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The Top 10 Films of 2013 (and Biggest Disappointments)


blink-182 enthusiast
i didn't know that was coming out in 2014 but I am hyped to see it since dinosaurs are awesome.
Dinosaurs kick ass. I just found my dvd collection of all 3 jurassic parks and they're just as cool as I remember.
Oh was Insidious 2 this year? That was pretty good I think


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
I haven't seen a lot of movies this year, I did see American Hustle (which is good) and Elysium (which isn't).

I wanted to see Don Jon and Anchorman... haven't got the ability to see either yet.


Stay Puft
But do you have think its gone downhill since then?
Well I didn't much care for the third X-Men film nor the Wolverine spin-offs, but I did like X-Men First Class.

I haven't seen a lot of movies this year, I did see American Hustle (which is good) and Elysium (which isn't).

I wanted to see Don Jon and Anchorman... haven't got the ability to see either yet.
Don Jon was decent. I would very much recommend you and everyone else to watch Upstream Color, ties for the best film I saw all year with Gravity.


Come On Die Young
Was the Conjuring this year? That was probably the best horror movie of the past 5 years or so. The new Evil Dead wasn't great but I thought it was fun. I liked Pacific Rim and FF6 was as ludicrous and over the top fun as any of them have been.
The Conjuring was 2013 yeah. But hell no that was the most overhyped horror movie in years. It was like a super average haunted house movie with decent actors. Even the "true" story it was based off of was stupid. Not nearly as bad as the Evil Dead remake at least though. The only good horror movies that came out last year imo are Resolution and Maniac. Insidious 2 and You're Next were okay too but not really great.

There haven't been many good "big" horror movies recently though so I'll give you that. The only ones in the past few years I can think of are Insidious and Sinister.


blink-182 enthusiast
The Conjuring was 2013 yeah. But hell no that was the most overhyped horror movie in years. It was like a super average haunted house movie with decent actors. Even the "true" story it was based off of was stupid. Not nearly as bad as the Evil Dead remake at least though. The only good horror movies that came out last year imo are Resolution and Maniac. Insidious 2 and You're Next were okay too but not really great.

There haven't been many good "big" horror movies recently though so I'll give you that. The only ones in the past few years I can think of are Insidious and Sinister.
Man I liked the Conjuring, I thought it did scary really well without even killing anybody. I'm big on the paranormal parts of horror movies though, so I'm probably biased. Evil Dead was bad but I still enjoyed it, just had to lower expectations to none and turn my brain off. I haven't seen Resolution or Maniac, or even heard of them for that matter. Were they indie releases or something? I wanna check them out. You're Next looked super cliche to me so I didn't bother with it.

*reads rest of post*


that movie was super creepy!


Filled with determination
This was an odd movie year for me I watched a lot less then I used to as I'm more of a tv guy nowadays. Honestly there was nothing I was really excited for this year and of the ones I did watch I didn't particularly find any of them good. I have not seen Gravity, Riddick, Fast 6 or Man of Steel so maybe one of those are good? I hate how nothing got me excited this year as every year beforehand I've always been hyped for something. Godzilla however has me super hyped for 2014 can't wait for that one.


Come On Die Young
Man I liked the Conjuring, I thought it did scary really well without even killing anybody. I'm big on the paranormal parts of horror movies though, so I'm probably biased. Evil Dead was bad but I still enjoyed it, just had to lower expectations to none and turn my brain off. I haven't seen Resolution or Maniac, or even heard of them for that matter. Were they indie releases or something? I wanna check them out. You're Next looked super cliche to me so I didn't bother with it.

*reads rest of post*


that movie was super creepy!
lolol Sinister was awesome though. i wasn't really expecting it because it was like a bigger budget thing which is usually a letdown. but that lawnmower scene stuck with me. like that and the music with it was creepy as shit.

maybe i didn't like The Conjuring because haunted house stuff just feels old when there isn't like a different dynamic to it or something. it was definitely better than a lot that's come out like it though. and yeah Evil Dead was just bad because of what we all wanted it to be.

Resolution is awesome but it's a super low budget type movie (with decent acting though). It's sort of a Cabin in the Woods type of thing. Easily one of the best movies I've seen recently though. I don't think Maniac was really an indie release but that movie was creepy as fuck with the whole way it was done, and the fact that it's Elijah Wood. You're Next is good but could've been better. It is kind of cliche but it's really entertaining too.

If you like more paranormal type things though you should watch The Pact. One of the few that's actually legit scary imo.


Filled with determination
I also thought The wolverine was pretty good not the best Marvel movie but I enjoyed it. Which is more than I can say for the first Wolverine movie.


Confused Thanagarian
Real talk here, fuck the Conjuring and fuck the Warrens (Google their "contributions" to paranormal studies for the why). Mainstream, I thought the Carrie remake was the best horror film we got, but Insidious 2 I really enjoyed (will admit it wasn't fantastic). AeroGrunt I liked bits of Don Jon because I'm from Jersey, but I thought the 180 in the storyline 2\3's in knocked it a few points (still quote "You hear that sound? That sound gets me rock hard" when I can) and not nearly enough scenes with Scarlet Johansson naked. I haven't seen Rush or Mud getting much love here, Rush might be my favorite of the year. Prisoners was great in my opinion, but whatever you say about it, you have to admit Jackman REALLY knocked his performance out of the park. Cooper had some great scenes as well. Just stuff to add to the positivity discussion

To add to the negativity, I would have liked Wolf of Wall Street better if it was like, 30 minutes shorter or built up to the seriousness of the end better. It got really serious, really quick in a way I wasn't fond of (fantastic performances across the board though). And I hated Gravity because I hate Sandra Bullock, so seeing her go"Hhhuuuhhhh hhhaaahhh, huuuuhhh haaahhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhh" while doing circles in space was terrible. That scene where she was ready to die, I was really hoping she'd die. Liked Clooney, Bullock sucks.

Top 5:
1. Rush-Any movie that makes me walk out and go "I WANT TO FUCKING RACE FORMULA 1" is a winner. Interesting story throughout, didn't get dull for me and made you like both protagonists.

2. American Hustle-Good film and I have a secret crush on Jennifer Lawrence, so any movie with her and Amy Adams doing sexy stuff is delightful

3. Man of Steel-People have this hard on for hating Zack Snyder, but I though it was a cool movie. People were just expecting it to be like 20 different things it wasn't (when you have people hating because Cavil isn't 6'3, you know they are reaching. Totally legit reasons to not like it, not saying otherwise)

4. The Great Gatsby-I'm a sucker for a romance (this one I can relate to) and possibly my favorite book ever written. My pen name is based on Gatsby's

5. I don't remember what else came out this year, so fuck it. Hunger Games was WAY better than I was expecting, and my secret crush on Jennifer Lawrence might as will make it number 5


Confused Thanagarian
lolol Sinister was awesome though. i wasn't really expecting it because it was like a bigger budget thing which is usually a letdown. but that lawnmower scene stuck with me. like that and the music with it was creepy as shit.

maybe i didn't like The Conjuring because haunted house stuff just feels old when there isn't like a different dynamic to it or something. it was definitely better than a lot that's come out like it though. and yeah Evil Dead was just bad because of what we all wanted it to be.

Resolution is awesome but it's a super low budget type movie (with decent acting though). It's sort of a Cabin in the Woods type of thing. Easily one of the best movies I've seen recently though. I don't think Maniac was really an indie release but that movie was creepy as fuck with the whole way it was done, and the fact that it's Elijah Wood. You're Next is good but could've been better. It is kind of cliche but it's really entertaining too.

If you like more paranormal type things though you should watch The Pact. One of the few that's actually legit scary imo.
I walked out of You're Next hemorrhaging from how bad it was. I guess it was meant to be cheesy though, so just not my cup of tea. Anyone see that commercial they did where the VO guy was like "Don't lock your doors........BECAUSE ANIMALS DON'T USE DOORS!"? I think it got pulled in like a week because of how bad it was (commercial from TV that is). I thought Mama wasn't bad all things considered. That 2 minute film it's based on was a bit creeper

skip the intro if you want


Come On Die Young
I walked out of You're Next hemorrhaging from how bad it was. I guess it was meant to be cheesy though, so just not my cup of tea. Anyone see that commercial they did where the VO guy was like "Don't lock your doors........BECAUSE ANIMALS DON'T USE DOORS!"? I think it got pulled in like a week because of how bad it was (commercial from TV that is). I thought Mama wasn't bad all things considered. That 2 minute film it's based on was a bit creepier
lol the point was for it to be like that though. it wasn't meant to be taken that seriously.

and yeah the short for Mama was really good. i didn't like the movie at all though


Come On Die Young
Real talk here, fuck the Conjuring and fuck the Warrens (Google their "contributions" to paranormal studies for the why).
That's exactly what I mean. If they were just made up for the movie they were kind of cool and well-acted, but the real Warrens were kind of scumbaggy


Confused Thanagarian
That's exactly what I mean. If they were just made up for the movie they were kind of cool and well-acted, but the real Warrens were kind of scumbaggy
I actually did a presentation for a history class about how terrible they are (meant to be about NJ folklore, I got to it eventually). Jodie da pig 4 life

"It must be some kind of cell phone jammer, you can get them for like $30 on Amazon"- You're Next, 2013. Fun fact, it apparently had a limited release in 2011, and I guess it did well enough to get a statewide one this year


Confused Thanagarian
Don't ruin the conjuring for me!

HellblazerHawkman reminded me of the new Carrie, which I thought was good, but I don't know that I'd count it as a horror particularly
The end had me amped up because I wanted everyone dead in a horrible way. I just wish they cut out the dumb getting ready for prom crap from the first one. Julian Moore was awesome in it, it was a lot better than I expected (also a cute girl there who was also seeing it alone, still regret not talking to her :()

Double side note, anyone watch JeremyJahns on YouTube and the new Paranormal Activity was about an hour long and garbage. Some effects with a shotgun had me laughing pretty hard though (as well as some other scenes)


blink-182 enthusiast
The end had me amped up because I wanted everyone dead in a horrible way. I just wish they cut out the dumb getting ready for prom crap from the first one. Julian Moore was awesome in it, it was a lot better than I expected (also a cute girl there who was also seeing it alone, still regret not talking to her :()

Double side note, anyone watch JeremyJahns on YouTube and the new Paranormal Activity was about an hour long and garbage. Some effects with a shotgun had me laughing pretty hard though (as well as some other scenes)
yeah Carrie for me in any adaptation always ends up with me rooting for her to kill everyone lol, the beginning always just feels like one huge anti-bullying PSA and it's super sad.

The part of the new PA with the shotgun had me clapping and cheering for how cheesy it was. I want an Arturo spin off!


Confused Thanagarian
Feel like I'm blowing this thread up (in a movie mode) for those who saw the Conjuring but were confused by the Doll

juicepouch you can watch this and not have the movie spoiled, just explains a REALLY unnecessary bit thrown in the film


Confused Thanagarian
yeah Carrie for me in any adaptation always ends up with me rooting for her to kill everyone lol, the beginning always just feels like one huge anti-bullying PSA and it's super sad.

The part of the new PA with the shotgun had me clapping and cheering for how cheesy it was. I want an Arturo spin off!
What Mexican gang goes to shoot up a house full of people with only two armed guys, 1 jackass with a camera and 1 girl who weighs as much as that shotgun? And I loke how they left him to die, no fucks given or second thoughts about locking him out


blink-182 enthusiast
Feel like I'm blowing this thread up (in a movie mode) for those who saw the Conjuring but were confused by the Doll

juicepouch you can watch this and not have the movie spoiled, just explains a REALLY unnecessary bit thrown in the film
I meant like don't ruin my perception of the movie lol, I've seen it. What does it have to do with the doll?


blink-182 enthusiast
What Mexican gang goes to shoot up a house full of people with only two armed guys, 1 jackass with a camera and 1 girl who weighs as much as that shotgun? And I loke how they left him to die, no fucks given or second thoughts about locking him out
Right? I like how his "gang" was just him and that bald dude. And in fairness, he did say something like "go get inside!" and then just stood there. I was expecting better deaths across the board. Although I thought the one at the very end wasn't terribad, even if it did just add some wrinkles into the first one