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UFGT10: X - What would you like to see improved?


Confused Thanagarian
The character auction was great, didn't some guy blow like $100 on GA just so ChrisG wouldn't get him? Don't have anything new to add in complaints, just didn't want to get all doom and gloom over this


Emperor of the Moon
Significantly better scheduling for top 8. Injustice was 9:30am, SFIV was at 12:30pm with hours of Mystery Game and Divekick until UMVC3. Let me say Mystery Game is an awesome concept and really fun, I've entered it 2 our of the 3 year I went. Divekick is great to see a success from someone in the community. But the fact is people were playing both of those for on the side for fun. By its nature mystery game is something people aren't proficient in and Divekick wasn't released yet. This is supposed to be a fighting game major showcasing the best of the best in fighting game talent for the final top 8s, and half the day was spent with things that were just fun amusement. The people that worked to make top 8 in IGAU and SFIV deserve better than that next year.

I agree with CrimsonShadow the pools need to be streamed. I can't speak for GGA HAN but he streams our weekly and we get 180+ viewers for the group of us that plays every week and I think he'd be perfect for it. GGA 16 Bit has risen our numbers significantly just by his super hype commentary. GGA is unquestionably home of Chicago NRS games so it fits perfectly to have them involved in the biggest tournament for them in Chicago.

As for other events I'd like to see. Regional team battles would be great. I know it can be hard because not everyone from every region can attend but there should be enough to make a few good teams besides locals. Personally I'd rather that than a character auction because it gets more people involved but that's just me. Character auction is pretty cool though.

Not sold on 3 out of 5 but not against it either. We tried it at the first GBS and it went until like 1am so it may add significantly more time than expected. I'd say keep an eye on other tournaments and see if any of them run 3 out of 5 and how long it takes before deciding to make the switch at a major.

Last one I doubt can change but whatever I'll speak my mind just the same. Try to make it a two day event instead of three. Its really hard to schedule something like that, especially with a lot of things happening on Friday.


My blades will find your heart
DJT and I thank that guy :). But he wasn't the only crazy guy. I remember some fool put $50 bucks down on Doomsday...

Oh and on a positive note, Max did a very good job organizing pools in my opinion.
You should see the SF character auctions. One local I went to someone spent 400 bucks on DeeJay(who isnt even their main :confused:)



I think the GGA guys should talk to Keits about streaming to see if something can be arranged. Things are still early enough where I'm certain something can be arranged that can make all parties happy. Especially if that's what the community wants. He's on twitter and I think he has an account here too (@Keits).
My two biggest issues were the Injustice setup had some power issues, if someone like barely bumped a table the power would go out on TVs, happened to me during losers finals in my pool.

In regards to streaming, there were lots of hype matches that didn't make it on stream. I'm not sure it was a issue of amount of stream time, vs what they choose to stream. I know 32-16 wasn't streamed and that block had A LOT of great matches.


A prop on the stage of life.
I had no issues that can be resolved. I just had a weekend of bad luck. Ribbz and I play on the laggiest tv in the venue, I let Chris G beat me in losers finals in mk, and I missed the one panel I wanted to go to because my pool was running right when it started. :/ All minor issues. Btw how was staffing last year? I'm pretty sure Keits needed some more help, so maybe I'll see about showing up early next year and helping run the event. :)
Inb4 "Contractual Obligations" on streaming, lol, that's the line GGA got last year I think.

They even had their own 3G card!


Mid Tier
I traveled about 1500 miles for this tourny. And I had a great time.

My thoughts:

I thought everything was fine besides the stations. Pools were ran great and on time. well organized. lots of room to move around in the ballroom. Great atmosphere, nice people. Very well organized tourny. People bitching about start times and shit shouldn't, we have a game, it was included in the tourny. Big fuckin deal if you have to get up to play in finals that start at 10:00am or whatever it was. Injustice was a month old.

They had a ton of games there and that is not easy to do and run it that well.

But the MK/INJ stations were pure trash. When you gather around to watch Forever King vs PL and its visibly more laggy then online, the match becomes a joke. Fatty PS3s into power bars into other power bars, it wasn't good. that never should have been aloud to happen. Im happy i didn't get electrocuted. I also had the montitor going off issue in a button check only, but still. that pretty much takes you outta the moment, and outta the game. I also thought they had room from probably at least 4 more set ups for NRS games if it was set up a little differently. they had a ton of space there and things could have been arranged a little differently to have more places for people to play.

Anyways. it was fun, but the people make it fun. Pools being ran on time is huge for me, and having a place to sit, so that was good.

Probably wouldn't travel for it again though.



False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
I traveled about 1500 miles for this tourny. And I had a great time.

My thoughts:

I thought everything was fine besides the stations. Pools were ran great and on time. well organized. lots of room to move around in the ballroom. Great atmosphere, nice people. Very well organized tourny. People bitching about start times and shit shouldn't, we have a game, it was included in the tourny. Big fuckin deal if you have to get up to play in finals that start at 10:00am or whatever it was. Injustice was a month old.

They had a ton of games there and that is not easy to do and run it that well.

But the MK/INJ stations were pure trash. When you gather around to watch Forever King vs PL and its visibly more laggy then online, the match becomes a joke. Fatty PS3s into power bars into other power bars, it wasn't good. that never should have been aloud to happen. Im happy i didn't get electrocuted. I also had the montitor going off issue in a button check only, but still. that pretty much takes you outta the moment, and outta the game. I also thought they had room from probably at least 4 more set ups for NRS games if it was set up a little differently. they had a ton of space there and things could have been arranged a little differently to have more places for people to play.

Anyways. it was fun, but the people make it fun. Pools being ran on time is huge for me, and having a place to sit, so that was good.

Probably wouldn't travel for it again though.

I forget who's match it was, but someone plugged a stick into a PS3, and the station next to it's monitor went off lol. Hopefully those issues won't happen again this year since it's on Xbox.

PU2012 was really bad with the power issues too, stations going out randomly and PS3's dropping inputs due to lack of power.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
I love Chicago and the guys there, but I will not be returning to UFGT this year. I traveled a couple thousand miles only to be forced to play on inexcusably laggy and dodgy setups. Injustice received minimal stream time and hosted top 8 FAR too early in the morning (keep in mind the game was only a month old at the time). I loved hanging out with the players there but that tournament is flawed and I don't see how it can change.


More Divekick streams.
Not sure about you guys but I want a lot more Divekick :rolleyes:
I forget who's match it was, but someone plugged a stick into a PS3, and the station next to it's monitor went off lol. Hopefully those issues won't happen again this year since it's on Xbox.

PU2012 was really bad with the power issues too, stations going out randomly and PS3's dropping inputs due to lack of power.
If systems aren't getting power it's not because of how the system was built. It's lack of maintenance and care of the system or old wiring in the venue or loose outlets that the plugs are not sitting properly in. These issues could happen just as easily with a 360 as it could with a ps3.


Alright, I'm back. For those of you who don't know, I'm the assistant TO of UFGT. I handle all of the brackets making, seeding, and bracket running responsibilities. I thought I handled that job pretty well for both MK and Injustice this year. I'm also responsible, together with Keits, for making the schedule. [dodges beer bottles]

Anyway, I'm here to respond to people's concerns. I'm not going to answer questions on everything, but I'll do my best to answer most of them.

Stream Time: Injustice was on stream for 4 blocks, more than any game apart from SF4 and MvC3. The 4 blocks were 2 pools, Top 16 (Semifinals), and Top 8 (Finals). We also had the Injustice auction on Friday night, which I think was much more exciting than the Marvel auction this year due to the community actively bidding up certain characters. Top 32 to Top 16 was not streamed, which I know a lot of people were disappointed about.

(EDIT: Keits (who is reading this thread by the way) wants me to mention that Injustice had 9 total hours of stream time, 8 not counting the auction. SSF4 had 12 hours. Marvel had 14. No other game had more than 6, I think. Divekick only had finals streamed, which was around 3 hours, admittedly in prime-time on Sunday, but I'll discuss that further down. I think a big part of thinking that the game got little stream time was that at the time, Injustice matches were running really, really, really fast (if I recall correctly) and pools were finishing much quicker than expected.)

The thing is that we have a different philosophy about running tournaments than, say, NEC, particularly when it comes to streaming. At NEC, you have 5 or 6 (or more) streams, one for each community, streaming all pools and semifinals all day, usually using 4G, then Sunday Top 8 gets shown on Team Spooky (sometimes). While this keeps the community happy, since everything is streamed, it also often results in a lower-quality stream as all these community streamers fight for bandwidth at the hotel. In addition, having lots of community streamers makes it nearly impossible for the TO of the event to be in charge the output. By that, I mean making sure all the streams have the same overlays, the same sponsor cards, the same commercials, etc. Also, and just as importantly, it's much more difficult to ensure that nothing inappropriate gets said on a stream, and while the stream may be a community-run thing, it's also representing the tournament itself. Example: At NEC, on the Anime game stream, the stream proprietor St1ckbug repeatedly used the word "rape" in his commentary. Somebody called him out on it, and he responded by going on a big rant about how "rape" was fine to use. Fortunately, Kotaku didn't get word of this so any bad press was fortunately avoided. However, should a media outlet found that footage, who gets blamed? St1ckbug for saying it? The anime community for streaming it? Or Big E and NEC for running the tournament being streamed? The answer is all of them, especially Big E since he's in charge of the event, even though he had nothing to do with it and likely wasn't (and may even still not be) aware that it happened.

At UFGT, our philosophy is that since it's our tournament, ultimately, it's our responsibility regarding what the public sees and hears. This is why for the past two years, we've only had two streamers each time. The streamers coordinated their overlays to be the same, they had the same slides, same graphics, same everything. They even had a feature where during a lull in the action, one of the streams could "peek in" at what was happening on the other stream at the same time (just like real sports!). In addition, with only two streams, the hotel internet was able to handle it and the streams looked better as a result. Of course, the downside of this is that there's very limited time for games to have their time on stream, and nowadays there's more games than ever. We felt we did the fairest thing possible while still trying to maximize viewers with our stream schedule allotments. We also allowed community people to record certain matches that took place offstream. Medina did this for MK9 at UFGT8 (2012). The Tekken community took advantage of this as well by recording their Top 16 matches. Admittedly, we could publicize this fact better.

I will say that next year, having 3 streams is looking very likely. However, stream time is still going to be limited for a lot of games. We won't know for sure until we make the schedule.

Setups Lagging: I can't verify this myself, but this is what I heard from Focus Fire, who handled all of our equipment at UFGT7, 8, and 9: The stations were on the correct settings on Friday, but by Saturday, they were upscaled to 1080p. We don't know how or why this happened or who did this, and frankly, we're really mad about it. I will say that our policy is that whenever there's a problem with the equipment, you should bring it to the attention of the bracket runner, equipment manager, or TO immediately, and we'll respond by working to fix the problem. Apparently with the Soul Calibur V tournament this year, none of the setups had the unlockable characters unlocked. They played through the whole tournament without telling us this, and as a result, we didn't fix it, because we didn't know. And we could have easily solved this problem simply if one of them had talked to us. (I'm REALLY pissed about that too.) Anyway, we're definitely going to do our best to make sure something like that doesn't happen again, and if somehow it does, we need to know about it so we can fix it.

Setups Flickering: This problem is more complicated. It was also a problem that we didn't foresee at all and one that didn't have a good solution. For those who don't know, UFGT9 was our first time holding an event at this particular hotel. We previously were at a different Crowne Plaza to the northeast. When we first started hearing about setups flickering on and off when people plugged in controllers, we immediately told the hotel to call the electrician. The electrician came and told us that the hotel had what he called "dirty power". I don't completely understand it, but basically, the power that the hotel received was unregulated, and whenever somebody plugged in a new controller (especially a fightstick), there would be a large surge of electricity that would cause monitors on the same table (since it was all connected) to flicker off and on. I heard that Wound Cowboy got fucked over by this happening, and for that I sincerely apologize (not that apologizing makes it better).

Anyway, for UFGT10, this unregulated power situation has been a main topic of discussion in Keits' talks with the hotel venue. Basically, one of two things will happen: Either the hotel will get their power fixed, or we (or the hotel) will obtain several Monster regulators, regardless of cost. Either way, the monitor flickering will not happen again.

9:30am: There's two parts to this story. (1) I feel now that 9am was too early to start on Sunday, regardless of what games were played at that time. The start time on Sunday should have been 10am, which would've put Injustice at 10:30. Now, I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with having a game's finals that early on a Sunday. And here's the second part. (2) What WAS a mistake was holding Injustice Top 8 first on Sunday morning when MK Top 8 was last on Saturday night. That was a huuuuuuuuuuuge oversight regarding the schedule, and for that I take full responsibility as a schedule makers. I also take responsibility for King of Fighters and Tekken Tag 2 running long on Saturday evening, which pushed MK back even later. This was a very legitimate complaint. Again, having Injustice Top 8 so early when MK Top 8 was so late the night before was a gigantic mistake and for that, I am deeply sorry. All I can say now is that I will do everything I can to make sure something similar doesn't happen again when I am making the schedule for next year.

As for Divekick having a primetime spot on Sunday instead of Injustice, this is, in fact, a case of sponsors. Unlike UFGT8, where we had several sponsors, the number of sponsors for UFGT9 actually went down. The biggest sponsor for UFGT9 was in fact Iron Galaxy. Therefore, their game got precedence on the main stage, even ahead of Super Street Fighter 4. And yes, since Keits works at Iron Galaxy and Divekick is his game, self-interest did rule the day. But running a big tournament like this is a very selfless thing. We don't do this for money (I ended up in the red and Keits broke even, I think), we do this for the fighting game community. I feel that putting his game in primetime is a small benefit to the big energy and money loss of running a major tournament. (And if WB or Team Ninja or Lab Zero paid to sponsor UFGT, their games would get the god treatment as well, guaranteed.)

Sum up: We don't hate NRS games at UFGT. We don't hate the community either. I consider myself good friends with Delriach, Medina, Dizzy, Steve, Webster, Tommy, and the rest of the GGA guys. And if you go back to UFGT8, that MK tournament was very successful, I felt, and everybody seemed to have a good time. Obviously things at UFGT9 were not so great for many of you. Some of that is because things didn't go as planned, and more of that is because things did go as planned. Once again, scheduling MK at midnight on Saturday and Injustice at 9:30am on Sunday was a huge mistake. If you don't want to attend UFGT10, I completely understand. All I can do is say that we will try our hardest to do better next year.

EDIT Forgot one thing

Stage Selection: The game was new, and there was a lot of discussion over which was the best way to handle stage selection rules at UFGT9. I heard a lot of different opinions on the issue (and I mean a lot). We ultimately decided that the rule would be loser would have the option to 50/50 a new stage, but with all the confusion from all the different possibilities to handle it, I think we only announced it as just "you can 50/50" not "you can 50/50 if you lose". So because of the confusion, it ended up with people just 50/50ing at the beginning of every match. Anyway, this won't be an issue for UFGT10 since there's a defined ruleset now.

EDIT Also forgot about this until I saw Keits' tweets

Number of setups: I'm actually going to side with the bad guys on this one. We only obtain the number of setups we need to run the tournament, which in this case was just 4 for Injustice. There was a BYOC station in the back with free monitors to hook up consoles to, which few people took advantage of. (Admittedly, that's something we need to promote more in the future, since I'm not sure many people were aware of it.) With just 4 monitors, we were able to run Injustice perfectly on time.

However, I will admit that in comparison to Marvel and Street Fighter, Injustice had fewer setups. Marvel, SF, and Injustice all had 16 tournament pools, the difference was that the Capcom pools were run 4 at a time in 4 total time blocks while Injustice pools ran only 2 at a time in 8 total time blocks. So not only did Injustice have 4 fewer setups than Marvel & SF, but there was also much less time for casual matches than those other games, with tournament pools happening throughout both Friday and Saturday. And with Injustice having significantly more entrants than other games with only 4 setups (although significantly fewer entrants than Marvel or SF), I can certainly understand the frustrations you have. I think we were all caught off-guard by how popular Injustice turned out to be. I also think we didn't realize how much people use our tournament setups for casuals. Injustice did pull the short straw in this particular case, but given that there were other options for getting more casuals in, the small number of setups is not one of the things that I'm going to apologize for.
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NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I can understand those that are hesitant to spend tons of money to travel out to UFGT X after having done so for UFGT 9. But I think that using UFGT 9 to judge the overall experience of UFGT events would be a big mistake.
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I definitely can't see myself going again (will go to final round or CEO for sure). UFGT was just sloppy and the setups for the NRS games were horrible. I did enjoy seeing my family and of course the people of the community, but as a competitor, that was as bad as NCR 2012 was for mk9.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Everything I had concerns with was covered.

Man, it sucks seeing out of towners say they won't come back. UFGT 7 and 8 were godlike. Curly is legit. I think it's worth giving UFGT another chance.


I definitely can't see myself going again (will go to final round or CEO for sure). UFGT was just sloppy and the setups for the NRS games were horrible. I did enjoy seeing my family and of course the people of the community, but as a competitor, that was as bad as NCR 2012 was for mk9.
That's understandable. I do want to say that the people involved with UFGT have worked on CEO as well. Focus Fire--who provided and maintained the equipment for UFGT9--also provides and handles equipment at CEO, I assisted Jebailey in bracketing and seeding matters this past year; and Keits consults with Jebailey frequently concerning tournament organizing matters. All of us can and have run very successful tournaments, it's just that UFGT9 wasn't it.


Waiting for Havik
UFGT 9 showed how much care Keits has for the fighting game community and how much care he has for making money out of pseudo fighting games.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

CrimsonShadow covered most of everything and my thoughts agree w him.

I also have thoughts and questions for direct answers

So will the inj/mk9 community be allowed 100% to stream pools that are not streamed on the main channel w our own verizon 4g and equipment? If not why?

Mk9/injustice on ps3 is atrocious, everyone has adopted xbox as the system of choice now. Will UFGT do the same?

The seed points for mk9 at Evo were never turned in and accounted for according to the Evo staff. This screwed up seedings at Evo, what can be done to ensure this "random oversight" won't occur again

Will UFGT allocate stream time slots based solely on # of entrants ? This makes sense and will encourage UFGT lineup support from every community. Example AE MVC injustice have top 3 entrants it'd make logical business sense to have (example only)
MVC 8:30
AE. 7:30
Inj. 6:30

PM not AM of course (jokingly stab at the top 8 time last year lol....I joke)

If tekken has 32 entrants then that means two things or at least one
#1. The community is dead as is the game
#2. They all bonded and said FUCK UFGT , we ain't going

More likely #1

If a game had 32 entrants its top 8 should be at 9am Sunday not any PM time PERIOD

Also why do TOs pay $1000-$3000 to get hard line Internet connection at hotels when they're never GUARANTEED and usually faulty when they could supply 4- 6 4g Verizon cards or help cover the streamers data w the $ and hold streamers responsible for supplying 4g cards

5-6 4g cards = 500-600 which is miles better than puny time separated by 9 games for $1000-3000

My idea supports community

Thanks for your very well written previous post and I'm asking these questions cause many want to hear 100% yes or no answers to plan accordingly

Thanks again
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Here's another thing to the community. Stop telling these people how to make their business better without them paying you. Especially these same people that dicked the community over. You wanna kill our games in the tournament scene? Then they want free advice on how to make their shit better after screwing you over?! OH REALLY?! Here's my advice; fuck you! FUCK you! FUCK YOU!