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Emperor Jupiter wins Injustice: Gods Among Us at Apex 2014!


Blue Blurs for Life!
UPDATED WITH TOURNAMENT FOOTAGE: http://www.twitch.tv/teamsp00ky/b/496186962?t=5h52m35s

Apex 2014 can be added to a book of tournament history as the next chapter of HYPE!

The day came down to the following eight players: SonicFox5000, Rico Suave, OBS EMP REO, EMP Darth Arma, EMP KDZ, PTH Rev0lver, and the following two uprising beacons of talent: Emperor Jupiter who makes his return from NEC '14 and EMP Killnator joining the crusade for the Apocalypse! As we recall, Defend The North produced an amazing storm of jaw-dropping outcomes. Would Apex 2014 match up to it?!

Those who had prophesized that Martian Manhunter would exact a reign of terror upon the tournament scene would be about to have those visions realized, because the Winner's Semifinals concluded with victories for not one, but two Martian Manhunter players, specifically EMP REO and Emperor Jupiter! This set the stage for a Winner's Finals that the Injustice community had long desired to see, but that would come later. Rico Suave and SonicFox, their determination unwavering, were forced down into Loser's Bracket with a goal to storm past the opposition that awaited them.

Before the eyes of the other four players in the Loser's Bracket, the door to Loser's Quarterfinals awaited them, but only two of these players would step through with an attempt to claim glory for themselves. Rev0lver's Lex Luthor comes packed with his array of technological menaces, which prove to be too much for the likes of EMP KDZ's Superman to handle. The other victory was claimed by EMP DarthArma, who pulled out the win against Killnator's Doomsday with a clutch throw in the corner! With two of the top 8 players sent home at 7th place, the Quarterfinals awaited Arma and Rev0lver!

The viewers expected to see Winner's Finals immediately after these matches, but before it would happen, the tournament proceeded with a match in Loser's Quarterfinals...and boy, would this match prove to be a historic runback from Defend the North. Rico Suave's Aquaman would once again face DarthArma's Batman in a battle that would consist of comeback after comeback, lots of d1 - Trident Rush and Batman trait set-ups. The conclusion of the first match mirrored the epic finish to the first Grand Finals match at Defend The North almost perfectly, but in spite of this, Rico claimed a 2-1 win over his rival!

Following that finish, RG MCZ RM SonicFox stepped forth to face PTH Rev0lver. This time, LexCorp would be denied the opportunity to invest in another win for their company, for SonicFox's Batgirl proves triumphant in spite of Rev0lver making the switch to Metropolis in the hopes that he would gain a stage advantage to bolster his set-ups. SonicFox had his eyes on the prize, and he certainly wasn't going to let an alien in green stop him from getting it!

The Winner's Finals match that everyone was waiting for finally came to pass. It would be EMP REO vs. Emperor Jupiter, and we all knew what would follow: Martian Manhunter mirror matches! Although they both play the same character, one good way to tell them apart was the differences in their playstyles. The viewers became confused as to who was who after numerous exchanges of overhead teleports, orbs, stretched limbs, and interactables, but by the time the clouds of war settled, Jupiter had taken a 3-1 win and established himself as the threat that players had predicted he would become!

As REO shifted over to wait for his opponent in Loser's Finals, it was clear that at least two of the top three spots in the tournament would be claimed by Martian Manhunter. For both the sakes of REO and Jupiter, they had to hope that it would not be the first place spot they'd have to give up. Intense competition still awaited the two!

Loser's Semifinals came down to a war between Atlantis and Themyscira, when SonicFox would pocket his Batgirl in favor of using Wonder Woman against Rico's Aquaman. Although he managed to demonstrate his impressive use of multiple characters, Rico was able to shut him down and clamber his way over to Loser's Finals, during which the fury of Martian Manhunter would strike again! REO fought valiantly to keep himself from going home at third place for the second tournament in a row, dragging the set out to five matches and going down to the wire in the last one...unfortunately for him, a Lightning Strike from Rico's Black Adam proved to be his undoing, and thus ended the journey of one of the two alien warriors.

Although he had come far, Rico still had his work cut out for him. To add to his hall of fame, he would have to defeat Martian Manhunter once again...but Jupiter was not REO. The armada of tricks under Jupiter's sleeve would differ from REO's. Jupiter had improved greatly since NEC '14, so would it be enough to culminate in a tournament win at Apex 2014?!

Apex 2014 Grand Finals.png
Jupiter had gained a strong start in the first match, but Rico would not be deterred. After a crazy storm of lightning and psychic energy, Jupiter was taken off-guard and Rico had successfully reset the Grand Finals bracket with a 3-1 win in his favor! At this point, the viewers were going ballistic. Would Rico Suave prove to be too much for the community to handle? Would no-one listen to Martian Manhunter's reasoning?!

Finally, when people were beginning to resign themselves to the belief that the tournament belonged to Rico, Jupiter's ability shone through and he concluded the Grand Finals with a 3-1 win against Rico! His impressive reactions with MB B3 to punish his opponent's mistakes, his space control with his trait, and his mind-boggling orb set-ups ended the reign of a dictator, paving the way for a chapter of tournament history that would be dedicated to him! A prodigy had become a champion!

Congratulations to Emperor Jupiter for winning Apex 2014 and finally bringing home a huge tournament win for everyone's favorite green alien!

Winner's Semifinals

Emperor Jupiter (Martian Manhunter): 2 vs. RG MCZ Rico Suave (Black Adam): 0

RG MCZ RM SonicFox (Batgirl): 1 vs. OBS EMP REO (Martian Manhunter): 2

Loser's Bracket

PTH Rev0lver (Lex Luthor): 2 vs. EMP KDZ (Superman): 0

EMP DarthArma (Batman): 2 vs. EMP KillNator (Doomsday): 0

Loser's Quarterfinals

EMP DarthArma (Batman): 1 vs. RG MCZ Rico Suave (Aquaman): 2

PTH Rev0lver (Lex Luthor): 0 vs. RG MCZ RM SonicFox (Batgirl): 2

Winner's Finals

OBS EMP REO (Martian Manhunter): 1 vs. Emperor Jupiter (Martian Manhunter): 3

Loser's Semifinals

RG MCZ Rico Suave (Aquaman): 2 vs. RG MCZ RM SonicFox (Wonder Woman): 0

Loser's Finals

RG MCZ Rico Suave (Black Adam): 3 vs. OBS EMP REO (Martian Manhunter): 2

Grand Finals

RG MCZ Rico Suave (Black Adam): 3 vs. Emperor Jupiter (Martian Manhunter): 1

Grand Finals (with brackets reset by Rico)

RG MCZ Rico Suave (Black Adam): 1 vs. Emperor Jupiter (Martian Manhunter): 3
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Once upon a time an ignorant fool exclaimed "Where are the Martian Manhunter players in the top 8? Why are they not winning?". The wise man responded by saying "When they enter tournaments, they will win". And so it was.
The same guy who won this tournament entered the biggest post-patch tournament to date, a tournament that featured more than 8 players (by about 100) and didn't make it out of pools. This is by no means a diss on Jupiter who's obviously a tremendous player, but using this tournament while ignoring NEC for some sort of vindication is hilarious. We were specifically told that REO was going to be the one to dominate, and correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he get 3rd at DTN last week?

So yeah, MMH won a tournament. Good, it's overdue. He's a great character used by two great players (and Shujynkidink...apparently) so it makes sense that he won a tourney. Is there anything else this is supposed to prove? Variable block stun maybe (sorry, couldn't resist)?