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Dear, Fighting Game Community 2014


"On your Knees!"
"Real Fight" meaning they actually threw fists at each other? damn If they wanted to make a "Fight Club" then they should do it in a secluded place. shit I'd join too. First rule about the "FGC" is you dont talk about the "FGC" if you see someone hands that have callouses and its tough then all out have to do is give a nod.
"Real Fight" meaning they actually threw fists at each other? damn If they wanted to make a "Fight Club" then they should do it in a secluded place. shit I'd join too. First rule about the "FGC" is you dont talk about the "FGC" if you see someone hands that have callouses and its tough then all out have to do is give a nod.
But you just talked about the FGC. >_________>; But I gotcha.


Filthy Casual
I don't think I'm completely following the main point of the OP. If the gist is to discuss problems in the FGC and how they "hold back" expanding I think Law Hero touched on probably the biggest problem; Lack of mainstream appeal. Fighting games from a casual perspective are not universally fun to watch to your average joe and require knowledge of the game being played to be able to appreciate the skill involved in the competition.

Also this whole hype = trash talk/disrespect is true but at a very crude level. I mean people DO like drama (that's why there's a billion braindead reality shows on TV) but that kind of entertainment is really scraping the bottom of the barrel . That's why you can have videos like the ones that were posted above. If disrespect is embraced and encouraged then it's ridiculous to think that people are going to be assholes responsibly. I mean I know I'd never want to pay money or attend an event where that type of dumb shit talking was encouraged and "part of the show".


Confused Thanagarian
I think a bigger point too is that we are seen as unwelcoming. Like if I suck at Halo, it's not because I don't know a 14 button combo that people call me a scrub for asking how to do. I think TYM is pretty accepting for newbies asking for help, but we are far from the majority of the scene. That's why it was so long before I joined the FGC myself

For the record, Dark Souls also has this problem, just no offline tourney scene to be affected by it


A prop on the stage of life.
I think a bigger point too is that we are seen as unwelcoming. Like if I suck at Halo, it's not because I don't know a 14 button combo that people call me a scrub for asking how to do. I think TYM is pretty accepting for newbies asking for help, but we are far from the majority of the scene. That's why it was so long before I joined the FGC myself

For the record, Dark Souls also has this problem, just no offline tourney scene to be affected by it
Off topic: I hadn't joined the Dark Souls community, but my short time talking to people on the Demon's Souls forum they were quite nice. Guess it depends on the people? Idk. I haven't really seen the official place where you join the Dark Souls community, just some off topic discussion over several forums, this one included.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
The FGC thrives on drama and that in turn makes certain matches incredibly hype. These rivalries, history, and storylines of actual players is completely disconnected from the mainstream. If someone who isn't necessarily apart of the FGC tunes into a stream, all they have to go on is the matches and the commentary, that's about it. They don't know anything but what is put in front of them. So they're missing a huge part in what makes these games so entertaining to watch.

The PL vs CDJr rivalry reached outside of the FGC. I had friends who don't like fighters wanting to watch them bout at MLG just because of the story and hype surrounding it. The match and game didn't even matter at that point. Eventhough PL got bodied 0-3, it was the hypest shit ever simply because it was apart of a storyline coming to a close.

I'm not sure how we can bridge the gap to where the mainstream gets ahold of these rivalries and background information, but this, imho, is something that could catapult the FGC into popularity regardless of whether or not the viewers have knowledge of the actual game itself.


Confused Thanagarian
Off topic: I hadn't joined the Dark Souls community, but my short time talking to people on the Demon's Souls forum they were quite nice. Guess it depends on the people? Idk. I haven't really seen the official place where you join the Dark Souls community, just some off topic discussion over several forums, this one included.
Reddit or Gfaqs (I'm from the latter). Demon's Souls was fine, Dark Souls drew in a bigger crowd..... and we all know what happens then
The FGC thrives on drama and that in turn makes certain matches incredibly hype. These rivalries, history, and storylines of actual players is completely disconnected from the mainstream. If someone who isn't necessarily apart of the FGC tunes into a stream, all they have to go on is the matches and the commentary, that's about it. They don't know anything but what is put in front of them. So they're missing a huge part in what makes these games so entertaining to watch.

The PL vs CDJr rivalry reached outside of the FGC. I had friends who don't like fighters wanting to watch them bout at MLG just because of the story and hype surrounding it. The match and game didn't even matter at that point. Eventhough PL got bodied 0-3, it was the hypest shit ever simply because it was apart of a storyline coming to a close.

I'm not sure how we can bridge the gap to where the mainstream gets ahold of these rivalries and background information, but this, imho, is something that could catapult the FGC into popularity regardless of whether or not the viewers have knowledge of the actual game itself.
I must be a wack cat. When I see these beefs I just start laughing. I don't see it as hype I see it as comedy central... that mid day comedy central. Lol


I think there is a considerable percentage of people that play video games seriously that are socially awkward and full of self loathing which they perpetuate onto those they deem inferior in the game they play.

Like I can still play a really close match with some random on ranked and think cool game, and if I win I get hate mail and if he wins he starts tea bagging at 60fps.

Okay now I might get blown up for this, there was this huge thing with wanting Kit held back for Pig, I mean I even signed aquamans petition for it, and I'm glad he got back cause his Zod rules. But do you think the tournie would have been held back if it was some no name no one heard of?

Before individual communities can unite, perhaps the Nrs community should begin and lead by example?