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Justice League: War discussion(Most likely Spoilers)


RIP Ex Smash
For all the non law-abiding citizens that have been fortunate enough to watch DC's new animated full length feature film "Justice League:War", starring Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Cyborg, and Shazam, what are your thoughts on the film? Please do voice your opinions, and say what could've been better or whatever you liked about the film.

Personally, I thought the movie was pretty good overall. The creators did a good job with the charterer design and the inclusion of the new 52 updates. The fight scenes were good for the most part, and anytime Wonder Woman or Superman were on the screen you knew shit was about to go down. Batman gonna Batman as he always does but for this movie his hax was definitely lowered. Green Lantern fans will be glad to know that their character definitely got the front seat treatment, nearly every scene had him saying a witty line or 2. Cyborg was given a backstory for this film which is a bit weird but fine I guess. Unfortunately, Flash and good ol' shazam essentially just sat there so they're not that interesting to watch.

Some downsides of the movie I'd like to mention start with the lack of original voice actors, now there's nothing wrong with the current voices but I dont think there's a single person who would take the current batman over Conroy, the same can be said for the rest of the original JL cast. Wonder Woman yelling in every sentence was not well appreciated, nor did it make her more interesting. Darkseid was a pretty cool villain, but towards the end he just seemed like a mindless brute. Flash was less fleshed out than a blade of grass, and coming from a huge Shazam fan, I must say I am deeply disappointed with his portrayal in the fighting scenes. Half the time he's just shooting lightning and whenever he does throw a punch it seems like he's weaker than Green Lantern, kinda lame considering he has the strength of hercules and power of zeus.

Overall, I'd give the movie a 7.5/10. It's no "Dark Knight Returns", but still enjoyable nontheless.

EDIT- (Forgot to add thi last night) And you aquaman fans don't need to worry, DC hasn't forgotten about everyone's favourite fish talking dude. Watch the credits for a sneak peak of the next JL animated film.

P.S: On my phone, so please excuse any grammar or common sense errors.
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I take it you downloaded the movie? lol I love DC films, they're the best. I look forward to this, some fans are pissed Aquaman isn't in it and Shazam is but I'm fine with that.

I'll post a review once I see it, which will be the day it comes out literally ;) but looking forward to it.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
Just finished watching this and I enjoyed it. I thought the characters were portrayed right and it was entertaining to watch. For those that do watch it keep watching past the credits there is extra footage at the end.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
i think flash needed more screen time, wonder womans voice actress was god awful, green lantern reminded me of wally west, but atleast they got superman right alot more than other dc animated movies, they never really capture his speed like in this one which is great.


RIP Ex Smash
Shameless bump

i think flash needed more screen time, wonder womans voice actress was god awful, green lantern reminded me of wally west, but atleast they got superman right alot more than other dc animated movies, they never really capture his speed like in this one which is great.
Yeah, it was weird seeing a serious Flash and a witty GL, but it worked out alright for this movie.

And DC definitely made sure to show just how OP Superman is, half of the time they made him seem like something out of Dragon Ball Z.


Grapple > Footsies
I liked it. I'd give it like a 7/10. I was surprised how much I liked Wonder Woman's portrayal. Cyborg's origin and look were pretty cool. The final battle was lacking and some of the humor was a bit off. Still worth a watch.


Scrub God Lord
I saw it last night
I wanted more flash screen time
my second favorite movies, almost as good as flashpoint.
the animation was great, unlike flash point....
I liked wowo, but the stupid battle cries/one liners fucked it up
am not used to seeing darkseid as a giant, every1 was the size of one of his arms
SPOLER- my favorite part is when shazam say's "nan tuff or w/e your world of warcraft name is" It had me rolling on the floor l0l

aquaman was not in it because the next film is all about him, throne of atlantis.
just look at the after credits.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
i think it was worth watching but yes the voice acting was awful and why was Shazam in it instead of Aquaman? especially since theyre setting up Throne of Atlantis next


Truth, justice and the American way.
The bro-operation between Flash and Green Lantern was tight.

I didn't like the Batman voice actor but...whatever. He doesn't talk much anyways.

Superman was cool. I liked his portrayal a lot.
Cyborg. Holy shit fuck yes. I wish he were this cool in Injustice.

The final battle was pretty lame, but the lead up was good enough to sort of hold shit together.

Also LOL at Wonder Woman eye fucking the shit out of Clark at the end of the movie. She wants the D.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Can someone PLEASE make a gif of when Green Lantern fights DarkSeid For the First time and then out of no where after he gets back Smacked the Goons beat the shit out of him.


Play Monster Hunter!
Still waiting for it to actually get released before I can see it.

I have heard a lot of impressions from people who have seen it though, and it's mostly been super negative.

I personally really hated the story its based off, so I'm not expecting to like it much myself, but I do hear Shazam is in it now for some reason, so that might be all right.

I hear it's also trying to push the Wonder Woman/Superman crap, I hope it's not too obnoxious with it.


Face it, you're done.
I loved it. Absolutely loved it. Awesome teamwork and great story background for Cyborg. Also appreciate Wonder Woman finally getting some power to match her comics. Didn't like her voice acting. Its almost as if she goes deeper and talks all "manly" because she thinks WW should be that... >_<


Scary Bat
It what possible way was that Superman done right? He was essentially a colossal dick-bag through-out. That ain't Superman.

Also not enough Aquaman for my taste. Say what you want about her VA but WW had the sickest fight sequences.

Seeing as it was based of the comic, Aquaman should have been in over Shazam.


I liked it, I think WW was portrayed well as a Greek warrior, although her voice was annoying at times. Darkseid was a boss. I think Superman was a little more kill happy than usual. Green Lantern was awfully cocky. Cyborg was amazing, although him grabbing the mother box was kind of lame, and I liked seeing more Shazam (who seemed to be lacking in strength), as him and Black Adam are my favorite characters in the DC universe. Flash was just there, but he was portrayed well.

I'm confused as to how Darkseid was completely ok with WW's entire sword inserted into his skull.


Best Doomsday in the world
There's spoilers in my post, I don't think I have to say that but just in case someone is in this thread and hasn't seen the move for some reason. Don't read this shit.

Can we talk about how everybody and their mother just takes omnibeams to the chest like they're no big deal? Also this was the first time I've ever seen Hal Jordan in a movie and not hated him completely.

And Flash stabs out Darksied's eye with a fucking crowbar? Really? This homeboy created part of the universe and you're going to stab his eye out with a crowbar?
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I just feel that with these kinds of movies power scales just go completely wacky. Like at first no one could even phase Darkseid, but when the writers felt things should be coming to a close you even had Batman taking shots at him. It's basically fighting game logic. Sane with the Omni beams, I mean one knocked out Superman early on. ..


They love my Grayson
This Hal Jordan's best showing on any animated DC film. He's know for having an oatmeal type personality. That's why I was glad Aquaman wasn't on this.

Really loved the teenagers Shazam and Cyborg contributing to the team, gives more flavor to the team. MMH will be missed greatly, the fact he can beat Superman kinda makes Superman being the "big gun" not as strong.

I just feel that with these kinds of movies power scales just go completely wacky. Like at first no one could even phase Darkseid, but when the writers felt things should be coming to a close you even had Batman taking shots at him. It's basically fighting game logic.
Batman killed Darkseid in Final Crisis..........

Man, you're always downplaying gadget based heroes and don't have a clue about comic book history.

If random muggers can take Darkseid, then he ain't all that.


Batman killed Darkseid in Final Crisis..........

Man, you're always downplaying gadget based heroes and don't have a clue about comic book history.

If random muggers can take Darkseid, then he ain't all that.
I meant like Batman hit the guy who was taking shots from SM/WW/CM and it actually had some effect on him.

Always. gadget based heroes need to go.

Is there some context to that panel with the muggers? What the shit lol