to review carefully the Oki game can define a good half of the meta game.
I'm not sure if ex nut punch was the best in the game, his X.ray is ridiculous though.

I honestly think scorpions xray is one of the best things in the game. Very rarely whiffs and fucking tracks everything.