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How in the world do I get my girlfriend into the FGC?

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
From experience I don't think football is that easy; I worked and trained athletes within the sport and it takes a lot more physically and mentally than any game, the intrinsic and extrinsic factors blow it away. Possibly, complicating things even more is a bad idea. But simple in the first place? Laughable. Football, in my opinion, is like Rocket Science. You spend ages preparing every little detail, setting your amazing plan in place - and it can still all fall apart in a matter of seconds. Football has so much to it, so many little variations and unforeseen consequences. Also from my own experiences I hate team sports because the difficulty of building chemistry with your teammates is another component that it's in own dimension. Sports like Tennis, Boxing etc the responsibility lies only on you. I rather work by myself than with others.
i meant from a spectators perspective........
also ive watched football literally my entire life and used to play so yeah i im aware its more complex then just tackles and touchdowns, its more mental than physical etc

Lord Hollow

The Sage Of Michigan.
Yes, what is up with that? I don't even like or play Tekken but that is her favorite fighting game lmao.
If I put in Street Fighter 4 or Injustice? Nope. So odd but I am not complaining in the least lol.
Because in Tekken and 3d games in general, it feels like she's doing something when she pushes buttons. With the movement of directions and buttons, a novice can visually do upwards of 20-30 different looking attacks. It gives them a sense of accomplishment.


A prop on the stage of life.
Because in Tekken and 3d games in general, it feels like she's doing something when she pushes buttons. With the movement of directions and buttons, a novice can visually do upwards of 20-30 different looking attacks. It gives them a sense of accomplishment.
Dude, no joke with Baek and Eddy all you need to do is mash the kick buttons and press in different directions and you'll do all sorts of crazy shit. lol


That Welsh Guy
I managed to get my girlfriend to buy an Xbox and Injustice, she enjoys playing it but it's so hard to get her to get good at the game lol
My wife is no where near as hardcore into it as I am, but one thing that I think helped in her case is that I'm usually a really quiet guy and I don't get into too many competitive things, and the first time she saw me watch EVO I think she was frightened/excited/intrigued by how animated and loud I was. She comes from a family that's really huge on baseball and I think it relieved her somewhat that I was able to understand the passion and craze behind a competitive sport.

Also, she grew up watching wrestling so she actually kind of enjoys the drama around the FGC. She had to work during NEC and she didn't really feel the urge to watch the replays, but she was still interested in the results for the various rivalries and big claims that happened.


PSN: Skkra
Just expose her to it. If it grows on her than cool, if it doesn't but she still humors you anyway at least she is willing to let you do what you love. Some people dont like FGs, nothing you can really do to change that.
This was the first reply to the thread, and the "correct" one. If nothing about competitive fighting games interests her, then it's GG.

I've mentioned this before on TYM, but it seems worth repeating here: my wife plays SF4 with me and my friends. She is a generally competitive person which helped, and she also enjoyed games to begin with (mostly classics like Donkey Kong Country, Dr Mario, etc). She would play fighting games if they were on since she's competitive, but would just button mash. However, after dating me long enough, she agreed to spend an hour with me in practice mode and let me show her what the game is ACTUALLY about.

Show your girl the TOTAL basics so that she has an anchor point for the strategy of the game. This is what helped my girl appreciate SF4. Just like with football, you can't appreciate an amazing double reverse if you don't even know that you have 4 plays and 10 yards to get a first down.

I spent 30 minutes with her in practice mode with Ryu and got her to be able to consistently do a fireball and dragon punch. I explained to her how, on the most absolute fundamental level, this was how you controlled space, which is what the game is all about. Fireball to control horizontal space. Dragon punch to control vertical space. After that we played for a little while where I went very easy and let her practice the concepts.

She had enough fun to keep playing, but she didnt REALLY love the game until I noticed that what she really seemed to love was throwing fireballs. I put her on Sagat, and BAM. Instant love for the game. She's been playing for a few years now, and while she has only come to 2 majors and isn't really into attending tournaments, she'll occasionally sit and watch a stream with me and my friends if it's on, and she DOES enjoy playing. So I'd call it a success.

Maybe the same could work for you? Best of luck.


Drops combos
My girlfriend is a back seat player. When I was playing MK9 she'd tell me something like "I would have done this or that" or "Why aren't you blocking" (while I'm being comboed she assumed I could block whenever I wanted and stop the combo) and say that she could beat me if her fingers would work how her brain wants to move the characters. Then injustice came out and she didn't get past the tutorial, got really salty and I had a bad rest of my night. Lesson learned.