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How in the world do I get my girlfriend into the FGC?


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Well. When I realized that me and the missus were getting serious...I had to sit her down and have a chat. I explained to her my passion for fighting games, my obsession with competition, and my legit desire to be a better player. I explained that to achieve this, I would have to spend a lot of time doing it. With that said, I also explained to her that I didn't expect her to just sit around while I ground out matches all day.

You kind of have to do a give and take sort of thing. Like...I'll watch four episodes of Charmed in a row because she likes it, and in exchange she'll read or play on Facebook while I grind matches for a few hours. Also, I stay up after she's asleep and get practice time in so that our together time isn't interrupted.

But you want to know about how to get her into it. The simplest answer I can give you is to communicate with her. Tell her WHY you like it so much, and why you'd like her to give it a try. My girl isn't a hardcore fighting game player, but as soon as she saw what Sindel looked like in MK9, that's who she played. She kind of just hit buttons, but I was fine with that. I showed her some more technical stuff and only introduced more as she showed interest in such.

Now...outside of fighting games...I did manage to get her to try Bioshock Infinite. She LOVES that game. Not so much with the first Bioshock(which puzzles me because Bioshock > Bioshock Infinite), but she enjoyed the experience. When it comes to tournies and such....she does attend when I go. Mostly because she wants to cheer me on, but if ever I'm at an event and she's bored, I ask her if there are any book stores or places of interest around that she'd like to go and just let her go. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you need to communicate with her and see how things go.

Damn. I sure do tangent a lot.

Lord Hollow

The Sage Of Michigan.
Just keep playing them on your own time until she asks you about it.If she doesn't, you haven't wasted any energy trying to force her into anything she doesn't want to.


B*tch Distributor
If you know me, you probably know Sauce. She goes to every major with me. 100% supportive of my fg hobby and she even listens while I complain about broken mechanics, new tech or anything. Having said that, I'll inform you tha she probably understands 15% of what I tell her, and really only enjoys going to events for the hype and because she loves the fgc. YOU GUYS are the reason females turn up at events. The attention given to a female, in a room of 500 dudes is overwhelmingly appreciated. BUUUUUUT its a look and dont touch type of appreciation. And who better to oogle silently in the corner than a bunch of socially inept button mashers?
Take her to an event. Let her feel like the prettiest girl in the world. Introduce her to your friends among the fgc. And then take her to the ballroom to experience teh magnitudes of hype we bring. You shall then have a gf who will let you play games, watch you play games, and listen to your salt over games.
Getting them to play? No clue. Sauce has picked up a pad once. She was drunk, and a sparring partners wasted gf was the opponent. Got about halfway through Harleys bnb before they both lost interest.

Good luck man. I love having Sauce in my corner when I play. Nothing makes losing more ok then the "dont worry I'll suck your peep later" face.

Miss Kanzuki

first impressions are everything so maybe she can make an account here and socialize then from there get in some ggs with members ...i would highly advise just turning her loose to the lobbies bc last thing you want is some scrub pissing her off !


B*tch Distributor
I love it that so many guys are like "don't do it! no girls allowed!" And all the ladies are like "bring her here! One of us, one of us!"

Oh TYM, you make me feel so young <3 Like third graders at recess telling the other sex it has cooties young.
I'd also like to point out to them that if you're not interested in spending your "you" time with your significant other, they probably aren't that significant.


Filthy Casual
This thread escalated quickly, I just choked on my water. But seriously I have never seen someone refer to their manhood as a peep....now i can never look at peeps the same again....
I've heard it before but it's been a while. I always thought cock sounded weird too unless you're insulting someone. Like "Hey, let go of my peep you cockface!"


Confused Thanagarian
UPDATE: I showed her the Theo vs Tyrant clip from NEC and she got hype. Progress made!
Lol, I was gonna suggest building a time machine and taking her to that moment. THE LIGHTS FLICKED OUT FROM THE HYPE, C'MON!

And I'm 2\3's aroused about the sexy turn this topic has taken. Missing third is because I don't know how getting my 'peep' chewed feels and I don't have anyone anymore who'd be willing to try


Confused Thanagarian
Mileena would....
I feel like I have to work up to that level. Like doing a survival ladder. Like, start with Johnny Cage, then Baraka, then Mileena with Shao Kahn or Shang Zun being the final challenge. That was a lot gayer than I intended, but you got my drift

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
My girlfriend just kicked my ass in Tekken Tag :rolleyes: She rarely plays and I never play lol.
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