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Meter Gain System


I was interested in dissecting the ins and outs of meter gain. While everyone knows how to spend meter (meter burning, super moves, block escaping, clashing), I decided to spend time on how meter gain works in this game. So here are my findings and hopefully it sheds some light into anything that isn't common knowledge.

Offensive players
  • The system does not discriminate between the various forms of attacks (interactable attacks included), it rewards you based on the damage done. An 11% throw will award you as much meter as an 11% air attack, basic attack, etc.
  • The higher the damage, the higher the meter gained.
  • The damage to meter gain ratio also applies to blocked attacks (special moves excluded). Since these attacks deal a % of their full damage, they will only award a % of their full meter gain.
  • Special attacks are unique in that the player receives more meter if the attack is blocked than if it hits.
  • All whiffed attacks (special moves excluded) do not award meter.
  • Special moves are unique in that you may receive meter gain at the start of the special move, on top of the meter gain you get if the move hits or is blocked. This meter gain is awarded even if the move whiffs.
  • Meter is gained if you are throw escaped. Resulting in twice as much meter gained as the defender.
Defensive players
  • Getting hit awards between 3 to 4 times as much meter as your attacker.
  • Blocking does not award meter.
  • Throw escaping does not award meter.
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Dropper of Bass and Bombs
  • This damage to meter gain conversion also applies to blocked attacks. As you might already suspect, since blocked attacks deal a % of their full damage, they will only award a % of the meter gain
You sure? I'm pretty sure you gain more meter when your attacks get blocked, although I guess I never really looked for myself


You sure? I'm pretty sure you gain more meter when your attacks get blocked, although I guess I never really looked for myself
I went to the lab again, It seems you might be right in a sense. With blocked normals you literally cant see the meter gain, that's how low it is compared to normals that hit. But with specials Im getting a higher meter gain when it is blocked than when it hits.

Good call, will test a bit more before editing, just to make sure this is global.


You sure? I'm pretty sure you gain more meter when your attacks get blocked, although I guess I never really looked for myself
Thank you! Now I am interested in how much more meter gain a player gets from having their special blocked than hit. I'll hit the lab tomorrow for that.
What you mentioned was indeed only unique to special moves. Normal moves still follow what I said in the OP. Gave credit :)


That's pretty awesome. I just wanted a general list of ways that meter is awarded by being the aggressor or the defender. His MK9 meter building list looks very impressive.


The Marvelous Meter Man
Ok, so here's the deal with the meter system in injustice.

You have to do 21% chip damage in order to build 1 bar.
Now, I can't remember but either have to take or give 48% for 1 bar.
You build meter on block buts it's almost negligible at like 130% for 1 bar.
I can't remember all of this since its been a long time since I did this research and I don't have the game now to check.


The Marvelous Meter Man
I will say this, injustice meter is WAY more complex than mk's. moves with different damage build meter on hit at different rates. For example, it takes 113% in 1% attacks to build a bar, but 116% in 2% attacks to build a bar. I think there is an actual formula for this, but since I'm free to math it may be out of my hands.


Hey Aidan, glad you can give in your input!
Don't worry I don't want to get too technically involved either since I want this guideline to service everyone.
Yup, as I suspected there is an algorithm in place for how meter is gained through damage.
I will test getting meter on block when I get a chance and then update the OP.
Feel free to give input you guys, collective effort. :)


Alright, so blocking does not award any meter. I tried everything in the book and came up with my original hypothesis.

I also realized that when I calculated the defender getting meter by being hit, I was hitting him with special moves (which give that 2% meter at the start). So I will state the difference when being hit by normal attacks and special moves.


Interesting read, does the percentage rule apply to interactables as well? Because that would mean getting hit by an interactable would give that person a good chunk of meter back. (sorry about bumping, just intrigued by this).


Interesting read, does the percentage rule apply to interactables as well? Because that would mean getting hit by an interactable would give that person a good chunk of meter back. (sorry about bumping, just intrigued by this).
Great question. Yes it applies to interactables as well. The higher damage the interactable does, the more meter you and your opponent get as well (they get much more meter than you of course).


The Marvelous Meter Man
So I found out you have to take 33% damage for 1 bar and deal 48% for 1 bar

Arkane Slim

I did a lot but I never hated...
I'm intrigued by this. I was wondering (for potentially one of the most meter gaining characters in the game) how does Raven do with her projectile parrying "Empty Void" move and its meter gain potential? (Assuming of course the Raven player doesn't meter burn the projectile at the opponent)