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The Top 10 Films of 2013 (and Biggest Disappointments)


My blades will find your heart
I loved pacific rim mainly for the special effects. The plot is moot considering it is in that sort of japanese monster movie style anyway.

I didnt really see any movies that disappointed me, or if I did I do not remember them lol


Come On Die Young
Kick-Ass 2 was good, certainly not a disappointment imo. Followed the comics pretty well

My favorite however was probably MoS or This is the End
NO. Kick ass 2 was hella disappointing. I was so pumped for it and it was just like mediocre.

Best for me -
Man of steel
Pacific rim
Resolution (biggest surprise probably)
American hustle
Now you see me

I thought Elysium was okay but I wasn't expecting much anyway

Biggest disappointments -
Kick ass 2
The conjuring


Online Punching Bag
1. Now you see me (one of the few big budget movie studio film that actually had some decent plot twists and good acting)
2. This is the End (a comedy making fun of themselves as actors was pretty damn funny in my opinion)
3. Pacific Rim, yeah I'm a sucker for shit being destroyed in a citywide scale.
4. Hobbit Desolation of Smaug, not a ton of story but plenty of action, I enjoyed it.
5. Star Trek Into Darkness, pretty much as good as the first IMO.

pretty much just Iron Man 3, it was really the only movie this year I expected much out of that did not deliver at all, crappy generic villain, took a great comic villain and turned into a lame ass, I watch Iron Man to see Tony Stark be an overconfident jerk and blow shit up with beam weapons, not be an emotionally wrecked pansy without a suit that makes friends with annoying children.


Favorite films of 2013(unordered)
Mama( This one gets me pretty good emotionally)
The Conjuring
V/H/S 2

Insidious 2
Evil Dead
Evil Dead
Evil Dead
Evil Dead


Stay Puft
Half of the films on people's lists aren't even out in Finland yet. Gonna go see The Wolf of Wall Street tomorrow. Gravity is definitely on my list. Django came out this year in Finland? Can I list that?


Scary Bat
American Hustle - Technically I only saw this in 2014, but it was really good, superb acting, amazing cast, great story. Pacing gets weird at times though.
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire - I'm a little bit shocked myself, but this film was pretty damn good, better than the first one by a mile.
Elysium - This is my top sci-fi film of the year.
Gravity - Visually stunning and great actors, but you gotta suspend a shit load of disbelief for something set in reality and that bugged me a bit.
Hobbit: DoS - Epics are epics. It brings the weight of the story and has that funny LOTR charm as well as being just damn beautiful
This Is The End - Shit was funny. Mad funny.
Man of Steel - *sigh* I liked it, between the incredible fight scenes and space-ships that look like dicks, it was great. Next time just bring a bit more Superman Charm and less painfully obvious Jesus imagery.
World War Z - Not as good as the book. The whole infection premise is a tad retarded, but it looked good and had decent actors and I like zombie films.
Pacific Rim - Mechas and Kaijus. No complaints here.
Much Ado About Nothing - Joss Whedon leading an incredibly talented cast of actors in my favorite play by Shakespeare. Literally can't lose.

Now You See Me - Might be the worst film this year by a mile for me. Cast of characters was to big for any 1 character to grow. End was beyond stupid.
Only God Forgives - Just awful.
RIPD -I don't even know why I watched this.
Mortal Instruments: City of Bones: Don't ask me why I had to go see this, just know that this is my choice for worst film of the year. Maybe all time.
Riddick - because I love the Riddick series and that shit was weak/a re-hash of Pitch Black's story. Earns even more bad points as I now know Batista is going to be Drax in GotG and he was terrible in this.

EDIT: Honorable mentions to the Marvel movies this year, they were all tight and had that good mix of charm and action, they just weren't the most amazing stories and did little to move shit forward in the Marvel Universe. Thor 2 > Wolverine > Iron Man 3


Was it good for you?
Didn't see many movies this year but my biggest disappointment was definitely The Conjuring. They hyped it up saying "this is a life changing movie" and "one of the scariest movies of all time" and to be honest it wasn't that scary, and I don't like scary movies either. But when u see the witch for the first time...holy shit lol.


blink-182 enthusiast
World War Z is the worst adaptation of a book I've ever seen in my entire life. I was enraged by how bad it was.

Was the Conjuring this year? That was probably the best horror movie of the past 5 years or so. The new Evil Dead wasn't great but I thought it was fun. I liked Pacific Rim and FF6 was as ludicrous and over the top fun as any of them have been.

Other than that, I don't think I have much an opinion on any of them


Scary Bat
World War Z is the worst adaptation of a book I've ever seen in my entire life. I was enraged by how bad it was.
By itself, not a bad film. But with that title it does leave a sour taste that it's no where near as good as the book.